Splunk® Enterprise

Admin Manual

Splunk Enterprise version 8.0 is no longer supported as of October 22, 2021. See the Splunk Software Support Policy for details. For information about upgrading to a supported version, see How to upgrade Splunk Enterprise.
This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Enterprise. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.


The following are the spec and example files for restmap.conf.


# Version 8.0.0
# This file contains possible attribute/value pairs for creating new
# Representational State Transfer (REST) endpoints.

# There is a restmap.conf in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/default/. To set custom
# configurations, place a restmap.conf in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/. For
# examples, see restmap.conf.example. You must restart Splunk software to
# enable configurations.
# To learn more about configuration files (including precedence) please see
# the documentation located at
# http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Admin/Aboutconfigurationfiles
# NOTE: You must register every REST endpoint via this file to make it available.


# Use the [global] stanza to define any global settings.
#   * You can also define global settings outside of any stanza, at the top
#     of the file.
#   * Each .conf file should have at most one global stanza. If there are
#     multiple global stanzas, attributes are combined. In the case of
#     multiple definitions of the same attribute, the last definition in
#     the file wins.
#   * If an attribute is defined at both the global level and in a specific
#     stanza, the value in the specific stanza takes precedence.


allowGetAuth = <boolean>
* Allows the username/password to be passed as a GET parameter to endpoint
* Setting to "true" might result in your username and password getting
  logged as cleartext in Splunk's logs and any proxy servers in between.
* Default: false

allowRestReplay = <boolean>
* Allows POST/PUT/DELETE requests to be replayed on other nodes in the deployment.
* Setting to "true" enables centralized management.
* You can also control replay at each endpoint level.
* CAUTION: This feature is currently internal. Do not enable it
  without consulting Splunk support.
* Default: false

defaultRestReplayStanza = <string>
* Points to the default, or global, REST replay configuration stanza.
* This setting is related to the 'allowRestReplay' setting.
* Default: restreplayshc

pythonHandlerPath = <path>
* Path to 'main' python script handler.
* Used by the script handler to determine where the actual 'main' script is
* You do not typically need to edit this setting.
* Default: $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/rest_handler.py

[<rest endpoint name>:<endpoint description string>]
* Settings under this stanza are applicable to all REST stanzas.
* Settings in other stanzas might supply additional information.

match = <path>
* Specify the URI that calls the handler.
* For example, if match=/foo, then https://$SERVER:$PORT/services/foo calls this
* NOTE: You must start your path with a "/".

requireAuthentication = <boolean>
* Determines if this endpoint requires authentication.
* Optional.
* Default: true

authKeyStanza = <string>
* Determines the location of the pass4SymmKey in the
  server.conf file to be used for endpoint authentication.
* Optional. This setting is only applicable if the
  'requireAuthentication' setting is set to "true".
* Default: general

restReplay = <boolean>
* Enables REST replay on this endpoint group.
* Optional.
* Related to the 'allowRestReplay' setting.
* CAUTION: This feature is currently internal. Do not
  enable it without consulting Splunk support.
* Default: false

restReplayStanza = <string>
* This setting points to a stanza that can override the
  [global]/defaultRestReplayStanza value on a per-endpoint/regex basis.
* Default: empty string

capability = <capabilityName>
capability.<post|delete|get|put> = <capabilityName>
* Depending on the HTTP method, check capabilities on the authenticated session user.
* If you use the 'capability.<post|delete|get|put>' setting, the associated method is
  checked against the authenticated user's role.
* If you use the 'capability' setting, all calls are checked against this
  capability regardless of the HTTP method.
* You can also express capabilities as a boolean expression.
  Supported operators include: or, and, ()

acceptFrom = <comma-separated list>
* A list of networks or addresses from which to allow this endpoint to be accessed.
* Do not confuse this setting with the identical setting in the
  [httpServer] stanza of server.conf which controls whether a host can
  make HTTP requests at all.
* Each rule can be in the following forms:
    1. A single IPv4 or IPv6 address (examples: "", "fe80::4a3")
    2. A CIDR block of addresses (examples: "10/8", "fe80:1234/32")
    3. A DNS name, possibly with a '*' used as a wildcard (examples:
       "myhost.example.com", "*.splunk.com")
    4. A single '*' which matches anything.
* You can also prefix entries with '!' to cause the rule to reject the
  connection. Rules are applied in order, and the first one to match is
  used. For example, "!10.1/16, *" allows connections from everywhere
  except the 10.1.*.* network.
* Default: "*" (accept from anywhere)

includeInAccessLog = <boolean>
* Whether to include requests to this endpoint in the splunkd_access.log.
* If set to "true", requests appear in splunkd_access.log.
* If set to "false", requests do not appear in splunkd_access.log.
* Default: true

* Per-endpoint stanza.
* Use this stanza to specify a handler and other handler-specific settings.
* The handler is responsible for implementing arbitrary namespace underneath
  each REST endpoint.
* NOTE: The uniqueName must be different for each handler.
* Call the specified handler when executing this endpoint.
* The attribute/value pairs below support the script handler.

scripttype = <string>
* Tells the system what type of script to execute when using this endpoint.
* If set to "persist", it runs the script via a persistent process that
  uses the protocol from persistconn/appserver.py.
* Default: python

* For Python scripts only, selects which Python version to use.
* Set to either "default" or "python" to use the system-wide default Python
* Optional.
* Default: Not set; uses the system-wide Python version.

* The name and class name of the file to execute.
* The file must be located in an application's bin subdirectory.
* For example, $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/<APPNAME>/bin/TestHandler.py has a class
  called MyHandler (which, in the case of python must be derived from a base
  class called 'splunk.rest.BaseRestHandler'). The attribute/value pair for it is:

xsl = <string>
* The path to an XSL transform file.
* Perform an XSL transform on data returned from the handler.
* Optional. Only use this setting if the data is in XML format.
* Does not apply if the 'scripttype' setting is set to "persist".

script = <string>
* The path to a script executable.
* If the 'scripttype' setting is set to "python", this setting is optional.
  It lets you run a script which is *not* derived from
  'splunk.rest.BaseRestHandler'. This setting is rarely used.
* If the 'scripttype' setting is set to "persist", this setting is
  the path which is sent to the driver to execute. In that case,
  environment variables are substituted.

script.arg.<N> = <string>
* A list of arguments that are passed to the driver to start the script.
* Only has effect if the 'scripttype' setting is set to "persist".
* The script can use this information however it wants.
* Environment variables are substituted.

script.param = <string>
* A free-form argument that is passed to the driver when it starts the script.
* Optional.
* Only has effect if the 'scripttype' setting is set to "persist".
* The script can use this information however it wants.
* Environment variables are substituted.

output_modes = <comma-separated list>
* Specify which output formats this endpoint can request.
* Valid values: json, xml
* Default: xml

passSystemAuth = <boolean>
* Specifies whether or not to pass in a system-level
  authentication token on each request.
* Default: false

driver = <path>
* If the 'scripttype' setting is set to "persist", specifies
  the command to start a persistent server for this process.
* Endpoints that share the same driver configuration can share processes.
* Environment variables are substituted.
* Default: the persistconn/appserver.py server.

driver.arg.<n> = <string>
* If the 'scripttype' setting is set to "persist", specifies
  the command to start a persistent server for this process.
* Environment variables are substituted.
* Only takes effect when "driver" is specifically set.

driver.env.<name> = <string>
* If the 'scripttype' setting is set to "persist", specifies
  an environment variable to set when running the driver process.

passConf = <boolean>
* If set, the script is sent the contents of this
  configuration stanza as part of the request.
* Only has effect if the 'scripttype' setting is set to "persist".
* Default: true

passPayload = [true|false|base64]
* If set to "true", sends the driver the raw, unparsed body of the
  POST/PUT as a "payload" string.
* If set to "base64", the same body is instead base64-encoded and
  sent as a "payload_base64" string.
* Only has effect if the 'scripttype' setting is set to "persist".
* Default: false

passSession = <boolean>
* If set to "true", sends the driver information about the user's
  session. This includes the user's name, an active authtoken,
  and other details.
* Only has effect if the 'scripttype' setting is set to "persist".
* Default: true

passHttpHeaders = <boolean>
* If set to "true", sends the driver the HTTP headers of the request.
* Only has effect if the 'scripttype' setting is set to "persist".
* Default: false

passHttpCookies = <boolean>
* If set to "true", sends the driver the HTTP cookies of the request.
* Only has effect if the 'scripttype' setting is set to "persist".
* Default: false

* 'admin'
* The built-in handler for the Extensible Administration Interface (EAI).
* Exposes the listed EAI handlers at the given URL.

match = <string>
* A partial URL which, when accessed, displays the handlers listed below.

members = <comma-separated list>
* A list of handlers to expose at this URL.
* See https://localhost:8089/services/admin for a list of all possible

* 'admin_external'
* Register Python handlers for the Extensible Administration Interface (EAI).
* The handler is exposed via its "uniqueName".

handlertype = <string>
* The script type.
* Currently the only valid value is "python".

* For Python scripts only, selects which Python version to use.
* Either "default" or "python" select the system-wide default Python version.
* Optional.
* Default: not set; uses the system-wide Python version.

* Script to execute.
* For bin/myAwesomeAppHandler.py, specify only myAwesomeAppHandler.py.

handlerpersistentmode = <boolean>
* Set to "true" to run the script in persistent mode and
  keep the process running between requests.

handleractions = <comma-separated list>
* a list of EAI actions supported by this handler.
* Valid values: create, edit, list, delete, _reload

* Validation stanzas.
* Add stanzas using the following definition to add argument
  validation to the appropriate EAI handlers.

<field> = <validation-rule>
* <field> is the name of the field whose value is validated when an
  object is being saved.
* <validation-rule> is an eval expression using the validate() function to
  evaluate argument correctness and return an error message. If you use a boolean
  returning function, a generic message is displayed.
* <handler-name> is the name of the REST endpoint that this stanza applies to.
  handler-name is what is used to access the handler via
* For example:
  action.email.sendresult = validate( isbool('action.email.sendresults'), "'action.email.sendresults' must be a boolean value").
* NOTE: Use "'" or "$" to enclose field names that contain non-alphanumeric characters.

[eai:<EAI handler name>]
* 'eai'
* Settings to alter the behavior of EAI handlers in various ways.
* Users do not need to edit these settings.

showInDirSvc = <boolean>
* Whether configurations managed by this handler should be enumerated via the
  directory service, used by SplunkWeb's "All Configurations" management page.
* Default: false

desc = <string>
* Allows for renaming the configuration type of these objects
  when enumerated via the directory service.

* Miscellaneous parameters.
* The undescribed settings in these stanzas all operate according to the
  descriptions listed under the [script] stanza above.
* Users do not need to edit these settings. They only exist to quiet
  down the configuration checker.

dynamic = <boolean>
* If set to "true", listen on the socket for data.
* If set to "false", data is contained within the request body.
* Default: false

path = <path>
* The path to search through to find configuration bundles from search peers.

untar = <boolean>
* Whether or not to untar a file once the transfer is complete.

methods =  <comma-separated list>
* REST methods that are replayed.
* Available fields: POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, GET

nodelists = <comma-separated list>
* Strategies for replay.
* Available fields: shc, nodes, filternodes
* "shc" replays to all other nodes in a search head cluster.
* "nodes" provide raw comma-separated URIs in nodes variable.
* "filternodes" filters out specific nodes. It is always applied
  after other strategies.

nodes = <comma-separated list>
* A list of management URIs (specific nodes) that
  you want the REST call to be replayed to.

filternodes = <comma-separated list>
* A list of management URIs (specific nodes) that
  you do not want the REST call to be replayed to.

destination = <URL>
* The protocol, subdomain, domain, port, and path
  of the Splunkbase API used to browse apps.
* Default: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/api


#   Version 8.0.0
# This file contains example REST endpoint configurations.
# To use one or more of these configurations, copy the configuration block into
# restmap.conf in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/. You must restart Splunk to
# enable configurations.
# To learn more about configuration files (including precedence) please see the
# documentation located at
# http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Admin/Aboutconfigurationfiles

# The following are default REST configurations.  To create your own endpoints,
# modify the values by following the spec outlined in restmap.conf.spec.

# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#  global settings
# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


# indicates if auths are allowed via GET params

#The default handler (assuming that we have PYTHONPATH set)

# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#  internal C++ handlers
# NOTE: These are internal Splunk-created endpoints. 3rd party developers can
# only use script or search can be used as handlers.
# (Please see restmap.conf.spec for help with configurations.)
# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////



capability=(edit_monitor or edit_sourcetypes) and (edit_user and edit_tcp)

Last modified on 06 January, 2020
pubsub.conf   savedsearches.conf

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise: 8.0.0

Please expect delayed responses to documentation feedback while the team migrates content to a new system. We value your input and thank you for your patience as we work to provide you with an improved content experience!

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