For details, see:
Manage warm standby features and options
Use the phenv python /<PHANTOM_HOME>/bin/setup_warm_standby.pyc
script to manage warm standby.
If you make any changes to warm standby using different flags, warm standby must be deactivated and then reconfigured on both the primary instance and the standby instance for the changes to take effect.
Warm standby script arguments
Argument | Description |
-h, --help | Show this help message and exit. |
--primary-mode | Run the instance as the primary in the warm standby pairing. |
--standby-mode | Run the instance as the warm standby in the warm standby pairing. |
--version | Show the program's version number and exit. |
--status | Show the status of the current instance. |
--configure | Configure warm standby. Additional arguments are required. |
--off | Turn warm standby off on the current instance based on which mode the instance is in. |
--convert-to-primary | Convert a standby to primary valid only in case of --standby-mode
--primary-ip <PRIMARY_IP> | IP address of the primary. |
--standby-ip <STANDBY_IP> | IP address of the warm standby. |
-d, --ignore-database | Ignore the PostgreSQL database. Ignores the Postgres database during setup. Only backs up system files. |
-t, --ignore-vault | Ignore vault. Ignores the vault from setup. Only backs up various contents from /<PHANTOM_HOME>/. |
--recovery-database-location <RECOVERY_DATABASE_LOCATION> |
When setting up the standby, copy the original database to this location for recovery in the event of a script failure.
As a best practice, ensure that you have two to three times the amount of free disk space that is currently used by the database before running the setup as this command creates a backup of the data. If the required disk space is not available for the backup, this operation fails. |
--primary-phantom-version <PRIMARY_PHANTOM_VERSION> | Version of the primary instance. Only valid for --standby-mode. If passed, validates against the current version. |
-r <REMOTE_USER>, --remote-user <REMOTE_USER> | The username of the remote user. |
-x, --relax_verification | Relax user verification requirements for non-root installations. Setting this option is not recommended. |
-p <SSH_PORT>, --ssh-port <SSH_PORT> | Port used to be used by all SSH commands. |
--no-modify-ciphers | Don't overwrite ssl_cipher in PostgreSQL configurations. |
-u, --ignore-package-updates | Skip updating packages. Skips re-installing rpm and pip packages. |
--no-cron-install | Set but don't install the warm standby crontab. |
--recreate-local-db | Purge current database and generate a blank instance when turning off your standby instance. This will delete all of your data on the standby. |
-w <WAL_KEEP_SEGMENTS>, --wal-keep-segments <WAL_KEEP_SEGMENTS> | The number of wal segments retained on the primary instance. Increase the wal segments to allow greater network latency between the primary instance and standby instance. Increasing wal segments will take up additional disk space in your DB directory, specifically 16 MB per segment. |
--replicator-password <REPLICATOR_PASSWORD> | Password for the postgres replicator role. It can also be provided via the "PHANTOM_WARM_STANBY_REPLICATOR_PASSWORD" environment variable. |
--ssh-password <SSH_PASSWORD> | Password for the remote user. Can also be provided via the "PHANTOM_WARM_STANDBY_SSH_PASSWORD" environment variable. |
SSL certificate information
The following arguments are options for the data required to generate an SSL certificate while configuring warm standby.
Argument | Description |
--ssl-country <SSL_COUNTRY> | Value for a SSL certificate with the country code subject line. |
--ssl-state <SSL_STATE> | Value for a SSL certificate with the state code subject line. |
--ssl-city <SSL_CITY> | Value for a SSL certificate with the city subject line. |
--ssl-org <SSL_ORG> | Value for a SSL certificate with the organization subject line. |
--ssl-unit <SSL_UNIT> | Value for a SSL certificate with the organization unit subject line. |
--ssl-domain <SSL_DOMAIN> | Value for a SSL certificate with the domain subject line. |
--ssl-email <SSL_EMAIL> | Value for a SSL certificate with the email subject line. |
Warm standby API
The API /rest/warm_standby_check can be used to determine if a instance is the standby in a warm standby pair. See REST Warm standby.
The API returns the same 500
result if used on either a warm standby or a cluster node. Clusters cannot use the warm standby feature.
Upgrade or maintain warm standby instances | Add and configure apps and assets to provide actions in |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® SOAR (On-premises): 5.3.3, 5.3.4, 5.3.5, 5.3.6, 5.4.0, 5.5.0, 6.0.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.1.0, 6.1.1, 6.2.0, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.3.0, 6.3.1, 6.4.0
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