Splunk® Security Content

Release Notes

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Security Content. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

What's new

Enterprise Security Content Updates v4.36.0 was released on July 17th, 2024 and includes the following enhancements:

Key highlights

Enterprise Security Content Updates version 4.36.0 introduces a comprehensive suite of new detections related to Sneaky Active Directory Persistence Tricks. These detections are designed to identify and alert on subtle techniques used by attackers to maintain unauthorized access within Active Directory environments. This update includes analytics for detecting distributed and localized password spray attempts, identifying internal horizontal and vertical port scans, and alerting on Windows AD self-group additions.

Additionally, this release incorporates detections for monitoring increases in group or object modification activity, tracking unusual spikes in user modification activity, detecting suspicious Windows network share interactions, and identifying installations of known vulnerable drivers. These new capabilities significantly enhance an organization's ability to spot and respond to sophisticated persistence techniques in Active Directory, improving overall security posture against advanced persistent threats.

New analytics

Other updates

Added new data_source objects

Last modified on 31 July, 2024

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Security Content: 4.36.0

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