Splunk® Cloud Gateway (Legacy)

Install and Administer Splunk Cloud Gateway

Configure cloudgateway.conf

To modify the Splunk Cloud Gateway configuration, create a cloudgateway.conf file in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/splunk_app_cloudgateway/local. You need the admin role to configure cloudgateway.conf.

Here's a sample cloudgateway.conf file:

# default cloudgateway.conf with samples for configuration of Splunk Cloud Gateway App

# Set address of the Cloud Gateway service.  By default it is set to prod.spacebridge.spl.mobi

# This controls the log_level for application logs, by default this is set to INFO
# If you need more detailed logs set to DEBUG
log_level = INFO

# Set the request timeout in seconds seen at the async request level.  Default 15s
# async_timeout = 15

# This setting controls the interval in which the Search Head will query if it is the Captain in a SHC
# The Splunk Cloud Gateway App currently processes all requests through the Captain in a SHC
cluster_monitor_interval = 300

# Enable cluster mode.  If enabled, the modular inputs will run on every member of the SHC.  Disabled, it will only run
# on the captain.
cluster_mode_enabled = false

# Set the request timeout in seconds seen at the client level.  Default 30s
request_timeout_secs = 30

# When a websocket disconnects reconnection code retries with exponential back-off to a maximum value
# The reconnect_max_delay is the maximum reconnection delay in seconds, default is 60s
reconnect_max_delay = 60

# The subscription_manager_modular_input will run for a period defined by the manager_lifetime_seconds configuration before restarting the process
# The default lifetime is 3600s
manager_lifetime_seconds = 3600

# The subscription_manager_modular_input will poll new subscription requests from clients at an interval defined by the manage_interval_seconds
# The default interval is 0.1s.  If the Search Head instance is not performant this may be an option to reduce API calls to the host.
manager_interval_seconds = 0.2

# [dashboard]
# The dashboard_list_max_count setting will limit the number of dashboards returned in the dashboard list API
# If the dashboard list is timing out on clients this a helpful setting to limit the returned dashboards
# This is primarily a setting you would set while debugging an issue
# dashboard_list_max_count = 10000

# [proxyConfig]
# If set, Splunk Cloud Gateway App sends all HTTP requests through the proxy server that you specify.
# No Default.  Example formats:
# http_proxy = http://user:password@proxyIP:proxyPort
# http_proxy = user:password@proxyIp:proxyPort,
# http_proxy = http://proxyIp:proxyPort
# http_proxy = proxyIp:proxyPort

# If set, Splunk Cloud Gateway App sends all HTTPS requests through the proxy server that you specify.
# No default.  Example formats:
# https_proxy = https://user:password@proxyIP:proxyPort
# https_proxy = user:password@proxyIp:proxyPort,
# https_proxy = https://proxyIp:proxyPort
# https_proxy = proxyIp:proxyPort
Last modified on 14 August, 2020
Configure Splunk Cloud Gateway and dashboard permissions   About MDM and In-app Registration

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Cloud Gateway (Legacy): 1.4.0, 1.5.0, 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.7.2, 1.8.0, 1.9.0, 1.9.1, 1.11.0, 1.12.0, 1.12.1, 1.12.2, 1.12.4, 1.13.0, 1.13.2, 1.13.3

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