Splunk® Secure Gateway

Administer Splunk Secure Gateway

Splunk Secure Gateway is a default enabled application that's included in Splunk Cloud version 8.1.2103 and Splunk Enterprise version 8.1.0 and higher. An admin must agree to the opt-in notice before using Splunk Secure Gateway. See Get started with Splunk Secure Gateway to get started.

Manage devices in Splunk Secure Gateway

In Splunk Secure Gateway version 3.0.9 or higher, admins can view, filter, and remove devices from their deployment using the Device Insights page.


  • Your Splunk platform meets the Splunk Secure Gateway requirements. See Splunk Get Secure Gateway to learn what the requirements are.
  • You have the admin or sc_admin role.


  1. In Splunk Secure Gateway, navigate to the Administration tab.
  2. In the Device Insights panel, cick Configure.

On this page you can view when devices were last active, device owners, applications in use, platform types, authentication methods, and more. You can search for, filter, and select devices to remove.

Last modified on 10 November, 2022
Choose which Splunk apps to show dashboards from in the mobile apps   Manage mobile notifications in Splunk Secure Gateway

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Secure Gateway: 3.0.9, 3.1.2 Cloud only, 3.2.0 Cloud only, 3.3.0 Cloud only, 3.4.251, 3.5.15 Cloud only

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