Splunk® Enterprise

Admin Manual

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Enterprise. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.


The following are the spec and example files for rolling_upgrade.conf.


# This file contains descriptions of the settings you can use to configure the
# splunk-rolling-upgrade app.


* The severity level at which the splunk-rolling-upgrade app writes log file
* splunk-rolling-upgrade writes logs at the level you set in 'log_level' and
  any higher levels. For example, if you set 'log_level = WARN',
  the app writes logs at both WARN and ERROR severity levels.
* Logging levels increase in order of severity, as follows (lower levels provide more
  information, but increase log file size):
  * DEBUG - Detailed information for diagnosing problems.
  * INFO  - Confirmation that things are working as expected.
  * WARN  - A warning of a recoverable fault or a problem that might
            occur in the future.
  * ERROR - A problem that is causing the software to not run as expected.
* Default: INFO


# These settings control the client interface that connects to Splunk software
# via REST API.
retries = <positive integer>
* The maximum number of times the splunk-rolling-upgrade app retries a connection
  attempt before terminating the REST API request.
* Default: 2

delay = <non-negative integer>
* The initial amount of time, in seconds, splunk-rolling-upgrade app waits before
  retrying a REST call.
* Default: 1

timeout = <positive integer>
* The amount of time, in seconds, the splunk-rolling-upgrade app waits for a
  response from a REST API request before terminating the request.
* Default: 30


# These settings manage internal sub-processes that the splunk-rolling-upgrade app creates.
timeout = <positive integer>
* The maximum about of time, in seconds, the splunk-rolling-upgrade app waits for a process to terminate.
  If the elapsed time exceeds the timeout value, the entire rolling upgrade fails.
* Default: 600


# Kvstore requires some time to be fully initialised. These settings are used to define
# how long an upgrade has to wait for kvstore initialisation.
max_tries = <positive integer>
* The maximum number of times the splunk-rolling-upgrade app checks for
  kvstore readiness.
* Default: 10

initial_delay_after_each_retry = <non-negative integer>
* The amount of time, in seconds, the splunk-rolling-upgrade app waits before
  checking again if the kvstore is properly initialized.
* Default: 20


# When dealing with a Search Head Cluster there are few things that must happen in order to have
# a fully initialised cluster. Each peer must be ready (and their corresponding kvstore must be
# properly replicated), and a captain must be elected. This requires some time, depending on the
# cluster size.
max_tries = <positive integer>
* The maximum number of times the splunk-rolling-upgrade app checks for search
  head cluster readiness.
* Default: 10

initial_delay_after_each_retry = <non-negative integer>
* The amount of time, in seconds, the splunk-rolling-upgrade apps waits before
  rechecking search head cluster readiness.
* Default: 20


# Settings to control interaction with search head cluster members.
max_tries = <positive integer>
* The maximum number of times the splunk-rolling-upgrade app checks whether
  all historical searches are complete.
* Default: 20

initial_delay_after_each_retry = <non-negative integer>
* The amount of time, in seconds, the splunk-rolling-upgrade app waits before
  rechecking whether all searches are complete.
* Default: 20


# These settings control Splunk package source.
package_path = <string>
* Specifies the URI path to a new Splunk Enterprise installation pacakge. 
  Authentication is not supported.
* Supported package file formats are .tgz, .rpm, and .deb.
* Supported URI schemas are file://, http:// and https:// only. All other schemas (such as
  ftp://) result in an error.
* Default: none


# These settings specify a hook script that installs Splunk Enterprise on
# Linux machines during automated rolling upgrade. To install from a .tgz
# archive, use the default 'install.tgz.sh' script, which unpacks the archive
# under $SPLUNK_HOME and restarts Splunk. To install from .rpm or .deb
# packages, you must write a custom hook script. For instructions on how to
# write your own hook script, see Splunk Enterprise documentation.
install_script_path = <string>
* Specifies the path to the hook script that installs Splunk Enterprise.
* Default: $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/splunk-rolling-upgrade/hooks/install_tgz.sh


No example
Last modified on 28 June, 2024
restmap.conf   savedsearches.conf

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise: 9.2.2

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