Part 4: Schedule the correlation search
Decide how often you want the search to run, and how often you want response actions to be triggered in response to search matches. You can adjust the schedule window and throttling to make sure that duplicate events are not created, which could result in duplicate actions being taken by analysts or the automated response actions that you set up.
Configure a schedule for the correlation search
Correlation searches can run with a real-time or continuous schedule.
- Use a real-time schedule to prioritize current data and performance. Searches with a real-time schedule are skipped if the search cannot be run at the scheduled time. Searches with a real-time schedule do not backfill gaps in data that occur if the search is skipped.
- Use a continuous schedule to prioritize data completion, as searches with a continuous schedule are never skipped.
As excessive failed logins matter most when you hear about them quickly, select a real-time schedule for the search. If you care more about identifying all excessive failed logins in your environment, you can select a continuous schedule for the search instead.
Set a cron schedule to run the search every five minutes.
- In the Cron Schedule field, type
*/5 * * * *
. - In the Scheduling list, select Real-time Schedule.
Set up throttling to limit the number of alerts
Set up throttling to limit the number of alerts generated by your correlation search. By default, each result returned by the correlation search generates an alert. Typically, you only want one alert of a certain type. You can set up throttling to prevent a correlation search from creating more than one alert of a certain type.
- Type a Window Duration of 1 and select day(s) from the drop-down list to throttle alerts to 1 per day.
- Type app and src as Fields to group by. You want to select the fields here that you split the aggregates by.
This means that no matter how many Excessive Failed Logins correlation search matches there are in one day that contain the same app and source field values, only one alert is created.
Next Step
Part 5: Choose available adaptive response actions for the correlation search.
Part 3: Create the correlation search in guided mode | Part 5: Choose available adaptive response actions for the correlation search |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise Security: 4.6.0 Cloud only
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