Splunk® Enterprise

Release Notes

Fixed issues

Splunk Enterprise 9.2.2 was released on July 1, 2024. This release includes fixes for the following issues.

Issues are listed in all relevant sections. Some issues might appear more than once.

Search issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2024-03-20 SPL-248297 Higher memory usage than usual on Windows systems after upgrade from Splunk Enterprise version 9.0/8.x to version 9.1.x/9.2.x
2024-03-06 SPL-249487, SPL-251836, SPL-251952, SPL-251953, SPL-251954 Errors with empty automatic lookups

Federated search issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2024-04-22 SPL-254540, SPL-253986 Transparent Federated Search should not ignore federated service account index permission when fsh user is set to SPLUNK_SYSTEM_USER
2024-03-25 SPL-252488, SPL-248786, SPL-253755 Lookups in transparent mode don't use proper lookup when fsh and rsh have lookup with same name

Distributed search and search head clustering issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2024-04-05 SPL-253660, SPL-253532, SPL-253661 Job Artifacts appear getting deleted unexpectedly

Universal forwarder issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2024-03-13 SPL-252446, SPL-245954 UF memory utilization by splunk-winevtlog.exe increases until resources are exausted on Domain Controller
2024-03-12 SPL-245954, SPL-252444, SPL-252445, SPL-252446 UF memory utilization by splunk-winevtlog.exe increases until resources are exausted on Domain Controller

Distributed deployment, forwarder, deployment server issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2024-04-25 SPL-252818, SPL-253411, SPL-254631 Deployment Server not displaying Apps correctly after update

Uncategorized issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2024-03-14 SPL-252573, SPL-251434 Crashing Thread: typing_0 in Heavy Forwarder
Last modified on 02 July, 2024
Field alias behavior change   Deprecated and removed in version 9.2

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise: 9.2.2

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