Publication date
Defect number
2015-10-27 |
SOLNPCI-1169 |
If you run Splunk Enterprise on a combination of virtualized hardware and Windows Servers, this may cause the Splunk App for PCI Compliance app setup to fail. Confirm that you have properly provisioned the virtualized system to Splunk Enterprise specifications, then increase the splunkdConnectionTimeout setting in the web.conf file to 120 seconds or more until the setup process has finished.
Pre-3.0.0 |
n/a |
Splunk App for PCI Compliance requires installation of Sideview Utils. If Sideview Utils has not been installed before the Splunk App for PCI Compliance, the installer will provide a link to download the app. Splunk App for PCI Compliance 3.0.0 no longer uses Sideview Utils.
Pre-3.0.0 |
Some dashboard panels are meant to disregard top level filters.
Pre-3.0.0 |
SOLNESS-2186 |
Network connection error message: After editing events on the Incident Review dashboard, the following error message is displayed at the top of the screen: "Your network connection may have been lost or Splunk Web may be down."
Pre-3.0.0 |
SOLNESS-1096 |
When drilling down from charts with data plotted over time, the number of events the drilldown presents may not match the chart. This is a result of drilling down from data in a summary time window into actual raw data. Occasionally the time windows do not align exactly and the counts may be different.
Pre-3.0.0 |
SOLNESS-2508 |
The Incident Review dashboard feature does not work on the Solaris operating system.
Pre-3.0.0 |
SOLNESS-1784 |
Drilldowns to "Contributing Events" from any notable event in the Incident Review dashboard will default to "All Time" and may take a long time to return results.
Pre-3.0.0 |
When the Incident Review dashboard manages notable events, all updates will restart searches. If using a real-time search, you must finalize the search for more information).
Pre-3.0.0 |
No search progress indicator: After the user clicks the Search button, no indication is given that a search is being performed (even though the search is in fact running). This is a known core Splunk issue (SPL-51660). The table or report remains empty until the results of the search are complete.
Pre-3.0.0 |
SOLNESS-2431 |
When you click amedium level (or other level) urgency event in the Viewing Notable Events by Urgency dashboard, this error appears: Results Error Error #2032. Despite the error, the process continues to show the medium urgency (or other level of urgency) events that you selected. Drill-down to other data works fine and the error is only briefly displayed before you are redirected to the appropriate page. This error only appears with the initial urgency or severity level selection; it does not re-occur on subsequent choices of severity from the dashboard.
Pre-3.0.0 |
SOLNESS-3210 |
When using Splunk with Internet Explorer, you need to disable XSS protection in Internet Explorer. If XSS is not disabled, the "View Full Results" link may point to the timeline view with errors. Add Splunk to the list of trusted sites and only disable XSS protection on trusted sites.
Pre-3.0.0 |
SOLNESS-2421/ SPL-54749 |
When using Internet Explorer 8 in compatibility mode the Notable History Chart does not render after the page loads (PCI Scorecard > Notable Event History Chart). If you hover the cursor over thr cursor over the chart series item (the colored square) in the legend, the column chart displays. If you switch Internet Explorer into standard mode, the chart will display. Cannot reproduce.
Pre-3.0.0 |
When viewing the Incident Review dashboard using Internet Explorer 9, if you finalize the search, the word "events" ("Edit all _ matching events.") wraps to the next line. The workaround is to increase or decrease the page size. Cannot reproduce.
Pre-3.0.0 |
ADDON-894 |
TA-mcafee uses python scripts to collect McAfee EPO data. The script has a dependency to the python bundled with Splunk Enterprise that prevents it from running on other python installations.
Feedback submitted, thanks!