Splunk® SOAR (On-premises)

REST API Reference for Splunk SOAR (On-premises)

The classic playbook editor will be deprecated in early 2025. Convert your classic playbooks to modern mode.
After the future removal of the classic playbook editor, your existing classic playbooks will continue to run, However, you will no longer be able to visualize or modify existing classic playbooks.
For details, see:

REST Approval

Single endpoint that provides details about existing approvals in the system.


List of all approvals.




List of approvals.

Example request
Get a list of approvals.

curl -k -u username:password https://localhost/rest/approval -G -X GET

Example response
A successful GET will return a 200 response, and a JSON formatted list of approvals.

"count": 5,
"data": [
"status": "expired",
"owner_type": "User",
"action_run": 23,
"playbook_run": 60,
"escalated_approval": null,
"name": "prompt_1",
"parent": null,
"node_guid": "eef4c48b-eef2-450e-a1b7-e90d2ef26fed",
"start_time": "2019-07-16T23:22:39.149000Z",
"close_time": "2019-07-16T23:52:39.247000Z",
"id": 1,
"due_time": "2019-07-16T23:52:39.115000Z",
"version": 1,
"jitc": {},
"asset": null,
"owner": 13,
"message": "pending-manual-action",
"type": "manual",
"display": true,
"responses": []
"status": "expired",
"owner_type": "User",
"action_run": 50,
"playbook_run": 66,
"escalated_approval": null,
"name": "task_1",
"parent": null,
"node_guid": "eef4c48b-eef2-450e-a1b7-e90d2ef26fed",
"start_time": "2019-07-29T23:28:43.149000Z",
"close_time": "2019-07-29T23:58:43.209000Z",
"id": 2,
"due_time": "2019-07-29T23:58:43.118000Z",
"version": 1,
"jitc": {},
"asset": null,
"owner": 1,
"message": "pending-manual-action",
"type": "manual",
"display": true,
"responses": []
"status": "pending",
"owner_type": "Action Reviewer",
"action_run": 51,
"playbook_run": 67,
"escalated_approval": null,
"name": "approval for add tag",
"parent": null,
"node_guid": "eef4c48b-eef2-450e-a1b7-e90d2ef26fed",
"start_time": "2019-08-19T05:38:05.728000Z",
"close_time": null,
"id": 3,
"due_time": "2019-08-20T05:38:05.726000Z",
"version": 1,
"jitc": {},
"asset": null,
"owner": 1,
"message": "pending-approval",
"type": "parameter",
"display": true,
"responses": []
"status": "pending",
"owner_type": "Action Reviewer",
"action_run": 52,
"playbook_run": 68,
"escalated_approval": null,
"name": "approval for add tag",
"parent": null,
"node_guid": "eef4c48b-eef2-450e-a1b7-e90d2ef26fed",
"start_time": "2019-08-19T05:38:58.723000Z",
"close_time": null,
"id": 4,
"due_time": "2019-08-20T05:38:58.721000Z",
"version": 1,
"jitc": {},
"asset": null,
"owner": 1,
"message": "pending-approval",
"type": "parameter",
"display": true,
"responses": []
"status": "pending",
"owner_type": "Action Reviewer",
"action_run": 53,
"playbook_run": 69,
"escalated_approval": null,
"name": "approval for activate device",
"parent": null,
"node_guid": "eef4c48b-eef2-450e-a1b7-e90d2ef26fed",
"start_time": "2019-08-19T16:25:03.062000Z",
"close_time": null,
"id": 5,
"due_time": "2019-08-20T16:25:03.060000Z",
"version": 1,
"jitc": {},
"asset": null,
"owner": 1,
"message": "pending-approval",
"type": "parameter",
"display": true,
"responses": []
"num_pages": 1


Get the data of one approval.




List the approval data from one approval ID.

Example request
Get a list of approvals.

curl -k -u username:password https://localhost/rest/approval/1 -G -X GET

Example response
A successful GET will return a 200 response, and a JSON formatted list of data for one approval ID.

	"status": "expired",
	"owner_type": "User",
	"action_run": 9,
	"playbook_run": 59,
	"escalated_approval": null,
	"name": "task_1",
	"parent": null,
	"node_guid": "9a8092d6-c3ad-4c61-b92a-005bb179cfc6",
	"start_time": "2020-01-22T19:39:43.239000Z",
	"close_time": "2020-01-22T20:09:43.295000Z",
	"id": 1,
	"due_time": "2020-01-22T20:09:43.221000Z",
	"version": 1,
	"jitc": {},
	"asset": null,
	"owner": 1,
	"message": "pending-manual-action",
	"type": "manual",
	"display": true,
	"responses": []


List details of approvals for a particular container.




List details of approvals for a container where 21 is the approval ID in the example request.

Example request
List details of approvals.

curl -k -u username:password https://localhost/rest/approval/21/detail_summary_view -G -X GET

Example response
A successful GET for approvals notification type will return a 200 response, and a JSON formatted list of details.

    "update_time": "2019-08-19T21:43:58.892936Z",
    "container_id": 291,
    "time_left": 80128.535132,
    "next_owner": null,
    "action_name": "user initiated post ip action",
    "due_time": "2019-08-20T20:05:57.814000Z",
    "asset": {
        "action_whitelist": {},
        "validation": {},
        "tenants": [],
        "description": "Default Asset Configuration for AbuseIPDB",
        "tags": [],
        "type": "reputation",
        "primary_voting": 0,
        "product_version": "",
        "effective_user": 2,
        "product_name": "AbuseIPDB",
        "disabled": false,
        "token": null,
        "version": 1,
        "secondary_voting": 0,
        "configuration": {
            "api_key": "r56jEhzRlV/TR9CWLzDgN0GtxWrYQskkOl5ypVGUCNu1KKfy5f9EA40TY2piQLKCL040OtANINfTtV3vWF5kmElSRfHpb275bkN7didzCPpgpLg0PincyjONjA7P+d4e"
        "product_vendor": "AbuseIPDB",
        "id": 70,
        "name": "abuse_ip_db"
    "action_type": "post ip",
    "container_name": "Testcases.000100-Rest.000230-Custom Status.000200-Custom Status Severity Generator",
    "owner": "username",
    "notification_type": "approvals",
    "type": "asset",
    "notification_targets": [{
        "app_id": 152,
        "parameters": [{
            "comment": "ddd",
            "ip": "",
            "categories": "dd"
        "assets": [

Example response
A successful GET for prompts notification type will return a 200 response, and a JSON formatted list of details.

    "playbook_repo": "local",
    "update_time": "2019-08-19T21:58:03.846035Z",
    "playbook_name": "pb-prompt",
    "container_id": 292,
    "time_left": 1758.571971,
    "next_owner": null,
    "action_name": "prompt_1",
    "due_time": "2019-08-19T22:28:03.817000Z",
    "asset": null,
    "action_type": "prompt",
    "container_name": "Testcases.000100-Rest.000230-Custom Status.000200-Custom Status Severity Generator",
    "owner": "username",
    "notification_type": "prompts",
    "type": "manual",
    "notification_targets": [{
        "app_id": 0,
        "parameters": [{
            "to": "root@localhost",
            "message": "test",
            "mins_to_act": 30,
            "user_ids": [
            "response_types": [{
                "prompt": "",
                "options": {
                    "type": "message"
        "assets": []

Example response
A successful GET for manual tasks notification type will return a 200 response, and a JSON formatted list of details.

    "update_time": "2019-08-19T22:04:59.289861Z",
    "container_id": 293,
    "time_left": 3383.812224,
    "next_owner": null,
    "action_name": "user initiated task-18172",
    "due_time": "2019-08-19T23:04:59.240000Z",
    "asset": null,
    "action_type": "task",
    "container_name": "Testcases.000100-Rest.000230-Custom Status.000200-Custom Status Severity Generator",
    "owner": "username",
    "notification_type": "manual tasks",
    "type": "manual",
    "notification_targets": []

Example response
A successful GET for action reviewers notification type will return a 200 response, and a JSON formatted list of details.

    "playbook_repo": "local",
    "update_time": "2019-08-19T22:14:06.436276Z",
    "playbook_name": "pb-reviewer",
    "container_id": 294,
    "time_left": 78412.135004,
    "next_owner": null,
    "action_name": "geolocate_ip_1",
    "due_time": "2019-08-20T20:05:58.356000Z",
    "asset": null,
    "action_type": "geolocate ip",
    "container_name": "Testcases.000100-Rest.000230-Custom Status.000200-Custom Status Severity Generator",
    "owner": "username",
    "notification_type": "action reviews",
    "type": "parameter",
    "notification_targets": [{
        "app_id": 124,
        "parameters": [{
            "ip": ""
        "assets": [

The return values of note follow:

Field Type Description
asset JSON Object Can be empty depending on the notification type and if it contains an asset. See REST Assets for further information about assets.
container_id String The container Id of the playbook action run.
due_time String Time (UTC) when this action is due ( time at which the SLA expires/expired ).
next_owner String The next owner for an approval, such as soar_local_admin.
notification_targets JSON Object JSON object containing a variety of parameters entered in response to prompt.
notification_type String prompts, approvals, manual tasks, action reviews.
owner String The current owner's display name, such as username.
playbook_name String The playbook name.
playbook_repo String The name of the the playbook repository.
prompt String The options available to respond to a prompt such as:
  • list: a list of pre-selected strings
  • message: a user-inputted string
  • range: a number in the range specified by the prompt response

It returns a dictionary that organizes the response answer percentage by response.

time_left String The due time minus the current time, in seconds.
type String Mapping for prettifying notification types, such as:
  • prompt -> prompts
  • asset -> approvals
  • task -> manual tasks
  • parameter -> action reviews

The response varies depending on the notification type, which is a sub-type of approvals. The output is similar to /rest/notification/<id>/detail_summary_view used for mobile. See REST Notification.

Last modified on 02 March, 2023
REST App   REST Artifact

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® SOAR (On-premises): 6.0.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.1.0, 6.1.1, 6.2.0, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.3.0

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