Splunk® Enterprise

Release Notes

Splunk Enterprise version 9.0 will no longer be supported as of June 14, 2024. See the Splunk Software Support Policy for details. For information about upgrading to a supported version, see How to upgrade Splunk Enterprise.
This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Enterprise. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Fixed issues

Splunk Enterprise

Splunk Enterprise was released on July 20, 2022. This release fixes the following issue:

Date resolved Issue number Description
2022-07-01 SPL-226408 SmartStore configuration is rejected with IAM credentials and a custom endpoint.

Splunk Enterprise 9.0.0

Splunk Enterprise 9.0.0 was released on June 14, 2022. This release includes fixes for the following issues.

Issues are listed in all relevant sections. Some issues might appear more than once.

Search issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2022-08-19 SPL-228782, SPL-209599 Searches with hundreds of search commands can crash the main Splunk server, add explicit limit of 1000 commands to prevent that.
2022-04-06 SPL-217505 Federated searches fail when 'table' command is used
2022-04-06 SPL-216071, SPL-221483 WLM admission rules preventing use of index=* not honoured when user has restricted index access
2021-09-29 SPL-212535, SPL-219399 | stats count return 0 results for an audit log search

Federated search issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2021-04-02 SPL-202991, SPL-203053 old extracted bundle directories are not getting deleted on remote search head when "Local Knowledge Objects" is enabled

Charting, reporting, and visualization issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2022-08-04 SPL-218939 classic new dashboard is not showing data/search results from default token, but the first one on the list
2022-04-27 SPL-218611, SPL-223215, SPL-223239 Drilldown in dashboards works only once for dashboard token update
2021-11-01 SPL-206131, SPL-228052 Example Hub does not load when using a reverse proxy

Indexer and indexer clustering issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2022-03-04 SPL-216960, SPL-220090 Poor diagnosability in the choice of the number of peers to restart at once in site-by-site searchable rolling restarts.

Uncategorized issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2023-03-21 SPL-141478, SPL-237563 $_index_name does not resolve properly when used with the thawedPath pathname
2022-03-09 SPL-217671, SPL-220216 Unstable distributed search environment with 100+ search peers when indexers have thousands of indexes. Need a new setting, "searchableIndexMapping", to disable index-mapping feature.
Last modified on 19 October, 2023
Field alias behavior change   Deprecated and removed in version 9.0

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise: 9.0.0

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