Splunk® Add-on for OpenTelemetry Collector

Splunk Add-on for OpenTelemetry Collector

Manage multiple collectors

If your configuration uses more than one collector, consider the following best practices:

  • Deploy different agent_config.yaml files to different hosts. For example, a version of the add-on with MySQL Receiver enabled, and a different version of the add-on with MS SQL Server Receiver enabled will work best when deployed on different hosts.
  • Deploy the same files to every host, then point to another agent_config.yaml file in inputs.conf in the splunk_config_dir or splunk_config_yaml properties.
  • Deploy the same instance of the Splunk Add-on for OpenTelemetry Collector to all hosts, then deploy another instance of the add-on that does not contain binaries and only contains a YAML file with a specific receiver enabled. In this case, the YAML file from the second add-on instance will supersede the YAML from the first add-on instance on a particular host.
  • Designate one instance of the Splunk Add-on for OpenTelemetry Collector as your default collector, tailor it to your needs, and then create variants of the add-on using a different name. Then deploy each variant to a different server class.
Last modified on 07 November, 2023
Configure the Splunk Add-on for OpenTelemetry Collector   Troubleshooting

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Add-on for OpenTelemetry Collector: 1.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.2.2, 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.2

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