Data Manager

User Manual

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Data Manager. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Configure custom tags in Data Manager

Add custom tags that match your environment's existing tagging scheme, in order to keep track of the AWS resources that are created by Data Manager CloudFormation templates, and operate in your environment.

Data Manager uses CloudFormation to tag resources that are supported via CloudFormation. For the resources that do not support tagging using CloudFormation, Data Manager has an AWS custom resource, backed by a Lambda function, that will tag them using boto3 APIs.

Edit custom tags

Users can perform the following edits to their custom tags:

  • Edit keys, values or both keys and values.
  • Remove one or more key-value pairs
  • Add one or more key-value pairs.
  • Delete key-value pairs.

If tags are being removed, the best practice is to perform a review on the review input modal page.

Once the edit process starts, your previous configurations cannot be restored.

Last modified on 12 February, 2024
Delete your AWS data inputs for Data Manager   GCP prerequisites for Data Manager

This documentation applies to the following versions of Data Manager: 1.9.0

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