Splunk® App for SOAR Export

Use the Splunk App for SOAR Export to Forward Events

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® App for SOAR Export. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Splunk App for SOAR Export release notes

Welcome to release 4.3.2

This release of Splunk App for SOAR Export, released on September 27, 2023, includes the following enhancements:

Feature Description
Improved performance To avoid using too many resources, phantom_retry can now retrieve a maximum of 250 records from the KV Store.
Updated cim_actions.py Updated cim_actions.py to a more recent version.

Fixed issues in this release

This version of Splunk App for SOAR Export fixes the following issues:

Date resolved Issue number Description
2023-12-04 PAPP-30740 Alert action 'sensitivity' field appears to already select 'Red'; requires making a selection
2023-08-14 PAPP-17108 Adaptive Response Relay produces error message in Cloud
2023-08-08 PAPP-31554 Artifact title missing in SOAR when posting via scheduled alert actions
2023-08-08 PAPP-31536 Red sensitivity auto populated
2023-08-03 PAPP-31340 ES Notable multiline comments are not exported to SOAR
2023-07-18 PAPP-31327 Default severities not retrieved for servers without Observer role
2023-07-11 PAPP-31172 phantom_retry causes Out of Memory if there are too many records in collection
2023-06-28 PAPP-31145 phantom_retry 403 error due to missing permissions

Known issues in this release

This version of Splunk App for SOAR Export has the following known issues. If there are no known issues listed below, this version has no known issues.

Last modified on 18 April, 2024
  About Splunk App for SOAR Export

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® App for SOAR Export: 4.3.2

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