For details, see:
Run playbooks in Splunk AR workspaces
This feature is deprecated. |
The Splunk Mobile App for Splunk SOAR (On-premises) is deprecated as of Splunk SOAR (On-premises) version 6.4.0. This feature continues to function and might be be removed in a future version.
See Deprecated feature in the Splunk SOAR (On-premises) version 6.4.0 Release Notes. |
Workflow automation is a beta feature available in Splunk AR (Augmented Reality) version 2.1.0. Workflow automation integrates Splunk SOAR playbooks into Splunk workspaces to guide users through real-world tasks. To use workflow automation, create playbooks in Splunk SOAR and then add them to your AR workspaces in the Splunk AR mobile app.
See Add Splunk SOAR playbooks to AR workspaces in Splunk AR to learn how to add playbooks to AR workspaces.
See Run a playbook in Splunk AR for instructions on how to run a playbook in Splunk AR.
Use the Splunk Mobile app for | Send IT Service Intelligence episodes to |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® SOAR (On-premises): 6.4.0
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