Splunk® Asset and Risk Intelligence Echo

Install and Manage Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence Echo

Get started with Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence Echo

With Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence Echo, users within your organization can access the asset discovery and intelligence capabilities of Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence on a separate search head. For example, you can install and set up Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence on a cybersecurity search head, and also run Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence Echo on an operational or compliance search head. Installing Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence Echo can be helpful for organizations with users who don't have access to the primary search head.

The following table includes tasks to get started and their associated documentation links:

Task Documentation
Install the app Install Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence Echo
Manage synchronization between search heads Manage synchronization between Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence Echo and the primary search head
Use the app Get started with Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence in the Investigate Assets and Assess Risk in Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence manual
Administer the app Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence onboarding guide for admins in the Administer Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence manual
Last modified on 05 August, 2024
  System requirements and product compatibility for Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence Echo

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Asset and Risk Intelligence Echo: 1.0.0

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