Horizon Chart (EOL)

Horizon Chart

Horizon chart components

Learn how horizon chart components emphasize meaning.

Visual elements


Mod viz horizon chart.png
A horizon chart shows multiple lanes stacked on top of one another. Every horizontal lane in the horizon chart represents one time series.


Custom viz horizon bands.png
Every lane in a horizon chart shows layered bands or areas. A band is like a horizontal slice of an area chart. Layering bands collapses taller areas into a smaller space. Higher value bands appear in front of lower value bands.


Bands use color to show how their values relate to a baseline. Values above a baseline appear in shades of one color. Values below a baseline appear in shades of a contrasting color. Deeper shades represent higher values.

Interactive elements


Custom viz horizon vert hover.png
When you over any part of a horizon chart, a vertical line appears. This line represents a particular time in the chart time range. On hover, the line shows the values for each time series at the selected time.
Last modified on 19 August, 2016
Create a horizon chart query   Customize a horizon chart

This documentation applies to the following versions of Horizon Chart (EOL): 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 1.5.0

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