Splunk® Secure Gateway

Release Notes

Splunk Secure Gateway is a default enabled application that's included in Splunk Cloud version 8.1.2103 and Splunk Enterprise version 8.1.0 and higher. An admin must agree to the opt-in notice before using Splunk Secure Gateway. See Get started with Splunk Secure Gateway to get started.

Visualization support for the Connected Experiences apps

These are the current supported and unsupported dashboard visualizations and features for the Connected Experiences apps and the latest version of Splunk Secure Gateway. If your dashboard isn't loading, it may contain an unsupported visualization or you might be using an outdated Splunk Secure Gateway version.

To check if a dashboard contains any visualizations or configurations that the Connected Experiences apps don't support, see Editing Simple XML in the Splunk Enterprise Dashboards and Visualizations manual.

Supported and unsupported dashboard and visualization and configurations

Keep in mind the following points when creating dashboards and visualizations for the Connected Experiences apps:

  • Visualizations with more than 3,000 data points take a long time to load. To load visualizations faster, you can increase the sample ratio to adjust the number of data points. See Specify a sampling ratio in the Splunk Enterprise Search Manual for more information on activating event sampling.
  • Dashboards in the Connected Experiences apps display one title. If your dashboard has both an object title and a panel title, the dashboard displays the object title.
  • By default, Splunk Enterprise displays visualizations in panels. Visualizations must have the panel tag in order to display in the Connected Experiences apps. If you remove the panel tag from the dashboard XML, the visualization will not display in the Connected Experiences apps.
  • The Connected Experiences apps don't support HTML elements.

The following table lists the supported visualizations and the supported and unsupported configurations for each visualization for the Connected Experiences apps.

Trellis visualizations require setting the value of the "trellis.splitby" option to the desired result field name in the dashboard XML. See Configure trellis layout in Simple XML in the Splunk Enterprise ''Dashboards and Visualizations'' manual.

Supported visualization Supported configurations Unsupported configurations
  • Axis scale
  • Axis minimum and maximum
  • Axis visibility
  • Second axis range
  • Second axis scale
  • Stackmode (default, stacked, and stacked 100%)
  • Data labels (all, minimum, maximum, none)
  • Null values
  • Trellis
  • Multi-series charts
  • Legend placement
  • Overlay fields
  • Axis visibility
  • Axis min/max
  • Axis scale
  • Stackmode (default, stacked, and stacked 100%)
  • Data labels (all, min, max, none)
  • Trellis
  • Multi-series charts
  • Legend placement
  • Overlay fields
  • Axis visibility
  • Axis min/max
  • Axis scale
  • Multi-series charts
  • Legend placement
  • Axis visibility
  • Axis min/max
  • Axis scale
  • Second axis range
  • Data labels (all, min, max, none)
  • Trellis
  • Multi-series charts
  • Legend placement
  • Overlay fields
  • Second y-axis for overlays
  • Y-axis fields for overlays
  • Second axis range
  • Second axis scale
  • Data labels (all, min, max, none)
  • Trellis
  • Multi-series mode
  • Legend placement
  • Overlay fields
Filler Gauge
  • Chart range values
  • Chart orientation
  • Trellis
Marker Gauge
  • Chart range values
  • Trellis
Radial Gauge
  • Chart range values
  • Trellis
  • Collapsing label
  • Collapsing threshold
  • Percentage labels
  • Axis min/max
  • Axis scale
  • Multi-series charts
  • Legend placement
Single value
  • Unit
  • Color thresholding
  • Trend indicator
  • Trellis
  • Pagination
  • Cluster
  • Choropleth

Dashboard Studio and ITSI Glass Table visualizations

The Connected Experiences apps supports visualizations created in Splunk Dashboard Studio and ITSI Glass Table visualizations.

In Splunk Cloud Platform version 9.0.2209 with Splunk Secure Gateway version 3.3.0 or higher, you can scan a QR code in Dashboard Studio to view it on your mobile device. To learn how, see View dashboards on a mobile device in the Splunk Cloud Platform Splunk Dashboard Studio manual.

To learn more about Dashboard Studio, see What is the Splunk Dashboard Studio? in the Splunk Enterprise Dashboard Studio manual. To learn more about ITSI Glass Table visualizations, see Overview of the glass table editor in ITSI in the ITSI Service Insights Manual to learn more.

The Connected Experiences app do not support Studio Dashboards or ITSI Glass Table visualizations in mobile alerts, or any Dashboard Studio features added in Splunk Cloud Platform version 9.0.2303 and Splunk Enterprise version 9.1 or higher.

See the following table for which Dashboard Studio and ITSI Glass Table visualizations the Connected Experiences app support:

Supported Visualization Supported Configurations Unsupported Configurations
  • GUI Options
  • Encoding
  • Background color
  • Series colors
  • Font color
  • Field colors
  • GUI Options
  • Encoding
  • Multi-series charts
  • Stacked/grouped
  • Background color
  • Series colors
  • Split series
  • Y2 Axis
  • Overlays
  • Annotations
  • Major/minor tick sizes
  • Foreground color
  • Font color
  • Series/bar spacing
  • GUI Options
  • Encoding
  • Multi-series charts
  • Background color
  • Series colors
  • Y2 Axis
  • Annotations
  • Major/minor tick sizes
  • Foreground color
  • Font color
  • Line style
  • GUI Options
  • Font size
  • Font color
  • Rotation
  • Font families
  • GUI Options
  • Encoding
  • Multi-series charts
  • Stacked/grouped
  • Series colors
  • Split series
  • Y2 Axis
  • Overlays
  • Annotations
  • Major/minor tick sizes
  • Foreground color
  • Font color
  • Label rotation
  • GUI Options
  • Encoding
  • Multi-series charts
  • Stacked/grouped
  • Series colors
  • Split series
  • Y2 Axis
  • Overlays
  • Annotations
  • Major/minor tick sizes
  • Foreground color
  • Font color
  • Series/bar spacing
  • GUI Options
  • Border & fill color
  • Border & fill opacity
  • Border style
  • Encoding
  • GUI Options
  • Encoding
  • Pagination
Single Value
  • GUI Options
  • Encoding
  • Background color
  • Trend styling
Single Value Radial
  • GUI Options
  • Encoding
  • Background color
  • Stroke color
  • Trend styling
  • GUI Options
  • Load from web
  • Load from KV store
Filler Gauge
  • GUI Options
  • Encoding
  • Percent ranges
  • Custom thresholds
  • GUI Options
  • Border & fill color
  • Border & fill opacity
  • Encoding
Single Value Icon
  • GUI Options
  • Encoding
  • GUI Options
  • Encoding
Choropleth SVG
  • GUI Options
  • Encoding
  • Animations
  • Pattern fill
  • GUI Options
  • Titles
  • Lists
  • italics/bold

Webview for Dashboard Studio and ITSI

You can toggle on webview for Studio dashboards and ITSI Glass Tables. Webview supports all visaulizations from Dashboard Studio and ITSI. Keep in mind the following points when viewing webview dashboards:

  • Markdown elements do not appear in the visualization tray in Splunk Mobile. Avoid making markdown visualizations scrollable.
  • Webview dashboards can render up to 8 splunk.maps visualizations per Studio dashboard or ITSI Glass Table.
  • Avoid overlapping bounding boxes for visualizations. This prevents Splunk Mobile from opening the visualization tray on visualization tap.

If webview is not toggled, Splunk Mobile supports the visualizations and configurations listed in the previous table.

App-specific limitations

Splunk AR and Splunk TV have the following visualization limitations:

Splunk AR limitations

  • Splunk AR does not support Dashboard Studio or ITSI Glass Table visualizations
  • Splunk AR does not support drilldown or dynamic form inputs.
  • Splunk AR supports maps in non-AR dashboards. Splunk AR does not support maps in AR workspaces.

Splunk Mobile for iOS limitations

  • Cloud Monitoring Console (CMC) dashboards require any version of Splunk Secure Gateway and Splunk Mobile for iOS version 2.10.1 or higher.

Splunk Mobile for Android limitations

  • Cloud Monitoring Console (CMC) dashboards require any version of Splunk Secure Gateway and Splunk Mobile for Android version 2020.10.28 or higher.

Token limitations

The following are limitations for token usage in visualizations in the Connected Experiences apps.

Splunk Mobile does not support data-source-powered input options for Studio dashboards and ITSI Glass Tables.

Dynamic form inputs

Only Splunk Mobile and Splunk TV support dynamic form inputs. Checkbox, dropdown, multiselect, radio, text, and time picker form inputs are supported.

The following are limitations for dynamic form inputs in the Connected Experiences apps:

  • The Connected Experiences apps might experience issues with more than 200 drop-down options with a dynamic form input.
  • The Splunk Connected Experiences apps do not support conditional form input action tokens.


Drilldown in the Connected Experiences apps has the following limitations:

  • Only Splunk Mobile supports drilldown. Splunk AR does not support drilldown.
  • Drilldown requires Splunk Secure Gateway or Splunk Cloud Gateway version 1.4.0 or higher.
  • Only single value and table dashboards support drilldown.

This table provides a list of supported and unsupported drilldown configurations:

Supported drilldown configurations Unsupported drilldown configurations
  • Only single value and table dashboards support drilldown.
  • Link to URL
    • URL links must be http:// or https://
  • Link to a different dashboard
  • Supported tokens:
    • $click.name$
    • $click.value$
    • $click.name2$
    • $click.value2$
    • $row.<fieldname>$
  • Chart drilldown
  • Link to search
  • Manage token values in the current dashboard in page drilldown
  • Unsupported tokens:
    • $row.<x-axis-name>$
    • $earliest$
    • $latest$
  • Conditional drilldown action tokens
  • Set destination action tokens

Other limitations

The Connected Experiences apps do not support the following features:

  • Custom HTML, including D3 visualizations
  • XML dashboards that have been converted to HTML
  • Custom JavaScript
  • The <init> element
Last modified on 21 March, 2024
Splunk Secure Gateway release notes   Third-party software credits

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Secure Gateway: 3.4.251, 3.5.15 Cloud only

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