Splunk® Edge Hub OS

Release Notes

For documentation on other necessary components for Splunk Edge Hub, see the Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR documentation, Splunk Edge Hub mobile app documentation, and Splunk Edge Hub hardware documentation.
This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Edge Hub OS. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Splunk Edge Hub release notes

Thank you for your interest in the the Splunk Edge Hub . You can collect sensor data and stream it into a Splunk Cloud platform instance. To get started, see the following documentation:

Splunk Edge Hub is supported with Victoria and Classic Experience Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise deployments version 9.0 or higher.

Upgrading to Splunk Edge Hub version 1.3.2 and the Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR version 4.2.1

Upgrading to Splunk Edge Hub version 1.3.2 and the Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR version 4.2.1 resets configurations stored in KVStore. After upgrading, make sure to configure the Splunk Edge Hub indexes and HEC token. Check the index names and make sure they match the default ones listed in Create indexes for Splunk Edge Hub. For HEC configuration documentation, see Configure the HTTP Event Collector (HEC) for Splunk Edge Hub.

What's New

Splunk Edge Hub version 1.3.2 is a patch release that includes a bug fix and security improvements. See the Fixed issues for more details.

Splunk Edge Hub version 1.3 has the following updates:

Fixed issues

The following issue was fixed in this version of Splunk Edge Hub:

  • Fixed the issue that caused the OPC-UA data streamer to send data to the edge_hub_logs index instead of the edge_hub_opcua index.

Known issue

The following are known issues in this version of Splunk Edge Hub:

  • Splunk Edge Hubs cannot be registered using Splunk Cloud Platform version 9.0.2209.2. Use Splunk Cloud platform version 9.0.2208.4 instead.
  • The Disk Memory Used (%) metric is not available in the Splunk Edge Hub Performance dashboard.
  • During Advanced Registration, the Splunk Edge Mobile app gives the error, "A server with the specified hostname could not be found."
    • Workaround: Repeat registration steps until you get the message "Continue on the Hub". Complete steps on the Splunk Edge Hub screen.
Last modified on 31 May, 2023
  Splunk Edge Hub warranty

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Edge Hub OS: beta1.3.2

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