Modular inputs examples
These examples use Python for the scripting language. However, you can use various other scripting languages to implement modular inputs.
Note: Splunk Universal Forwarder, unlike other Splunk instances, does not provide a Python interpreter. In this case, to run these examples you may need to install Python on the server if one is not already available.
Twitter example
The Twitter example streams JSON data from a Twitter source to the Splunk platform for indexing.
- Note: The example uses Tweepy, a Python library, to access the Twitter source. Tweepy libraries must be available to the Splunk Twitter example script,
. To run the example, download and install Tweepy.
Twitter example script
Place the script in the following location in your Splunk installation:
Refer to Scripts for modular inputs for analysis of specific parts of the script. This script has been made cross-compatible with Python 2 and Python 3 using python-future.
from __future__ import print_function from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() from builtins import str import tweepy, sys import xml.dom.minidom, xml.sax.saxutils from tweepy.utils import import_simplejson json = import_simplejson() from tweepy.models import Status import logging import splunk.entity as entity import http.client from socket import timeout from tweepy.auth import BasicAuthHandler from tweepy.api import API #set up logging suitable for splunkd comsumption logging.root logging.root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s %(message)s') handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(formatter) logging.root.addHandler(handler) SCHEME = """<scheme> <title>Twitter</title> <description>Get data from Twitter.</description> <use_external_validation>true</use_external_validation> <streaming_mode>simple</streaming_mode> <endpoint> <args> <arg name="name"> <title>Twitter feed name</title> <description>Name of the current feed using the user credentials supplied.</description> </arg> <arg name="username"> <title>Twitter ID/Handle</title> <description>Your Twitter ID.</description> </arg> <arg name="password"> <title>Password</title> <description>Your twitter password</description> </arg> </args> </endpoint> </scheme> """ def do_scheme(): print(SCHEME) # prints XML error data to be consumed by Splunk def print_error(s): print("<error><message>%s</message></error>" % xml.sax.saxutils.escape(s)) class SplunkListener( tweepy.StreamListener ): def on_data(self, data): super( SplunkListener, self).on_data( data ) twt = json.loads(data) if 'text' in twt: print(json.dumps(twt)) return True def on_error(self, status_code): """Called when a non-200 status code is returned""" print('got error\n') print(status_code) logging.error("got error: %s" %(status_code)) return False def on_timeout(self): """Called when stream connection times out""" print('got timeout')"Got a timeout") return def validate_conf(config, key): if key not in config: raise Exception("Invalid configuration received from Splunk: key '%s' is missing." % key) #read XML configuration passed from splunkd def get_config(): config = {} try: # read everything from stdin config_str = # parse the config XML doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(config_str) root = doc.documentElement conf_node = root.getElementsByTagName("configuration")[0] if conf_node: logging.debug("XML: found configuration") stanza = conf_node.getElementsByTagName("stanza")[0] if stanza: stanza_name = stanza.getAttribute("name") if stanza_name: logging.debug("XML: found stanza " + stanza_name) config["name"] = stanza_name params = stanza.getElementsByTagName("param") for param in params: param_name = param.getAttribute("name") logging.debug("XML: found param '%s'" % param_name) if param_name and param.firstChild and \ param.firstChild.nodeType == param.firstChild.TEXT_NODE: data = config[param_name] = data logging.debug("XML: '%s' -> '%s'" % (param_name, data)) checkpnt_node = root.getElementsByTagName("checkpoint_dir")[0] if checkpnt_node and checkpnt_node.firstChild and \ checkpnt_node.firstChild.nodeType == checkpnt_node.firstChild.TEXT_NODE: config["checkpoint_dir"] = if not config: raise Exception("Invalid configuration received from Splunk.") # just some validation: make sure these keys are present (required) validate_conf(config, "name") validate_conf(config, "username") validate_conf(config, "password") validate_conf(config, "checkpoint_dir") except Exception as e: raise Exception("Error getting Splunk configuration via STDIN: %s" % str(e)) return config def get_validation_data(): val_data = {} # read everything from stdin val_str = # parse the validation XML doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(val_str) root = doc.documentElement logging.debug("XML: found items") item_node = root.getElementsByTagName("item")[0] if item_node: logging.debug("XML: found item") name = item_node.getAttribute("name") val_data["stanza"] = name params_node = item_node.getElementsByTagName("param") for param in params_node: name = param.getAttribute("name") logging.debug("Found param %s" % name) if name and param.firstChild and \ param.firstChild.nodeType == param.firstChild.TEXT_NODE: val_data[name] = return val_data # parse the twitter error string and extract the message def get_twitter_error(s): try: doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(s) root = doc.documentElement messages = root.getElementsByTagName("Message") if messages and messages[0].firstChild and \ messages[0].firstChild.nodeType == messages[0].firstChild.TEXT_NODE: return messages[0] return "" except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError as e: return s def validate_config(username,password): try: auth = BasicAuthHandler(username,password) headers = {} host = '' url = '/1/statuses/sample.json?delimited=length' body = None timeout = 5.0 auth.apply_auth(None,None, headers, None) conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(host) conn.connect() conn.sock.settimeout(timeout) conn.request('POST', url, body, headers=headers) resp = conn.getresponse() if resp.status != 200: raise Exception("HTTP request to Twitter returned with status code %d (%s): %s" % (resp.status,resp.reason, get_twitter_error( logging.error("Invalid twitter credentials %s , %s" % (username,password)) conn.close() except Exception as e: print_error("Invalid configuration specified: %s" % str(e)) sys.exit(1) def run(): config =get_config() username=config["username"] password=config["password"] # Validate username and password before starting splunk listener. logging.debug("Credentials found: username = %s, password = %s" %(username,password)) validate_config(username,password) listener = SplunkListener() stream = tweepy.Stream( username,password, listener ) stream.sample() if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == "--scheme": do_scheme() elif sys.argv[1] == "--validate-arguments": if len(sys.argv)>3: validate_config(sys.argv[2],sys.argv[3]) else: print('supply username and password') elif sys.argv[1] == "--test": print('No tests for the scheme present') else: print('You giveth weird arguments') else: # just request data from Twitter run() sys.exit(0)
Twitter example spec file
Place the following spec file in the following location:
[twitter://default] *This is how the Twitter app is configured username = <value> *This is the user's twitter username/handle password = <value> *This is the user's password used for logging into twitter
Sample JSON input for the Twitter example
Here is an example of the JSON input from Twitter that the Twitter example indexes:
{"contributors":null,"text":"@CraZiiBoSSx3 Yea ... Lo_Ok","created_at":"Fri Mar 19 18:41:17 +0000 2010","truncated":false,"coordinates":null,"in_reply_to_screen_name":"CraZiiBoSSx3","favorited":false,"geo":null,"in_reply_to_status_id":10735405186,"source":"<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Echofon</a>","place":null,"in_reply_to_user_id":114199314,"user":{"created_at":"Mon Dec 21 23:01:05 +0000 2009","profile_background_color":"0099B9","favourites_count":0,"lang":"en","profile_text_color":"3C3940","location":"my location !","following":null,"time_zone":"Central Time (US & Canada)","description":"Names GiiqqL3z; ;) ; Unfollow","statuses_count":1685,"profile_link_color":"0099B9","notifications":null,"profile_background_image_url":"","contributors_enabled":false,"geo_enabled":false,"profile_sidebar_fill_color":"95E8EC","url":null,"profile_image_url":"","profile_background_tile":false,"protected":false,"profile_sidebar_border_color":"5ED4DC","screen_name":"123_Kay","name":"~GLam DOll GiiqqLez~","verified":false,"followers_count":77,"id":98491606,"utc_offset":-21600,"friends_count":64},"id":10735704604}
S3 example
The S3 example provides for streaming data from the Amazon S3 data storage service. A more robust version of this capability is available in the Splunk Add-on for Amazon Web Services on Splunkbase.
Place the script in the following location in your Splunk installation:
- Note: A script for modular inputs requires an
spec file to operate correctly in Splunk Web. Refer to Modular Inputs spec file for information on creating the inputs.conf spec file.
reads files in various formats and streams data from the files for indexing by Splunk software. Specific areas of interest for modular inputs are the following:
- Connects to S3 services, providing an Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key
- Sets up logging to splunkd.log
- Provides an XML scheme for use by Splunk Manager
- Provides a --scheme argument that returns the XML scheme for the modular inputs
- Validates data returned from S3
- Specifies streaming mode as xml
S3 example script
The following example script,
, provides for streaming data from the Amazon S3 data storage service.
is presented in its entirety below. Refer to Scripts for modular inputs for analysis of specific parts of the script. This script has been made cross-compatible with Python 2 and Python 3 using python-future.
from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() from builtins import str from builtins import range from past.utils import old_div from builtins import object import sys, time, os import http.client, urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, hashlib, base64, hmac, urllib.parse, md5 import xml.dom.minidom, xml.sax.saxutils import logging import tarfile, gzip ENDPOINT_HOST_PORT = "" # set up logging suitable for splunkd consumption logging.root logging.root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s %(message)s') handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(formatter) logging.root.addHandler(handler) SCHEME = """<scheme> <title>Amazon S3</title> <description>Get data from Amazon S3.</description> <use_external_validation>true</use_external_validation> <streaming_mode>xml</streaming_mode> <endpoint> <args> <arg name="name"> <title>Resource name</title> <description>An S3 resource name without the leading s3://. For example, for s3://bucket/file.txt specify bucket/file.txt. You can also monitor a whole bucket (for example by specifying 'bucket'), or files within a sub-directory of a bucket (for example 'bucket/some/directory/'; note the trailing slash). </description> </arg> <arg name="key_id"> <title>Key ID</title> <description>Your Amazon key ID.</description> </arg> <arg name="secret_key"> <title>Secret key</title> <description>Your Amazon secret key.</description> </arg> </args> </endpoint> </scheme> """ def string_to_sign(method, http_date, resource): # "$method\n$contentMD5\n$contentType\n$httpDate\n$xamzHeadersToSign$resource" return "%s\n\n\n%s\n%s" % (method, http_date, resource) # returns "Authorization" header string def get_auth_header_value(method, key_id, secret_key, http_date, resource): to_sign = string_to_sign(method, http_date, resource) logging.debug("String to sign=%s" % repr(to_sign)) signature = base64.encodestring(, to_sign, hashlib.sha1).digest()).strip() return "AWS %s:%s" % (key_id, signature) def put_header(conn, k, v): logging.debug("Adding header %s: %s" % (k, v)) conn.putheader(k, v) def gen_date_string(): st = time.localtime() tm = time.mktime(st) return time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime(tm)) # query_string is expected to have been escaped by the caller def get_http_connection(key_id, secret_key, bucket, obj, use_bucket_as_host = True, query_string = None): method = "GET" host = bucket + "." + ENDPOINT_HOST_PORT if not use_bucket_as_host: host = ENDPOINT_HOST_PORT conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(host)"Connecting to %s." % host) conn.connect() unescaped_path_to_sign = "/" + bucket + "/" unescaped_path_to_req = "/" if obj: unescaped_path_to_sign += obj unescaped_path_to_req += obj if not use_bucket_as_host: unescaped_path_to_req = unescaped_path_to_sign date_str = gen_date_string() path = urllib.parse.quote(unescaped_path_to_req) if query_string: path += query_string logging.debug("%s %s" % (method, path)) conn.putrequest(method, path) put_header(conn, "Authorization", get_auth_header_value(method, key_id, \ secret_key, date_str, unescaped_path_to_sign)) put_header(conn, "Date", date_str) conn.endheaders() return conn def log_response(resp): status, reason = resp.status, resp.reason s = "status=%s reason=\"%s\"" % (str(status), str(reason)) if status == 200: logging.debug(s) else: logging.error(s) # parse the amazon error string and extract the message def get_amazon_error(s): try: doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(s) root = doc.documentElement messages = root.getElementsByTagName("Message") if messages and messages[0].firstChild and \ messages[0].firstChild.nodeType == messages[0].firstChild.TEXT_NODE: return messages[0] return "" except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError as e: return s # prints XML error data to be consumed by Splunk def print_error_old(s): impl = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation() doc = impl.createDocument(None, "message", None) top_element = doc.documentElement text = doc.createTextNode(s) top_element.appendChild(text) sys.stdout.write(doc.toxml()) # prints XML error data to be consumed by Splunk def print_error(s): print("<error><message>%s</message></error>" % xml.sax.saxutils.escape(s)) def validate_conf(config, key): if key not in config: raise Exception("Invalid configuration received from Splunk: key '%s' is missing." % key) # read XML configuration passed from splunkd def get_config(): config = {} try: # read everything from stdin config_str = # parse the config XML doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(config_str) root = doc.documentElement conf_node = root.getElementsByTagName("configuration")[0] if conf_node: logging.debug("XML: found configuration") stanza = conf_node.getElementsByTagName("stanza")[0] if stanza: stanza_name = stanza.getAttribute("name") if stanza_name: logging.debug("XML: found stanza " + stanza_name) config["name"] = stanza_name params = stanza.getElementsByTagName("param") for param in params: param_name = param.getAttribute("name") logging.debug("XML: found param '%s'" % param_name) if param_name and param.firstChild and \ param.firstChild.nodeType == param.firstChild.TEXT_NODE: data = config[param_name] = data logging.debug("XML: '%s' -> '%s'" % (param_name, data)) checkpnt_node = root.getElementsByTagName("checkpoint_dir")[0] if checkpnt_node and checkpnt_node.firstChild and \ checkpnt_node.firstChild.nodeType == checkpnt_node.firstChild.TEXT_NODE: config["checkpoint_dir"] = if not config: raise Exception("Invalid configuration received from Splunk.") # just some validation: make sure these keys are present (required) validate_conf(config, "name") validate_conf(config, "key_id") validate_conf(config, "secret_key") validate_conf(config, "checkpoint_dir") except Exception as e: raise Exception("Error getting Splunk configuration via STDIN: %s" % str(e)) return config def read_from_s3_uri(url): u = urllib.parse.urlparse(str(url)) bucket = u.netloc obj = None subdir = None if u.path: obj = u.path[1:] # trim the leading slash subdir = "/".join(obj.split("/")[:-1]) if subdir: subdir += "/" logging.debug("Extracted from url=%s bucket=%s subdir=%s object=%s" % (url, bucket, subdir, obj)) if not subdir: subdir = None if not obj: obj = None return (bucket, subdir, obj) class HTTPResponseWrapper(object): def __init__(self, resp): self.resp = resp def init_stream(): sys.stdout.write("<stream>") def fini_stream(): sys.stdout.write("</stream>") def send_data(source, buf): sys.stdout.write("<event unbroken=\"1\"><data>") sys.stdout.write(xml.sax.saxutils.escape(buf)) sys.stdout.write("</data>\n<source>") sys.stdout.write(xml.sax.saxutils.escape(source)) sys.stdout.write("</source></event>\n") def send_done_key(source): sys.stdout.write("<event unbroken=\"1\"><source>") sys.stdout.write(xml.sax.saxutils.escape(source)) sys.stdout.write("</source><done/></event>\n") # returns a list of all objects from a bucket def get_objs_from_bucket(key_id, secret_key, bucket, subdir = None): query_string = None if subdir: query_string = "?prefix=%s&delimiter=/" % urllib.parse.quote(subdir) conn = get_http_connection(key_id, secret_key, bucket, obj = None, query_string = query_string) resp = conn.getresponse() log_response(resp) if resp.status != 200: raise Exception("AWS HTTP request return status code %d (%s): %s" % \ (resp.status, resp.reason, get_amazon_error( bucket_listing = conn.close() # parse AWS's bucket listing response objs = [] doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(bucket_listing) root = doc.documentElement key_nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("Key") for key in key_nodes: if key.firstChild.nodeType == key.firstChild.TEXT_NODE: objs.append( return objs def get_encoded_file_path(config, url): # encode the URL (simply to make the file name recognizable) name = "" for i in range(len(url)): if url[i].isalnum(): name += url[i] else: name += "_" # MD5 the URL m = m.update(url) name += "_" + m.hexdigest() return os.path.join(config["checkpoint_dir"], name) # returns true if the checkpoint file exists def load_checkpoint(config, url): chk_file = get_encoded_file_path(config, url) # try to open this file try: open(chk_file, "r").close() except: # assume that this means the checkpoint it not there return False return True # simply creates a checkpoint file indicating that the URL was checkpointed def save_checkpoint(config, url): chk_file = get_encoded_file_path(config, url) # just create an empty file name"Checkpointing url=%s file=%s", url, chk_file) f = open(chk_file, "w") f.close() def run(): config = get_config() url = config["name"] bucket, subdir, obj = read_from_s3_uri(url) key_id = config["key_id"] secret_key = config["secret_key"] if obj and (not subdir or obj != subdir): # object-level URL provided (e.g. s3://bucket/object.txt) that does # not appear to be a directory (no ending slash) if not load_checkpoint(config, url): # there is no checkpoint for this URL: process init_stream() request_one_object(url, key_id, secret_key, bucket, obj) fini_stream() save_checkpoint(config, url) else:"URL %s already processed. Skipping.") else: # bucket-level URL provided (e.g. s3://bucket), or a directory-level # URL (e.g. s3://bucket/some/subdir/) init_stream() while True: logging.debug("Checking for objects in bucket %s" % bucket) objs = get_objs_from_bucket(key_id, secret_key, bucket, subdir) for o in objs: if subdir and not o.startswith(subdir): logging.debug("obj=%s does not start with %s. Skipping.", subdir) continue obj_url = "s3://" + bucket + "/" + o if not load_checkpoint(config, obj_url):"Processing %s" % obj_url) request_one_object(obj_url, key_id, secret_key, bucket, o) save_checkpoint(config, obj_url) # check every 60 seconds for new entries time.sleep(60) fini_stream() def request_one_object(url, key_id, secret_key, bucket, obj): assert bucket and obj conn = get_http_connection(key_id, secret_key, bucket, obj) resp = conn.getresponse() log_response(resp) if resp.status != 200: raise Exception("Amazon HTTP request to '%s' returned status code %d (%s): %s" % \ (url, resp.status, resp.reason, get_amazon_error( translator = get_data_translator(url, resp) cur_src = "" buf = bytes_read = len(buf) while len(buf) > 0: if cur_src and translator.source() != cur_src: send_done_key(cur_src) cur_src = translator.source() send_data(translator.source(), buf) buf = bytes_read += len(buf) if cur_src: send_done_key(cur_src) translator.close() conn.close() sys.stdout.flush()"Done reading. Read bytes=%d", bytes_read) # Handles file reading from tar archives. From the tarfile module: # fileobj must support: read(), readline(), readlines(), seek() and tell(). class TarTranslator(object): def __init__(self, src, tar): self.tar = tar self.member = next(self.tar) self.member_f = self.tar.extractfile(self.member) self.translator = None self.base_source = src if self.member: self.src = self.base_source + ":" + if self.member_f: self.translator = get_data_translator(self.src, self.member_f) def read(self, sz = 8192): while True: while self.member and self.member_f is None: self.member = next(self.tar) if self.member: self.member_f = self.tar.extractfile(self.member) self.src = self.base_source + ":" + self.translator = get_data_translator(self.src, self.member_f) if not self.member: return "" # done buf = if len(buf) > 0: return buf self.member_f = None self.translator = None def close(self): self.tar.close() def source(self): return self.src class FileObjTranslator(object): def __init__(self, src, fileobj): self.src = src self.fileobj = fileobj def read(self, sz = 8192): return def close(self): return self.fileobj.close() def source(self): return self.src class GzipFileTranslator(object): def __init__(self, src, fileobj): self.src = src self.fileobj = fileobj def read(self, sz = 8192): return def close(self): return self.fileobj.close() def source(self): return self.src def get_data_translator(url, fileobj): if url.endswith(".tar"): return TarTranslator(url,, "r|", fileobj)) elif url.endswith(".tar.gz") or url.endswith(".tgz"): return TarTranslator(url,, "r|gz", fileobj)) elif url.endswith(".tar.bz2"): return TarTranslator(url,, "r|bz2", fileobj)) elif url.endswith(".gz"): # it's lame that gzip.GzipFile requires tell() and seek(), and our # "fileobj" does not supply these; wrap this with the object that is # used by the tarfile module return GzipFileTranslator(url, tarfile._Stream("", "r", "gz", fileobj, tarfile.RECORDSIZE)) else: return FileObjTranslator(url, fileobj) def do_scheme(): print(SCHEME) def get_validation_data(): val_data = {} # read everything from stdin val_str = # parse the validation XML doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(val_str) root = doc.documentElement logging.debug("XML: found items") item_node = root.getElementsByTagName("item")[0] if item_node: logging.debug("XML: found item") name = item_node.getAttribute("name") val_data["stanza"] = name params_node = item_node.getElementsByTagName("param") for param in params_node: name = param.getAttribute("name") logging.debug("Found param %s" % name) if name and param.firstChild and \ param.firstChild.nodeType == param.firstChild.TEXT_NODE: val_data[name] = return val_data # make sure that the amazon credentials are good def validate_arguments(): val_data = get_validation_data() key_id = val_data["key_id"] secret_key = val_data["secret_key"] try: url = "s3://" + val_data["stanza"] bucket, subdir, obj = read_from_s3_uri(url) logging.debug("('%s', '%s', '%s')" % (str(bucket), str(subdir), str(obj))) if subdir and subdir == obj: # monitoring a "sub-directory" within a bucket obj = None # see if there are any objects that would match that subdir all_objs = get_objs_from_bucket(key_id, secret_key, bucket, subdir) matches = False for o in all_objs: if o.startswith(subdir): matches = True break if not matches: raise Exception("No objects found inside s3://%s." % "/".join([bucket, subdir])) else: # use_bucket_as_host = False allows for better error checking: # AWS tends to return more helpfull error messages conn = get_http_connection(key_id, secret_key, bucket, obj, use_bucket_as_host = False) resp = conn.getresponse() log_response(resp) if old_div(resp.status, 100) == 3: # AWS may send a sometimes when it requires that the bucket # is part of the host: retry conn = get_http_connection(key_id, secret_key, bucket, obj, use_bucket_as_host = True) resp = conn.getresponse() log_response(resp) if resp.status != 200: raise Exception("Amazon returned HTTP status code %d (%s): %s" % (resp.status, resp.reason, get_amazon_error( except Exception as e: print_error("Invalid configuration specified: %s" % str(e)) sys.exit(1) def usage(): print("usage: %s [--scheme|--validate-arguments]") sys.exit(2) def test(): init_stream() send_data("src1", "test 1") send_data("src2", "test 2") send_done_key("src2") send_data("src3", "test 3") if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == "--scheme": do_scheme() elif sys.argv[1] == "--validate-arguments": validate_arguments() elif sys.argv[1] == "--test": test() else: usage() else: # just request data from S3 run() sys.exit(0)
S3 example spec file
Place the following spec file in the following location:
[s3://<name>] key_id = <value> * This is Amazon key ID. secret_key = <value> * This is the secret key.
Developer tools for modular inputs | Setting up a scripted input |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform™: 9.3.2408 (latest FedRAMP release), 8.2.2112, 8.2.2202, 9.0.2205, 8.2.2201, 8.2.2203, 9.0.2208, 9.0.2209, 9.0.2303, 9.0.2305, 9.1.2308, 9.1.2312, 9.2.2403, 9.2.2406
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