Splunk® Enterprise

Admin Manual

Splunk Enterprise version 9.0 will no longer be supported as of June 14, 2024. See the Splunk Software Support Policy for details. For information about upgrading to a supported version, see How to upgrade Splunk Enterprise.
This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Enterprise. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.


The following are the spec and example files for web-features.conf.


#   Version 9.0.10


# This file contains descriptions of the settings that you can use to
# configure Splunk features. These features are replicated in a Search Head
# Cluster environment.
# Each stanza controls a different web feature.
# For more information on configuration files, including precedence, search for
# "Use Splunk Web to manage configuration files" in the Admin Manual in the Splunk Docs.


enable_jQuery2 = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not Splunk Web can use jQuery 2 JavaScript files
  packaged with the Splunk platform.
* A "false" value means Splunk Web cannot use jQuery 2 JavaScript files
  packaged with the Splunk platform.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* Default: true

enable_unsupported_hotlinked_imports = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not Splunk Web can use unsupported JavaScript
  files that the Splunk platform will delete in a future release.
* Unsupported hotlinked imports are dependencies in your Simple XML Custom
  JavaScript Extensions that directly reference Splunk software.
* A "false" value means Splunk Web cannot use hotlinked imports
  that the Splunk platform will delete in a future release.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* Default: true


enable_dashboard_inputs_localization = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not Splunk Web will attempt to localize input choices in
  Classic dashboards.
* A value of "true" means that localization for input choices will be enabled in
  Classic Dashboards.
* A value of "false" means that localization for input choices will be disabled in
  Classic Dashboards.
* Default: false


optimize_ui_prefs_performance = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not Splunk Web will optimize performance of the API related to ui-prefs.conf.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* A value of "false" means that Splunk Web will not optimize performance of the API related to ui-prefs.
* Default: true


enable_app_bar_performance_optimizations = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not Splunk Web will optimize performance when generating the app bar.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* A value of "false" means that Splunk Web will not optimize performance when generating the app bar.
* Default: true

bypass_app_bar_performance_optimizations_apps = <comma separated list>
* Splunk Web will not optimize performance when generating the app bar for this comma separated list of apps.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* A value of "splunk_monitoring_console,search" means that Splunk Web will not optimize performance when generating the app bar for the splunk_monitoring_console and search apps.
* Default: "splunk_monitoring_console"


disable_highcharts_accessibility = <boolean>
* Disable accessibility module in the highcharts charting library.
* A value of "true" means that Splunk Web will not use the
  accessibility module in the highcharts charting library.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* Default: true


#   Version 9.0.10
# You can configure properties for your custom application.
# To use one or more of these configurations, copy the configuration block into
# the app.conf file located in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/. You must restart
# Splunk software after you make changes to this setting to enable configurations.
# For more information on configuration files, including precedence, search for
# "Use Splunk Web to manage configuration files" in the Admin Manual in the Splunk Docs.

enable_jQuery2 = false
enable_unsupported_hotlinked_imports = false

enable_dashboard_inputs_localization = false

optimize_ui_prefs_performance = true

enable_app_bar_performance_optimizations = true
bypass_app_bar_performance_optimizations_apps = "splunk_monitoring_console,search"

Last modified on 28 June, 2024
web.conf   wmi.conf

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise: 9.0.10

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