Splunk® SOAR (On-premises)

Build Playbooks with the Playbook Editor

The classic playbook editor will be deprecated in early 2025. Convert your classic playbooks to modern mode.
After the future removal of the classic playbook editor, your existing classic playbooks will continue to run, However, you will no longer be able to visualize or modify existing classic playbooks.
For details, see:

Add a new block to your playbook using the classic playbook editor

To add a new block to a playbook, drag the half-circle icon attached to any block on the canvas. Release your mouse to create a new empty block connected to the originating block with an arrow.

When you place a new block on the editor, a set of playbook types appears for you to select:

Playbook type Description
Action Run an action provided by an app that is installed and configured in . For example, you can use the MaxMind connector to geolocate an IP address. See Add an Action block to a playbook using the classic playbook editor.
Playbook Run an existing playbook inside your current playbook. See Run other playbooks inside your playbook using the classic playbook editor.
API Perform an action by making an API call. See Set container parameters in using the API block.
Filter Filter the results of the previous block. For example, you can separate items that have a specific severity and perform a different set of actions on those items. See Use filters to separate artifacts before further processing with the classic playbook editor.
Decision Make a decision and perform different actions depending on the results of the previous block. For example, you can blacklist all destination IPs that belong to a specific country. See Use decisions to send artifacts to a specific downstream action with the classic playbook editor.
Format Format the results of the previous block. For example, you can gather data, format that data in a specific way, and send an email. Customize the format of your playbook content using the classic playbook editor.
Prompt Require a user to take action before proceeding to the next block. See Require user input to continue running the playbook using the classic playbook editor.
Manual Task Send a message to a user or group that must be acknowledged. See Require user input to continue running the playbook using the classic playbook editor.
Custom Function Add custom Python code to your playbook to expand the kinds of processing that are performed by the playbook. Add custom code to your playbook with the Custom Function block using the classic playbook editor.
Legacy Custom Function Legacy custom functions are the custom functions that were introduced for playbooks in Splunk Phantom version 4.2. Add custom code to your Playbook with the Legacy Custom Function block using the classic playbook editor. Legacy custom functions are supported for users transitioning from Splunk Phantom to .

Legacy custom functions should be converted to the newer custom function type. For information on converting legacy custom functions to new custom functions, see Convert legacy custom functions to new custom functions.

Advanced settings

Follow these steps to configure advanced settings for a block.

To use Advanced settings, when configuring a block follow these steps:

  1. Click Advanced.
  2. Modify the advanced settings.
Setting Block type Description
Join Settings Available for action, playbook, filter, decision, format, and prompt block types. You can configure join settings when multiple incoming blocks that support the synchronous functionality are linked to any downstream block. All Action, Prompt, and Manual Task blocks run synchronously and playbooks can be toggled to run synchronously in the block configuration. See Run other playbooks inside your playbooks in for more information on the synchronous functionality.

Configure join settings from the downstream block. These settings determine whether or not you wait to execute the next block until the required upstream blocks finish running. Click the required checkbox if the action in the upstream block must be completed before this downstream block is run. The required checkbox is enabled by default.

Scope Available for action, playbook, filter, decision, format, and prompt block types. Configure scope to determine how the artifact data passed into a block's API is collected. Collection occurs in the context of the current playbook. Setting the scope advanced setting on a playbook block doesn't change the scope of a child playbook. Scope only affects the collected artifact data that is passed in as inputs to the child playbook and the collection occurs before the child playbook is run.
  • Default: The artifact data for the block uses the same scope as the playbook.
  • New Artifacts: The artifact data for the block is collected for new events.
  • All Artifacts: The artifact data for the block is collected for all events.
Action Settings Available for action blocks. Configure the action settings that a user must perform. Action settings are only available from an action block.
  • Reviewer: Select a user or group that must approve this action before the action runs. If you select a group or role, any user in that role can approve the action.
  • Delay Timer: Set a delay in minutes before the action runs. A clock icon is visible on the action block to show that a delay is configured.
Case-sensitive Available for decision and filter blocks. Select if you want the conditions evaluation to be case-sensitive, or case-insensitive. The default is case-sensitive.
Delimiter Available for prompt and format blocks. Specify an alternate separator to use when joining parameter values that result in a list together. The default separator is ",".
Drop None Values Available for prompt and format blocks. Select whether or not you want to drop the "None" values from the resulting lists of parameters. By default, the "None" values are included.
Re-fetch Container Data Available for API blocks. Select this option to fetch updated container data. The default state is checked. If you uncheck the checkbox to use the original cached container data, it is less expensive.
Last modified on 02 April, 2024
Create a new playbook in using the classic playbook editor   Add an Action block to a playbook using the classic playbook editor

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® SOAR (On-premises): 5.1.0, 5.2.1, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.3, 5.3.4, 5.3.5, 5.3.6, 5.4.0, 5.5.0, 6.0.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.1.0, 6.1.1, 6.2.0, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.3.0

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