Splunk® SOAR (On-premises)

Release Notes

The classic playbook editor will be deprecated in early 2025. Convert your classic playbooks to modern mode.
After the future removal of the classic playbook editor, your existing classic playbooks will continue to run, However, you will no longer be able to visualize or modify existing classic playbooks.
For details, see:

Fixed issues for

Release 6.3.0

Splunk SOAR version 6.3.0 includes fixes for the following issues.

Date resolved Issue number Description
2024-10-08 PSAAS-19325 Export of playbooks does not work if using the Optional "Path to Playbooks" is specified in source control
2024-09-25 PSAAS-19694 accessing a custom list named "snow requests" ends in error
2024-08-22 PSAAS-19036 About page shows "Splunk Version" and "Splunk Build", which are not accurate as Splunk no longer ships with SOAR
2024-08-20 PSAAS-18172 VPE crashes with TypeError when opening a playbook
2024-08-16 PSAAS-14608 Images are not visible in app documentation
2024-08-12 PSAAS-18783 Limit Total Time and Memory Limits for UWSGI Workers
2024-08-07 PSAAS-13255 Deleting a container with 1000+ artifacts causes UWSGI to run out of memory.
2024-07-31 PSAAS-17869 SAML auth denied due to duplicate key serial numbers
2024-07-30 PSAAS-18799 Cannot delete container from UI or REST call
2024-07-29 PSAAS-16560, PSAAS-16564 Git operations on playbook repos fail with "Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user" when using a custom certificate
2024-07-29 PSAAS-18317 Cascading deletion of Assets, Users, PlaybookRun, and App data when deleting a Container
2024-07-15 PSAAS-17997 Playbook Listing page tabs show incorrect list, except "All" tab
2024-06-27 PSAAS-17135 Investigation page: Playbook run tab is broken for playbook with empty inputs
2024-06-06 PSAAS-16538 Generated reports: Cannot sort on Generated column
2024-05-29 PSAAS-17165 VPE: Datapath within loop block doesn't reflect block name change
2024-01-29 PSAAS-15951 spawn.log is not working after upgrading to SOAR version 6.1.1
Last modified on 08 October, 2024
Known issues for   Compatibility with related Splunk products

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® SOAR (On-premises): 6.3.0

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