The redistribute
command is an internal, unsupported, experimental command. See
About internal commands.
The redistribute
command implements parallel reduce search processing to shorten the search runtime of a set of supported SPL commands. Apply the redistribute
command to high-cardinality dataset searches that aggregate large numbers of search results.
The redistribute
command requires a distributed search environment where indexers have been configured to operate as intermediate reducers.
You can use the redistribute
command only once in a search.
redistribute [num_of_reducers=<int>] [<by-clause>]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
- num_of_reducers
- Syntax: num_of_reducers=<int>
- Description: Specifies the number of indexers in the indexer pool that are repurposed as intermediate reducers.
- Default: The default value for
is controlled by three settings in thelimits.conf
, andreducers
. If these settings are not changed, by default the Splunk software setsnum_of_reducers
to 50 percent of your indexer pool, with a maximum of 4 indexers. See Usage for more information.
- by-clause
- Syntax: BY <field-list>
- Description: The name of one or more fields to group by. You cannot use a wildcard character to specify multiple fields with similar names. You must specify each field separately. See Using the by-clause for more information.
In Splunk deployments that have distributed search, a two-phase map-reduce process is typically used to determine the final result set for the search. Search results are mapped at the indexer layer and then reduced at the search head.
The redistribute
command inserts an intermediary reduce phase to the map-reduce process, making it a three-phase map-reduce-reduce process. This three-phase process is parallel reduce search processing.
In the intermediary reduce phase, a subset of the indexers become intermediate reducers. The intermediate reducers perform reduce operations for the search commands and then pass the results on to the search head, where the final result reduction and aggregation operations are performed. This parallelization of reduction work that otherwise would be done entirely by the search head can result in faster completion times for high-cardinality searches that aggregate large numbers of search results.
For information about managing parallel reduce processing at the indexer level, including configuring indexers to operate as intermediate reducers, see Overview of parallel reduce search processing, in the Distributed Search manual.
If you use Splunk Cloud Platform, use redistribute
only when your indexers are operating with a low to medium average load. You do not need to perform any configuration tasks to use the redistribute
Supported commands
The redistribute
command supports only streaming commands and the following nonstreaming commands:
The redistribute
command also supports the transaction
command, when the transaction
command is operating on only one field. For example, the redistribute
command cannot support the transaction
command when the following conditions are true:
- The
command has multiple fields in its<by-clause>
argument. - The
command has multiple fields in its<field-list>
argument. - You use the
command in a mode where no field is specified.
For best performance, place redistribute
immediately before the first supported nonstreaming command that has high-cardinality input.
When search processing moves to the search head
The redistribute
command moves the processing of a search string from the intermediate reducers to the search head in the following circumstances:
- It encounters a nonstreaming command that it does not support.
- It encounters a command that it supports but that does not include a split-by field.
- It encounters a command that it supports and that includes split-by fields, but the split-by fields are not a superset of the fields that are specified in the
argument of theredistribute
command. - It detects that a command modifies values of the fields specified in the
of theredistribute
Using the by-clause to determine how results are partitioned on the reducers
At the start of the intermediate reduce phase, the redistribute
command takes the mapped search results and redistributes them into partitions on the intermediate reducers according to the fields specified by the by-clause
argument. If you do not specify any by-clause
fields, the search processor uses the field or fields that work best with the commands that follow the redistribute
command in the search string.
Command type
The redistribute
command is an orchestrating command, which means that it controls how a search runs. It does not focus on the events processed by the search. The redistribute
command instructs the distributed search query planner to convert centralized streaming data into distributed streaming data by distributing it across the intermediate reducers.
For more information about command types, see Types of commands in the Search Manual.
Setting the default number of intermediate reducers
The default value for the num_of_reducers
argument is controlled by three settings in the limits.conf
file: maxReducersPerPhase
, winningRate
, and reducers
Setting name | Definition | Default value |
The maximum number of indexers that can be used as intermediate reducers in the intermediate reduce phase. | 4 |
The percentage of indexers that can be selected from the total pool of indexers and used as intermediate reducers in a parallel reduce search process. This setting applies only when the reducers setting is not configured.
50 |
A list of valid indexers that are to be used as dedicated intermediate reducers for parallel reduce search processing. When you run a search with the redistribute command, the valid indexers in the reducers list are the only indexers that are used for parallel reduce operations. If the number of valid indexers in the reducers list exceeds the maxReducersPerPhase value, the Splunk platform randomly selects a set of indexers from the reducers list that meets the maxReducersPerPhase limit.
" " (empty list) |
If you decide to add 7 of your indexers to the reducers
list, the winningRate
setting ceases to be applied, and the num_of_reducers
argument defaults to 4 indexers. The Splunk platform randomly selects four indexers from the reducers
list to act as intermediate reducers each time you run a valid redistribute
If you provide a value for the num_of_reducers
argument that exceeds the limit set by the maxReducersPerPhase
setting, the Splunk platform sets the number of reducers to the maxReducersPerPhase
The redistribute command and search head data
Searches that use the redistribute
command ignore all data on the search head. If you plan to use the redistribute
command, the best practice is to forward all search head data to the indexer layer. See Best Practice: Forward search head data to the indexer layer in the Distributed Search manual.
Using the redistribute command in chart and timechart searches
If you want to add the redistribute
command to a search that uses the chart
or timechart
commands to produce statistical results that can be used for chart visualizations, include either the sichart
command or the sitimechart
command in the search as well. The redistribute
command uses these si-
commands to perform the statistical calculations for the reporting commands on the intermediate reducers. When the redistribute
command moves the results to the search head, the chart
or timechart
command transforms the results into a format that can be used for chart visualizations.
A best practice is to use the same syntax and values for both commands. For example, if you want to have | timechart count by referrer_domain
in your redistribute
search, insert | sitimechart count by referrer_domain
into the search string:
index=main | redistribute | transaction referer_domain | search eventcount>500 | sitimechart count by referer_domain | search referer_domain=*.net | timechart count by referer_domain
If an order-sensitive command is present in the search
Certain commands that the redistribute
command supports explicitly return results in a sorted order. As a result of the partitioning that takes place when the redistribute
command is run, the Splunk platform loses the sorting order. If the Splunk platform detects that an order-sensitive command, such as streamstats
, is used in a redistribute
search, it automatically inserts sort
into the search as it processes it.
For example, the following search includes the streamstats
command, which is order-sensitive:
... | redistribute by host | stats count by host | streamstats count by host, source
The Splunk platform adds a sort
segment before the streamstats
segment when it processes the search. You can see the sort segment in the search string if you inspect the search job after you run it.
... | redistribute by host | stats count by host | sort 0 str(host) | streamstats count by host, source
The stats
and streamstats
segments are processed on the intermediate reducers because they both split by the host
field, the same field that the redistribute
command is distributing on. The work of the sort
segment is split between the indexers during the map phase of the search and the search head during the final reduce phase of the search.
If you require sorted results from a redistribute search
If you require the results of a redistribute
search to be sorted in that exact order, use sort
to perform the sorting at the search head. There is an additional performance cost to event sorting after the redistribute
command partitions events on the intermediate reducers.
The following search provides ordered results:
search * | stats count by foo
If you want to get that same event ordering while also adding redistribute
to the search to speed it up, add sort
to the search:
search * | redistribute | stats count by foo | sort 0 str(foo)
The stats
segment of this search is processed on the intermediate reducers. The work of the sort
segment is split between the indexers during the map phase of the search and the search head during the final reduce phase of the search.
Redistribute and virtual indexes
The redistribute
command does not support searches of virtual indexes. The redistribute
command also does not support unified searches if their time ranges are long enough that they run across virtual archive indexes. For more information, see the following Splunk Analytics for Hadoop topics:
1. Speed up a search on a large high-cardinality dataset
In this example, the redistribute
command is applied to a stats
search that is running over an extremely large high-cardinality dataset. The redistribute
command reduces the completion time for the search.
... | redistribute by ip | stats count by ip
The intermediate reducers process the | stats count by ip
portion of the search in parallel, lowering the completion time for the search. The search head aggregates the results.
2. Speed up a timechart search without declaring a by-clause field to redistribute on
This example uses a search over an extremely large high-cardinality dataset. The search string includes the eventstats
command, and it uses the sitimechart
command to perform the statistical calculations for a timechart
operation. The search uses the redistribute
command to reduce the completion time for the search. A by-clause
field is not specified, so the search processor selects one.
... | redistribute | eventstats count by user, source | where count>10 | sitimechart max(count) by source | timechart max(count) by source
When this search runs, the intermediate reducers process the eventstats
and sitimechart
segments of the search in parallel, reducing the overall completion time of the search. On the search head, the timechart
command takes the reduced sitimechart
calculations and transforms them into a format that can be used for for charts and visualizations.
Because a by-clause
field is not identified in the search string, the intermediate reducers redistribute and partition events on the source
3. Speed up a search that uses tstats to generate events
This example uses a search over an extremely large high-cardinality dataset. This search uses the tstats
command in conjunction with the sitimechart
and timechart
commands. The redistribute
command reduces the completion time for the search.
| tstats prestats=t count BY _time span=1d | redistribute by _time | sitimechart span=1d count | timechart span=1d count
You have to place the tstats
command at the start of the search string with a leading pipe character. When you use the redistribute
command in conjunction with tstats
, you must place the redistribute
command after the tstats
segment of the search.
In this example, the tstats
command uses the prestats=t
argument to work with the sitimechart
and timechart
The redistribute
command causes the intermediate reducers to process the sitimechart
segment of the search in parallel, reducing the overall completion time for the search. The reducers then push the results to the search head, where the timechart
command processes them into a format that you can use for charts and visualizations.
4. Speed up a search that includes a mix of supported and unsupported commands
This example uses a search over an extremely large high-cardinality dataset. The search uses the redistribute
command to reduce the search completion time. The search includes commands that are both supported and unsupported by the redistribute
command. It uses the sort
command to sort of the results after the rest of the search has been processed. You need the sort
command for event sorting because the redistribute
process undoes the sorting naturally provided by commands in the stats
command family.
... | redistribute | eventstats count by user, source | where count >10 | sort 0 -num(count)
In this example, the intermediate reducers process the eventstats
and where
segments in parallel. Those portions of the search complete faster than they would when the redistribute
command is not used.
The Splunk platform divides the work of processing the sort
portion of the search between the indexer and the search head.
5. Speed up a search where a supported command splits by fields that are not in the redistribute command by-clause argument
In this example, the redistribute
command redistributes events across the intermediate reducers by the source
field. The search includes two commands that are supported by the redistribute
command but only one of them is processed on the intermediate reducers.
... | redistribute by source | eventstats count by source, host | where count > 10 | stats count by userid, host
In this case, the eventstats
segment of the search is processed in parallel by the intermediate reducers because it includes source
as a split-by field. The where
segment is also processed on the intermediate reducers.
The stats
portion of the search, however, is processed on the search head because its split-by fields are not a superset of the set of fields that the events have been redistributed by. In other words, the stats
split-by fields do not include source
noop | runshellscript |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise: 7.1.0, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.1.5, 7.1.6, 7.1.7, 7.1.8, 7.1.9, 7.1.10, 7.2.0, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.2.4, 7.2.5, 7.2.6, 7.2.7, 7.2.8, 7.2.9, 7.2.10, 7.3.0, 7.3.1, 7.3.2, 7.3.3, 7.3.4, 7.3.5, 7.3.6, 7.3.7, 7.3.8, 7.3.9, 8.0.0, 8.0.1, 8.0.2, 8.0.3, 8.0.4, 8.0.5, 8.0.6, 8.0.7, 8.0.8, 8.0.9, 8.0.10, 8.1.0, 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3, 8.1.4, 8.1.5, 8.1.6, 8.1.7, 8.1.8, 8.1.9, 8.1.10, 8.1.11, 8.1.12, 8.1.13, 8.1.14, 9.4.0, 9.4.1
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