Splunk® Secure Gateway

Release Notes

Splunk Secure Gateway is a default enabled application that's included in Splunk Cloud version 8.1.2103 and Splunk Enterprise version 8.1.0 and higher. An admin must agree to the opt-in notice before using Splunk Secure Gateway. See Get started with Splunk Secure Gateway to get started.

Third-party software credits

Some of the components included in are licensed under free or open-source licenses. We wish to thank the contributors to those projects.

A complete listing of third-party software information for is available as a PDF file for download.

Last modified on 16 August, 2021
Visualization support for the Connected Experiences apps  

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Secure Gateway: 2.4.0, 2.0.2, 2.5.6 Cloud Only, 2.5.7, 2.6.3 Cloud only, 2.7.3 Cloud only, 2.7.4, 2.8.4 Cloud only, 2.9.1 Cloud only, 2.9.3 Cloud only, 2.9.4 Cloud only, 3.0.9, 3.1.2 Cloud only, 3.2.0 Cloud only, 3.3.0 Cloud only, 3.4.251, 3.5.15 Cloud only

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