Content Pack for Unix Dashboards and Reports

Content Pack for Unix Dashboards and Reports

Use the Content Pack for Unix Dashboards and Reports

Once you install and configure the Content Pack for Unix Dashboards and Reports in your environment and configure the Splunk Add-on for Unix and Linux to collect data, you can use the content pack to proactively monitor and troubleshoot your environment.


Available dashboards

The Content Pack for Unix Dashboards and Reports offers the following dashboards:

Dashboard name Description
Home Main dashboard for the content pack. Displays performance statistics on two configurable radial graphs as well as a display of the most recent alerts that have triggered within the app.
Metrics Displays a variety of performance statistics for any number of hosts in various customizable graphs.
Hosts Gives a high-level view of all hosts in your Content Pack for Unix Dashboards and Reports deployment. Displays hosts in either a list or overview format and allows you to drill down into the specifics of a host's health and operation.
Alerts Shows information on triggered alerts including, when those alerts triggered, which hosts the alerts have triggered on, and alert severity.

Access the dashboards

Follow these steps to access the content pack dashboards:

  1. Log into your Splunk platform instance.
  2. Select App > IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) or IT Essentials Work.
  3. Select Dashboards > Dashboards to see the list of the dashboards.
  4. Scroll through the Dashboards by name, sort by any column header, or use the filter field to narrow the list. The App name for the dashboards in this content pack is DA-ITSI-CP-unix-dashboard.

Next steps

Use the following resources to learn how to use each of the available dashboards:

Last modified on 04 June, 2024
Configure the Content Pack for Unix and Dashboards and Reports   Use the Home dashboard

This documentation applies to the following versions of Content Pack for Unix Dashboards and Reports: 1.2.0

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