Splunk® Cloud Gateway (Legacy)

Use Splunk Cloud Gateway

Splunk Cloud Gateway is a legacy app as of version 1.13.2. To register mobile devices and configure your Splunk Connected Experiences deployment, use Splunk Secure Gateway. See the Splunk Secure Gateway documentation to learn more.

Troubleshoot Splunk Cloud Gateway

This topic provides information about how to troubleshoot Splunk Cloud Gateway.

If you're experiencing connection issues with Splunk Cloud Gateway, see Troubleshoot Cloud Gateway Connection Issues.

If you're using a proxy, make sure to open port 443 outbound to prod.spacebridge.spl.mobi to enable Splunk Cloud Gateway. See Install Splunk Cloud Gateway for more information.

Troubleshoot registration, unregistration, and service-level errors

Refer to the following table if you receive an error code in Splunk Cloud Gateway:

Error code Meaning What to do
503 The app is unable to connect to the Cloud Gateway service. The connection is unavailable or Splunk Cloud Gateway modular_inputs aren't working. Make sure you have internet connection, or contact your Splunk administrator.
500 The app is able to make the request to the Cloud Gateway service, but encountered an internal error. Contact Splunk support.
403 You don't have the right permissions. See Configure Splunk Cloud Gateway and dashboard permissions.
401 The request requires authentication. Make sure you're logged in, or try clearing your browser cache.

If you or a Splunk admin changes your Splunk user credentials, then your device will be unregistered.

To register your device again, use Splunk Cloud Gateway. An admin must give you the cloudgateway role and enable token authentication so you can access the Connected Experiences apps again.

If token authentication is not enabled, users will not be able to access the Connected Experiences apps. Enable token authentication so users can register their devices again after their credentials have been changed.

See Enable token authentication to learn how to enable token authentication. See Register your mobile device to a Splunk instance for registration steps

Troubleshoot performance issues

If Splunk Cloud Gateway isn't working, check that the modular_inputs are running:

For Mac OS X or Linux

Determine if Splunk Cloud Gateway modular_inputs are running. For example:

$ ps ax | grep modular_input

Responses to your modular_inputs indicate the Splunk Cloud Gateway modular_inputs are running. For example:

25468 ?        Ss     0:24 python /opt/splunk/etc/apps/splunk_app_cloudgateway/bin/subscription_modular_input.py
26201 ?        Ssl    0:28 python /opt/splunk/etc/apps/splunk_app_cloudgateway/bin/cloudgateway_modular_input.py

For Windows

Determine if Splunk Cloud Gateway modular_inputs are running. Run the following SPL in the Search and Reporting app:

index=_internal sourcetype="cloudgateway_app_internal_log" subscription_modular_input OR cloudgateway_modular_input "Running"

Here's an example result indicating that the Splunk Cloud Gateway modular_inputs are running:

INFO [cloudgateway_modular_input.app] [cloudgateway_modular_input] [do_run] [84225] Running Splunk Cloud Gateway modular input on search captain node

INFO [subscription_modular_input.app] [subscription_modular_input] [do_run] [84230] Running Subscription Manager modular input on search captain node

Disable and re-enable the Splunk Cloud Gateway modular inputs

If the Splunk Cloud Gateway modular_inputs aren't running, there might be an installation issue. See Install Splunk Cloud Gateway for installation information. Or you can disable and re-enable the following Splunk Cloud Gateway modular inputs in Splunk Web in Settings > Data Inputs:

  • Splunk Cloud Gateway
  • Splunk Cloud Gateway Subscription Processor
  • Splunk Cloud Gateway Mobilie Alerts TTL
  • Splunk Cloud Gateway Role Based Notification Manager
  • Splunk Cloud Gateway Metrics Collector
  • Splunk Cloud Gateway Subscription Clean Up

Troubleshoot data request issues

See the following suggestions to troubleshoot data request issues.

There isn't a limit to how many devices can be registered per deployment. However, Splunk Cloud Gateway supports up to 25 simultaneous user requests per deployment. More than 25 simultaneous requests might cause performance issues. Reduce the number of simultaneous requests per deployment if you're running into performance issues.

Unable to see a dashboard or panel

Configure the appropriate dashboard permissions to make dashboards visible in the Connected Experiences apps. See Configure Splunk Cloud Gateway and dashboard permissions for more information about configuring dashboard permissions for the Connected Experiences apps. Apps without these permissions will not appear in the Connected Experiences apps.

If you can't find a dashboard you're looking for, and you're sure that it contains only supported visualizations, make sure the app that the dashboard comes from is selected in the App Selection tab. See Select which Splunk apps to show dashboards from in the mobile apps.

If the dashboard you're looking for isn't on the dashboard list, or a panel isn't loading, the dashboard may contain an unsupported visualization or configuration. For a list of supported visualizations and dashboard configurations, see Visualization support for the Connected Experiences apps in the Splunk Cloud Gateway Release Notes manual.

Unable to see dashboard list

If you can't see your list of dashboards, you might be running into a service connection error. See Troubleshoot Splunk Cloud Gateway Connection Issues in the Splunk Cloud Gateway Use Splunk Cloud Gateway manual.

Unable to send alerts to mobile devices from Splunk Enterprise Security

To send alerts from Splunk Enterprise, add splunk_app_cloudgateway to the update_es Application Inclusion List in the App Imports Update page of Splunk Enterprise.

See Send Enterprise Security alerts to mobile devices for more information.

Last modified on 17 February, 2021
Troubleshoot Splunk Cloud Gateway Connection Issues  

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Cloud Gateway (Legacy): 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.4.0, 1.5.0, 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.7.2, 1.8.0, 1.9.0, 1.9.1, 1.11.0, 1.12.0, 1.12.1, 1.12.2, 1.12.4, 1.13.0, 1.13.2, 1.13.3

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