Configure CSV lookups
CSV lookups match field values from your events to field values in the static table represented by a CSV file. Then they output corresponding field values from that table to your events. They are also referred to as "static lookups". CSV inline lookup table files and inline lookup definitions that use CSV files are both dataset types. See Dataset types and usage.
Each column in a CSV table is interpreted as a potential value of a field.
About the CSV files
There are a few restrictions to the kinds of CSV files that can be used for CSV lookups:
- The table represented by the CSV file must have at least two columns. One of those columns should represent a field with a set of values that includes those belonging to a field in your events. The column does not have to have the same name as the event field. Any column can have multiple instances of the same value, as this represents a multivalued field.
- The CSV file cannot contain non-utf-8 characters. Plain ascii text is supported, as is any character set that is also valid utf-8.
- The following are unsupported:
- CSV files with pre-OS X (OS 9 or earlier) Macintosh-style line endings (carriage return ("\r") only)
- CSV files with header rows that exceed 4096 characters.
Create a CSV lookup
- See about lookups and field actions for more information on lookups.
- See use field lookups to add information to your events for information on how to edit lookups.
- See Add field matching rules to your lookup configuration for information on field/value matching rules.
- See Prefilter large CSV lookup tables for information on prefiltering large CSV lookup tables.
- See Configure a time-bounded lookup for information on configuring a time-bounded lookup.
- See Make your lookup automatic for information on configuring an automatic lookup.
- Add the CSV file for the lookup to your Splunk deployment. The CSV file must be located in one of the following places:
- Create the lookups directory if it does not exist.
- Add a CSV lookup stanza to
.- If you want the lookup to be available globally, add its lookup stanza to the version of
. If you want the lookup to be specific to a particular app, add its stanza to the version oftransforms.conf
- Caution: Do not edit configuration files in
- The CSV lookup stanza names the lookup table and provides the name of the CSV file that the lookup uses. It uses these required fields.
: The name of the lookup table.filename = <string>
: The name of the CSV file that the lookup references.
- If you want the lookup to be available globally, add its lookup stanza to the version of
- (Optional) Use the
field intransforms.conf
to restrict write access to users with the appropriate permissions when using theoutputlookup
- Both
default to false. Set to true for Splunk software to verify permission settings for lookups for users.
- You can change lookup table file permissions in the
file for each lookup file, or Settings > Lookups > Lookup table files. By default, only users who have the admin or power role can write to a shared CSV lookup file.
- Both
- (Optional) Use the
field to prefilter large CSV lookup tables.- You may need to prefilter significantly large CSV lookup tables. To do this use the
field to restrict searches.
- You may need to prefilter significantly large CSV lookup tables. To do this use the
- (Optional) Set up field/value matching rules for the CSV lookup.
- (Optional) If the CSV lookup table contains time fields, make the CSV lookup time-bounded.
- (Optional) Make the CSV lookup automatic by adding a configuration to
- If you want the automatic lookup to be available globally, add its lookup stanza to the version of
. If you want the lookup to be specific to a particular app, add its stanza to the version ofprops.conf
- Caution: Do not edit configuration files in
- If you want the automatic lookup to be available globally, add its lookup stanza to the version of
- Restart Splunk Enterprise to implement your changes.
- If you have set up an automatic lookup, after restart you should see the
fields from your lookup table listed in the fields sidebar. From there, you can select the fields to display in each of the matching search results.
- If you have set up an automatic lookup, after restart you should see the
Handle large CSV lookup tables
Lookup tables are created and modified on a search head. The search head replicates a new or modified lookup table to other search heads, or to indexers to perform certain tasks.
- Knowledge bundle replication. When a search head distributes searches to indexers, it also distributes a related knowledge bundle to the indexers. The knowledge bundle contains knowledge objects, such as lookup tables, that the indexers need to perform their searches. See What search heads send to search peers in Distributed Search.
- Configuration replication (search head clusters). In search head clusters, runtime changes made on one search head are automatically replicated to all other search heads in the cluster. If a user creates or updates a lookup table on a search head in a cluster, that search head then replicates the updated table to the other search heads. See Configuration updates that the cluster replicates in Distributed Search.
When a lookup table changes, the search head must replicate the updated version of the lookup table to the other search heads or the indexers, or both, depending on the situation. By default, the search head sends the entire table each time any part of the table changes.
If a lookup table is very large, for example larger than 100MB, repeated replication of the table can add significantly to internal network traffic.
Replicating lookup tables only on the search heads
There are situations in which you might not want to replicate lookup tables to the indexers. For example, if you are using the outputcsv
or inputcsv
commands, those commands always run on the search head. If you only want to replicate the lookup table on the search heads in a search head clustering setup, set replicate=false
in the transforms.conf
Enable custom indexing
You can also improve lookup performance by configuring which fields are indexed by using the index_fields_list
setting in the transforms.conf
file. The index_fields_list
is a list of all fields that need to be indexed for your static CSV lookup file.
- Access to the
files, located in$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/<app_name>/local/
- A CSV lookup file
- In the
file, add theindex_fields_list
setting to your lookup table.- The
setting is a comma and space-delimited list of all of the fields that need to be indexed for your static CSV lookup file.
- The
The default for the index_fields_list
setting is all of the fields that are defined in the lookup table file header. Restricting the fields will improve lookup performance.
Prefilter CSV lookup tables
If you know that you only need results from a subset of records in the lookup table, improve search performance by using the filter
field to filter out all of the records that do not need to be looked at. The filter
field requires a string containing a search query with Boolean expressions and/or comparison operators (==, !=, >, <, <=, >=, OR , AND, and NOT). This query runs whenever you run a search that invokes this lookup.
For example, if your lookup configuration has filter = (CustID>500) AND (CustName="P*")
, it will try to retrieve values only from records that have a CustID
value greater than 500 and a CustName
value beginning with the letter P.
You can also filter records from CSV tables when you use the WHERE
clause in conjunction with the inputlookup
and inputcsv
commands, when you use those commands to search CSV files.
CSV lookup example
This example explains how you can set up a lookup for HTTP status codes in an access_combined
log. In this example, you design a lookup that matches the status
field in your events with the status
column in a lookup table named http_status.csv
. Then you have the lookup output the corresponding status_description
and status_type
fields to your events.
The following is the text for the http_status.csv
status,status_description,status_type 100,Continue,Informational 101,Switching Protocols,Informational 200,OK,Successful 201,Created,Successful 202,Accepted,Successful 203,Non-Authoritative Information,Successful 204,No Content,Successful 205,Reset Content,Successful 206,Partial Content,Successful 300,Multiple Choices,Redirection 301,Moved Permanently,Redirection 302,Found,Redirection 303,See Other,Redirection 304,Not Modified,Redirection 305,Use Proxy,Redirection 307,Temporary Redirect,Redirection 400,Bad Request,Client Error 401,Unauthorized,Client Error 402,Payment Required,Client Error 403,Forbidden,Client Error 404,Not Found,Client Error 405,Method Not Allowed,Client Error 406,Not Acceptable,Client Error 407,Proxy Authentication Required,Client Error 408,Request Timeout,Client Error 409,Conflict,Client Error 410,Gone,Client Error 411,Length Required,Client Error 412,Precondition Failed,Client Error 413,Request Entity Too Large,Client Error 414,Request-URI Too Long,Client Error 415,Unsupported Media Type,Client Error 416,Requested Range Not Satisfiable,Client Error 417,Expectation Failed,Client Error 500,Internal Server Error,Server Error 501,Not Implemented,Server Error 502,Bad Gateway,Server Error 503,Service Unavailable,Server Error 504,Gateway Timeout,Server Error 505,HTTP Version Not Supported,Server Error
- Put the
file in$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/search/lookups/
. This indicates that the lookup is specific to the Search App. - In the
file located in$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/search/local
, put:[http_status] filename = http_status.csv
- Restart Splunk Enterprise to implement your changes.
Now you can invoke this lookup in search strings with the following commands:
: Use to add fields to the events in the results of the search.inputlookup
: Use to search the contents of a lookup table.outputlookup
: Use to write fields in search results to a CSV file that you specify.
See the topics on these commands in the Search Reference for more information about how to do this.
For example, you could run this search to add status_description
and status_type
fields to events that contain status
values that match status
values in the CSV table.
... | lookup http_status status OUTPUT status_description, status_type
Use search results to populate a CSV lookup table
You can edit a local or app-specific copy of savedsearches.conf
to use the results of a report to populate a lookup table.
In a report stanza, where the search returns a results table:
- Add the following line to enable the lookup population action.
action.populate_lookup = 1
- Add the following line to specify where to copy your lookup table.
action.populate_lookup.dest = <string>
value is a lookup name fromtransforms.conf
or a path to a CSV file where the search results are to be copied. If it is a path to a CSV file, the path should be relative to $SPLUNK_HOME.For example, if you want to save the results to a global lookup table, you might include:
action.populate_lookup.dest = etc/system/lookups/myTable.csv
, should already exist. - Add the following line if you want this search to run when Splunk Enterprise starts up.
run_on_startup = true
If it does not run on startup, it will run at the next scheduled time. We recommend that you set
Because the results of the reporter copied to a CSV file, you can set up this lookup the same way you set up a CSV lookup.run_on_startup = true
for scheduled searches that populate lookup tables.
Introduction to lookup configuration | Configure external lookups |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise: 7.1.0, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.1.5, 7.1.6, 7.1.7, 7.1.8, 7.1.9, 7.1.10
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