Splunk® Datasets Add-on

Install the Splunk Datasets Add-on

Documentation for the Splunk Datasets Add-on

Because the Splunk Datasets Add-on is versioned along with the Splunk platform, its features are documented alongside other Splunk platform dataset management features. See Table datasets and the Splunk Datasets Add-on in the Splunk Enterprise Knowledge Manager Manual.

This link takes you to the documentation for the most recently-released version of Splunk Enterprise. If you are on an earlier Splunk platform version, adjust the documentation version accordingly. You will not see documentation topics on datasets functionality for Splunk platform versions before 6.5.0.

Last modified on 24 February, 2017
Install the Splunk Datasets Add-on   Release notes for the Splunk Datasets Add-on

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Datasets Add-on: 1.0

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