For details, see:
Create and download or upload a diagnostic file
can create diagnostic files that contain selectable categories of data to help Splunk Support diagnose issues with your deployment.
Supported releases and configurations:
- Splunk SOAR (On-premises) releases 5.3.5 through 6.1.0
- Single instance deployments
- Deployments using warm standby
For releases of Splunk SOAR (On-premises) 5.3. through 6.1.0, users can obtain and install a version of this tool for their release from download page for Splunk SOAR.
Splunk SOAR (On-premises) clustered deployments are not currently supported.
You need an active support case, and credentials for the Support Portal to obtain the diagnostic tool for Splunk SOAR (On-premises) releases 5.3.5 through 6.1.0, or to upload the diagnostic file to Splunk Support. For more information on opening a support case, see the heading Splunk Technical Support in the topic Administer .
Install the diagnostic tool
If you are using release 5.3.5 through release 6.1.0, use the Support Portal to open a support case. See Splunk Technical Support.
Once you have received the file soar_diag_backport-1.0.0.tar.gz, do the following steps:
- Copy the installation TAR file to your deployment.
- Using SSH, login as the user that runs Splunk SOAR (On-premises).
- Set the owner to the user account which runs Splunk SOAR (On-premises).
chown <user_account_that_runs_soar> soar_diag_backport-1.0.0.tar.gz chgrp phantom soar_diag_backport-1.0.0.tar.gz
- Using pip, install the diagnostic tool.
/opt/phantom/bin/phenv python -m pip install --user soar_diag_backport-1.0.0.tar.gz
- Create the file in the directory <$PHANTOM_HOME>/www/phantom_ui.
- Add the following code to
from .settings import INSTALLED_APPS INSTALLED_APPS.append("soar_diag_backport")
- Run the
phenv manage
command to add asoar_diag_backport
section to the installed management commands./opt/phantom/bin/phenv python -m manage
- Check the command output to make sure that the
section is present.:~$ /opt/phantom/bin/phenv python -m manage Type ' help <subcommand>' for help on a specific subcommand. Available subcommands: [auth] changepassword createsuperuser ...truncated [soar_diag_backport] diag_backport ...truncated :~$
Create a diagnostic file
You can create a diagnostic file using the command line.
Once you have installed the required files for the backported version of the tool use the command phenv python -m manage diag_backport
and the required arguments to create and upload your diagnostic file.
Argument | Description |
-h, --help | Show the help message then exit. |
--path <OUTPUT_DIR> |
Type a path for the destination directory in which to write the diagnostics TAR file. |
-s {instance,system,db,filesystem,apps,cloud} [{instance,system,db,filesystem,apps,cloud} ...],
--sections {instance,system,db,filesystem,apps,cloud} [{instance,system,db,filesystem,apps,cloud} ...] |
Specify one or more diagnostic sections to gather. By default, all sections will be gathered. Including filesystem can make generating the diagnostic file take longer. |
-r, --recent-logs | Use this argument to set whether to include only recent log files in the diagnostic TAR file. If you do not use this argument, all logs will be included. |
--username <USERNAME> | Your username for the Splunk Support Portal. Include this if you want to upload the diagnostic file to your support case. Usernames must be submitted in all lowercase letters. |
--password <PASSWORD> | Your password for the Splunk Support Portal. Include this if you want to upload the diagnostic file to your support case. You can also use the SPLUNK_PASSWORD environment variable instead of passing a password through the command line. |
--case-number <CASE_NUMBER> |
Your case number for the support case to which you want to attach this diagnostic file. Include this if you want to upload the diagnostic file to your support case. |
-d, --dry-run | If specified, no actual files will be created |
-v {0,1,2,3}, --verbosity {0,1,2,3} | Set how verbose you want the command output to be.
--no-color | Don't colorize the command output. |
--skip-checks | Skip system checks. |
Examples To create a diagnostic file on the local filesystem, run the command:
phenv python -m manage diag_backport
To create a diagnostic file and upload to your support case, run the command:
phenv python -m manage diag_backport --username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD> --case-number <CASE_NUMBER>
Sample output
phantom@soar1-i-0294e5a91dd236352:~$ phenv python -m manage diag_backport Writing metadata JSON. Done. JSON is located at /opt/phantom/private/phantom_logs_2023-04-13-1943/metadata.json. Writing ingestion status JSON. Done. JSON is located at /opt/phantom/private/phantom_logs_2023-04-13-1943/ingestion_status_2023-04-13-1943.json. Done. Ingestion Status info is located at /opt/phantom/private/phantom_logs_2023-04-13-1943/ingestion_status_2023-04-13-1943.json. Collecting CPU Info... Collecting Disk Space... Collecting Hostname... Collecting Network Configuration... Collecting Operating System... Collecting Currently Running Processes... Collecting Python3 Packages... ... (pruned for brevity) /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/confsnapshot/tmpEtc_local/apps/soar_hec /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/confsnapshot/tmpEtc_local/apps/soar_hec/local /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/csv /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/ /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/dispatch /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/search_telemetry /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/appserver /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/appserver/modules /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/appserver/modules/static /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/appserver/modules/static/css /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/appserver/i18n /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/composite.xml /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/upload /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/ /opt/phantom/private/phantom_logs_2023-04-13-1943 /opt/phantom/private/phantom_logs_2023-04-13-1943/metadata.json /opt/phantom/private/phantom_logs_2023-04-13-1943/ingestion_status_2023-04-13-1943.json /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/etc/system/local/user-seed.conf /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/ftr /opt/phantom/.soar /opt/phantom/etc/logrotate.d/phantom_logrotate.conf /opt/phantom/www/phantom_ui/ /opt/phantom/splunkforwarder/etc/auth expected '0o755', but actual is '0o700' /opt/phantom/bin/spawn3 expected '0o4750', but actual is '0o750' /opt/phantom/bin/worker_kill expected '0o4770', but actual is '0o770' Writing diagnostics JSON. Done. JSON is located at /opt/phantom/private/phantom_logs_2023-04-13-1943/diag.json. Copying the requested logs to /opt/phantom/private/phantom_logs_2023-04-13-1943. Executing command: rsync -a --no-compress /opt/phantom/var/log/phantom /opt/phantom/private/phantom_logs_2023-04-13-1943/phantom_home/var/log --include=*/spawn.log --include=*/actiond.log --include=*/actiond.json.log --include=*/broker_*_localsplunk.log --include=*/app_install.log --include=*/spawn.log.* --include=*/actiond.log.* --include=*/actiond.json.log.* --include=*/broker_*_localsplunk.log.* --include=*/app_install.log.* --exclude=*.* --exclude=*_log. Compressing logs to /opt/phantom/private/phantom_logs_2023-04-13-1943/phantom_logs_2023-04-13-1943.tgz. Setting proper file permission attributes on /opt/phantom/private/phantom_logs_2023-04-13-1943/phantom_logs_2023-04-13-1943.tgz. Log archive is created successfully in /opt/phantom/tmp/shared/phantom_logs_2023-04-13-1943.tgz. Removing the /opt/phantom/private/phantom_logs_2023-04-13-1943 directory. Done. You have mail in /var/mail/phantom phantom@soar1-i-0294e5a91dd236352:~$
Configure the logging levels for daemons | Enable and download audit trail logs in |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® SOAR (On-premises): 5.3.5, 5.3.6, 5.4.0, 5.5.0, 6.0.0, 6.0.1, 6.1.0
Feedback submitted, thanks!