Splunk® App for Infrastructure (EOL)

Release Notes for Splunk App for Infrastructure

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® App for Infrastructure (EOL). For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Known issues for Splunk App for Infrastructure

The Splunk App for Infrastructure version 1.4.1 has the following known issues.

Date filed Issue number Description
2019-10-14 SII-5838 Windows events are not present when expanding an event panel.
2019-09-07 SII-5479 After Search Head reboot - SAI mod inputs will product two error messages which are false alarms
2019-09-06 SII-5444 Alerts aren't firing because of a search concurrency issue.
2019-09-05 SII-5437 There's a conflict with transforms in the Splunk Add-on for Infrastructure and the Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Windows.
2019-07-09 SII-4876 On CentOS systems, the easy install script does not update the universal forwarder.

The script errors out at the last command in *bash install_uf.sh*. The command errors out because it's setting up something that's already been set up. Running the remainder of the script continues the installation:
  • bash install_agent.sh && cd .. && rm -rf unix-agent && rm -rf unix-agent.tgz*

You can add *|| true* to the script to avoid the error:

  • ... bash install_uf.sh || true && bash install_agent.sh && cd .. && rm -rf unix-agent && rm -rf unix-agent.tgz*
2019-07-07 SII-4845 Container logs are not being associated with pods.
2019-06-28 SII-4832, SII-4831 libcurl4 is incompatible with the write_splunk collectd plugin. This affects Ubuntu 18.04.

Replace libcurl4 with libcurl3.
2019-06-26 SII-4776 The uninstall script might not delete the SplunkForwarder.service file.

Run this command:

rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/SplunkForwarder.service

2019-06-26 SII-4788 Kubernetes events objects stop being monitored after one hour.
2019-06-04 SII-4570 The splunkd messages service fails to send error messages when the splunkd port is not 8089.
2019-05-23 SII-4474 When you create a group alert, there may be an object ID error.
2019-05-15 SII-4390 The sc_admin role cannot create a HEC token on the em_metrics index.
2018-09-21 SII-2924 The Entity Overview does not properly display metrics values.
Last modified on 17 April, 2020
Fixed issues for Splunk App for Infrastructure   Third-party Software for Splunk App for Infrastructure

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® App for Infrastructure (EOL): 1.4.1

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