Splunk Cloud Platform

Splunk Cloud Platform Service Description

Splunk Cloud Service Description Change Log

This change log contains information about updates and changes to the Splunk Cloud Platform Service Description. Starting February 2021, only specific major.minor service descriptions will be updated.

Links in this topic access specific versions of the Splunk Cloud Platform Service Description. Confirm that the displayed topic corresponds to your Splunk Cloud Platform deployment version. Use the Version drop-down menu to adjust the displayed topic version.

September 2024

18 September 2024

Description Splunk Cloud Platform 9.2
Update of Existing Content
Section: Various

Updates to coincide with FedRAMP High Authority to Operate (ATO)

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.2 versions
Section: Maintenance

Information regarding Zero downtime maintenance

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.2 versions
Section: Search

Limitation regarding Federated Search from Splunk Cloud Platform to Splunk Enterprise in Transparent Mode

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.2 versions

4 September 2024

Description Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 and 9.2
Update of Existing Content
Section: Section: Service limits and constraints

Addition of CSV Lookup hard limit and various updates to Classic experience soft limits

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 and 9.2 versions
Section: Supported versions

Addition of supported forwarder version 9.3

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 and 9.2 versions

July 2024

11 July 2024

Description Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 and 9.2
Update of Existing Content
Section: Available regions and region differences

Addition of AWS Milan as a Victoria experience region

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 and 9.2 versions
Section: Various

Clarify Ingest Processor regions and service limits

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 and 9.2 versions
Section: Various

Updates to Edge Processor taxonomy

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 and 9.2 versions
Section: Service limits and constraints

Maximum email attachment size increased to 40MB

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 and 9.2 versions
Section: Supported versions

Update for Splunk Cloud Platform version, including hybrid search compatibility

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.2 versions

June 2024

12 June 2024

Description Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1
Update of Existing Content
Section: Available regions and region differences

Clarify Splunk AI Assistant for SPL regions

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 versions
Section: Service limits and constraints

Updates to Edge Processor service limits

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 versions
Section: Supported versions

Update for IT Service Intelligence version

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 versions

April 2024

12 April 2024

Description Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1
Update of Existing Content
Section: Search

Updates to Federated Search for Amazon S3, Hybrid search

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform versions
Section: FedRAMP Moderate and DoD IL5 validated premium solutions and apps

Updated link to validated apps and add-ons

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform versions

March 2024

11 March 2024

Description Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1
Update of Existing Content
Section: Available regions and region differences

Updates to Edge Processor for AWS regions and Ingest Actions for Google Cloud regions

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 versions
Section: Maintenance

Minor update to subheading text
Clarity regarding accessibility of 7-day daily backup of ingested data and configuration

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 versions
Section: Service limits and constraints

Updates to IT Service Intelligence service limits

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 versions
Section: Splunk premium solutions

Clarity regarding Splunk Observability Cloud and Log Observer Connect regions

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 versions
Section: Supported versions

Updates to Current Splunk Cloud Platform and Premium App versions, Supported forwarder versions, Hybrid search versions

All relevant Splunk Cloud Platform 9.1 versions

December 2023

12 December 2023

Description Splunk Cloud Platform 9.0.2305
Update of Existing Content
Section: Available regions and region differences

Updates to View schedule maintenance window via ACS and CMC, Federated search for Splunk and Ingest Actions

9.0.2305, 9.1.2308
Section: Experience designations

Updates to Private Connectivity

9.0.2305, 9.1.2308
Section: Maintenance

Updates to Upgrades and expands your subscriptions and Notes

9.0.2305, 9.1.2308
Section: Network connectivity and data transfer

Updates to AWS PrivateLink scope

9.0.2305, 9.1.2308
Section: Search

Updates to Federated search for Splunk, Federated Search for Amazon S3

9.0.2305, 9.1.2308
Section: Self-service capabilities

Updates for Private Connectivity

9.0.2305, 9.1.2308
Section: Service limits and constraints

Updates to IT Service Intelligence and Storage

9.0.2305, 9.1.2308
Section: Supported versions

Updates to Current Splunk Cloud Platform version, Supported forwarder versions, Supported Python versions

9.0.2305, 9.1.2308

September 2023

11 September 2023

Description Splunk Cloud Platform 9.0.2305
Update of Existing Content
Section: Available regions and region differences

Updates to Edge Processor, Federated search for Splunk, Federated Search for Amazon S3.

Section: Differences between Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise

Updates to Federated Search for Amazon S3, Real-time search.

Section: Experience designations

Updates to Indexer Acknowledgement.

Section: Maintenance

Updates to Notes.

Section: Monitoring

Updates to monitoring and performance.

Section: Search

Updates to Federated search for Splunk, Federated Search for Amazon S3.

Section: Service limits and constraints

Updates to Enterprise Security, Search.

Section: Storage

Updates to Dynamic Data Self-Storage (DDSS).

Section: Subscription types

Updates to Subscription expansions, renewals, and terminations.

Section: Supported versions

Updates to Current Splunk Cloud Platform and Premium App versions, Supported forwarder versions, Supported Python versions.


June 2023

30 June 2023

Description Splunk Cloud Platform 9.0.2303
Update of Existing Content
Section: Available regions and region differences

Minor update to text.

Section: Experience designations

Updates to Indexer Acknowledgement, Service Limits

Section: Search

Updates to Federated search

Section: Service limits and constraints

Updates to Active Indexes

Section: Supported versions

Updates to Current Splunk Cloud Platform and Premium App versions


May 2023

23 May 2023

Description Splunk Cloud Platform 9.0.2303
Update of Existing Content
Section: Available regions and region differences

Updates to Edge Processor

Section: Compliance andcertifications

Updates to PCI DSS

Section: Experience designations

Updates to Experience designations

Section: Maintenance

Updates to Maintenance

Section: Monitoring

Updates to Monitoring

Section: Search

Updates to Federated search

Section: Service limits and constraints

Updates to Tested and recommended service limits (soft limits)

Section: Supported versions

Updates to Supported forwarder versions


March 2023

27 March 2023

Description Splunk Cloud 9.0.2209
Update of Existing Content
Section: Search.

Updates to Federated Search

Section: Splunk premium solutions.

Add Security and Observability sections


February 2023

17 February 2023

Description Splunk Cloud 9.0.2209
New Content
Section: Monitoring 9.0.2209
Update of Existing Content
Section: Available regions and region differences

Updates to Ingest Actions, Storage: Customer-managed encryption keys

Section: Experience designations

Updates to Indexer Acknowledgement, Storage: Customer-managed encryption keys

Section: Enterprise Security service limits and constraints

Moved Automatic Lookups information to Splunk premium solutions.

Section: Service limits and constraints

Updates to hard limits, soft limits, Apps, Enterprise Security Correlation Searches, Enterprise Security Data Models, Enterprise Security Maximum ES search concurrency, Enterprise Security Saved Searches, Search Maximum search concurrency, Search Scheduled search

Section: Splunk premium solutions

Updates for Behavioral Analytics and Enterprise Security Automatic Lookups.

Section: Subscription types

Updates to Subscription expansions, renewals, and terminations.

Section: Supported versions

Updates to latest versions.


13 February 2023

Description Splunk Cloud 9.0.2209
Update of Existing Content
Section: Available regions and region differences

Add Edge Processor.

Section: Data collection

Add Edge Processor.

Section: Experience designations

Updates to Modular and scripted inputs.

Section: Service limits and constraints

Add Edge Processor.


January 2023

12 January 2023

Description Splunk Cloud 9.0.2209
Update of Existing Content
Section: Service limits and constraints

Add Behavioral analytics service.


December 2022

20 December 2022

Description Splunk Cloud 9.0.2209
Update of Existing Content
Section: Available regions and region differences

Updates to Compliance.

Section: Experience designations

Updates to Self-Service App Installation.

Section: Service limits and constraints

Updates to Search.


November 2022

18 November 2022

Description Splunk Cloud 9.0
Update of Existing Content
Section: Version selector menu

Updates latest FedRAMP release to version 9.0.2209.

Section: Available regions and region differences

Updates to Ingest Actions.

9.0.2208, 9.0.2209
Section: Compliance and certifications

Updates to DoD IL5 subscription.

Section: Search

Updates to Federated Search compliance and version compatibility.

Section: Search

Updates to supported hybrid search versions for 9.0.x.

Section: Service limits and constraints

Updates to Federated Search.

Section: Service limits and constraints

Updates to Ingest Actions.


September 2022

30 September 2022

Description Splunk Cloud 9.0
Update of Existing Content
Section: Version selector menu

Updates latest FedRAMP release to version 8.2.2203.

Section: Experience designations

Updates to Indexer acknowledgement for private endpoints.

Section: Experience designations

Add private connectivity.

Section: Experience designations

Updates to IP allow list limits for AWS and GCP.

Section: Network connectivity and data transfer

Add private connectivity in regulated cloud environments.

Section: Supported forwarder versions

Updates to forwarder versions and support.


August 2022

19 August 2022

Description Splunk Cloud 8.2.2203
Update of Existing Content
Section: Available regions and region differences

Updates to customer-managed encryption keys support in Google Cloud regions

Section: Available regions and region differences

Updates to Data Manager support in AWS regions.

Section: Splunk premium solutions

Splunk support for premium solution updates.


June 2022

28 June 2022

Description Splunk Cloud 8.2.2203
Update of Existing Content
Various sections:

Federated search is now available for FedRAMP Moderate subscriptions in all supported regions.

Section: Experience designations

Victoria Experience support for Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) subscription in AWS Sydney region.


23 June 2022

Description Splunk Cloud 8.2.2203
Update of Existing Content
Section: Supported versions

Updated the supported forwarder versions for 9.0.x.


03 June 2022

Description Splunk Cloud 8.2.x
Update of Existing Content
Various sections:

Federated Search is now available for Google Cloud regions and PCI and HIPAA subscriptions in all supported regions. Federated Search from Splunk Cloud Platform to Splunk Enterprise is also supported. datamodel and tstats supported on standard mode.

Section: Experience designation

Update to Enterprise Security (ES) maximum concurrent search service limits for the Victoria Experience.

Section: Self-service capabilities

Update to include recently introduced Admin Config Service (ACS) capabilities including HEC Configuration, outbound port management, and app management.

Section: Service limits and constraints

Clarification on Splunk Cloud Platform ID requirements for Google Cloud regions. Increase of IP allow list address rules per Splunk Cloud Platform environment from AWS and Google Cloud regions. Addition of Knowledge Bundle replication size and IT Service Intelligence Alert Ingestion service limits.


March 2022

Description Splunk Cloud 8.2.x
Update of Existing Content
Section: Differences between Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise

Splunk Cloud Platform exclusively leverages SmartStore and SmartStore-enabled indexes are not compatible with the data integrity control feature.

8.2.2107, 8.2.2109, 8.2.2111, 8.2.2112, 8.2.2201

February 2022

Description Splunk Cloud 8.2.x
Update of Existing Content
Section: Available regions and region differences

Clarification on which regions are on Victoria Experience and Classic Experience. In addition, clarification for region support for customer-managed encryption keys. Finally, removal of Splunk App for Microsoft Exchange and Splunk App for VMware from the table since both are End of Sale.

8.2.2107, 8.2.2109, 8.2.2111, 8.2.2112
Section: Maintenance

Added a best practice recommendation to review the Splunk Cloud Platform Release Notes prior to a Splunk-initiated service update or routine maintenance.

8.2.2107, 8.2.2109, 8.2.2111, 8.2.2112
Section: Service limits and constraints

Clarification on a minimum of 2 characters for AWS regions and 3 characters for Google Cloud regions for the Splunk Cloud Platform ID.

8.2.2107, 8.2.2109, 8.2.2111, 8.2.2112
Section: Subscription types

Clarification on storage true-up for ingest-based subscriptions.

8.2.2107, 8.2.2109, 8.2.2111, 8.2.2112
Section: Supported versions

Updated versions for Enterprise Security and IT Service Intelligence.

8.2.2107, 8.2.2109, 8.2.2111, 8.2.2112

January 2022

Description Splunk Cloud 8.2.x
Update of Existing Content
Sections: Differences between Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise and Splunkbase and private apps

Issues identified for private apps by automated validation must be remediated. You can bypass manual validation but you must acknowledge the Splunk General Terms in order to do so.


December 2021

Description Splunk Cloud 8.2.x
Update of Existing Content
Section: Experience designations

Updates to active indexes and Enterprise Security (ES) service limits for the Victoria experience.

8.2.2107, 8.2.2109, 8.2.2111
Section: Service limits and constraints

Clarification on HEC maximum content length size limit.

8.2.2107, 8.2.2109, 8.2.2111
Section: Storage

Clarification on Dynamic Data Active Archive (DDAA) restoration entitlement.

8.2.2107, 8.2.2109, 8.2.2111

November 2021

Description Splunk Cloud 8.2.x
Update of Existing Content
Section: Available regions and region differences

Splunk Cloud Platform is available in AWS Europe (Stockholm).

8.2.2106, 8.2.2107, 8.2.2109
Section: Experience designations

Updates regarding index configuration through API, indexer acknowledgement, customer-managed encryption keys, and Enterprise Security (ES) service limits.

8.2.2106, 8.2.2107, 8.2.2109
Section: Service limits and constraints

Updates to various service limits including maximum number of email recipients, maximum email attachment size, maximum ad hoc search concurrency per Splunk Cloud Platform environment, maximum KV Store size and collection size, and ES service limits.

8.2.2106, 8.2.2107, 8.2.2109

September 2021

Description Splunk Cloud 8.2.x
New Content
Section: Various

U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) has granted the Splunk Cloud Platform U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Impact Level 5 (IL5) Provisional Authorization (PA).

8.2.2105, 8.2.2106, 8.2.2107
Update of Existing Content
Section: Available regions

Splunk Cloud Platform is available in AWS GovCloud US-East

8.2.2105, 8.2.2106, 8.2.2107
Section: Federated search

Federated search now supports Transparent Mode, which simplifies customer migration from hybrid search

Section: Storage

Splunk manages the encryption keys on your behalf by default. If available in your region, you have the option to manage the encryption keys instead.

8.2.2105, 8.2.2106, 8.2.2107

August 2021

Description Splunk Cloud 8.1.x and 8.2.x
New Content
Section: Experience designations

This section clarifies how to determine your Splunk Cloud Platform Experience. Splunk Cloud Platform has one of two possible Experience designations: Classic or Victoria. Classic Experience and Victoria Experience provide nearly identical capabilities, with certain exceptions that are listed in this section.

8.1.2103, 8.2.2104, 8.2.2105, 8.2.2106
Update of Existing Content
Section: Available regions

Splunk Cloud Platform is available in AWS Mumbai region.

8.1.2103, 8.2.2104, 8.2.2105, 8.2.2106
Section: Data collection

Clarification on lifecycle management of outbound firewall rules by using actual IP addresses provided by Splunk.

8.1.2103, 8.2.2104, 8.2.2105, 8.2.2106
Section: Service limits and constraints

Clarification on the tested limit for the number of Splunk Cloud Platform or Splunk Enterprise local deployments used with federated search.

8.1.2103, 8.2.2104, 8.2.2105, 8.2.2106

June 2021

Description Splunk Cloud 8.1.x and 8.2.x
Update of Existing Content
Sections: Hybrid search and Federated search

Clarification regarding hybrid search and Splunk Premium Solutions like Enterprise Security.
Clarification regarding Federated search support of scheduled searches.

8.1.2103, 8.2.2104, 8.2.2105
Section: Storage

Clarification regarding the different types of storage available (DDAS, DDAA, and DDSS) and formatting changes for ease of navigation.

8.1.2103, 8.2.2104, 8.2.2105

May 2021

Description Splunk Cloud 8.1.x and 8.2.x
New Content
Section: Compliance and certifications

Availability of Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) subscription in AWS Sydney region.

Section: Service limits and constraints

Service limit for scheduled searches.

8.1.2101, 8.1.2103, 8.2.2104
Sections: Search and Federated search

Conditions and limitations that apply to Federated search.

8.1.2103, 8.2.2104
Section: Splunkbase and private apps

Splunk Secure Gateway is included in Splunk Cloud Platform starting with release 8.1.2103.

8.1.2103, 8.2.2104
Update of Existing Content
Section: Various

New version of Splunk Enterprise for forwarders, federated search, and hybrid search compatibility.

8.1.2101, 8.1.2103, 8.2.2104
Section: Available regions

Updated to reflect availability of Belgium region for Google Cloud.

8.1.2101, 8.1.2103, 8.2.2104
Section: Maintenance

Section updated to reflect changes to the Splunk Cloud Service Maintenance Policy that are effective starting May 3, 2021.

8.1.2101, 8.1.2103, 8.2.2104
Section: Splunk premium solutions

End of Sale has been announced for Splunk App for Microsoft Exchange and Splunk App for VMware.

8.1.2101, 8.1.2103, 8.2.2104
Section: Supported versions

New versions of Splunk Cloud Platform and ITSI are now available.

8.1.2101, 8.1.2103, 8.2.2104

April 2021

Description Splunk Cloud 8.x version
New Content
Section: Service limits and constraints

There is a maximum tested limit for the self-service private app management.

8.1.2101 and 8.1.2103
Update of Existing Content
Section: Compliance and certifications

Federated search is currently unavailable for regulated (PCI and HIPAA) Splunk Cloud Platform environments.

8.1.2103 only
Section: Differences between Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise

Clarification that Indexer Discovery and Indexer Acknowledgment are not supported in Splunk Cloud Platform.

Section: Region differences

Admin Config Service (ACS) is now available in Google Cloud regions.

8.1.2101 and 8.1.2103
Section: Network connectivity and data transfer

Clarification that if choosing to use private connectivity in lieu of the public internet for Splunk Web access and sending your data, you must ensure your private connectivity choice can access public endpoints.

8.1.2101 and 8.1.2103
Section: Storage

Clarification on duration of Dynamic Data Active Archive (DDAA) data restoration.

8.1.2101 and 8.1.2103
Section: Subscription types

Clarification on data policies for workload-based and ingest-based subscriptions.

8.1.2101 and 8.1.2103

March 2021

Description Splunk Cloud 8.1.x
New Content
Section: Supported Python versions

Clarification of supported Python interpreters.

Section: Supported hybrid search versions

Clarification of supported on-premises Splunk Enterprise versions for hybrid search configurations.

Update of Existing Content
Section: Various

Topics are now listed in alphabetical order and content consolidated for ease of navigation. Product names updated to latest.

8.1.2101 only
Section: Various

Clarification of the two available subscription types: workload-based and ingest-based.

8.1.2101 only
Section: Various

This release is the most current for Splunk Cloud FedRAMP.

8.1.2012 only
Section: Current Splunk Cloud Platform and Premium App versions

Updated versions for Enterprise Security and IT Service Intelligence.


February 2021

Description Splunk Cloud 8.0.x and 8.1.x Splunk Cloud 8.1.x
Update of Existing Content
Section: Service limits and constraints

Enhancement of the content in Limitations and Additional information for the following service components:

  • HEC maximum content length size
  • Splunk Cloud ID

January 2021

Description Splunk Cloud 7.2.x Splunk Cloud 8.0.x and 8.1.x
New Content
Section: Self-service capabilities

New section that summarizes a list of common Splunk Cloud self-service tasks and the primary interface to action.

Update of Existing Content
Section: Various

Updated to reflect availability of Paris region for AWS and Canada (Montreal) for Google Cloud.

Section: Various

Updated with the ability to perform updates to the IP Allow List by using the Admin Config Service (ACS).


December 2020

Description Splunk Cloud 7.2.x Splunk Cloud 8.0.x and 8.1.x
Update of Existing Content
Section: Users and Authentication

Clarification on Admin and system user roles utilized as part of Splunk performing monitoring and maintenance activities on Splunk Cloud environments.

Section: Supported Forwarder Versions

Updated the supported Splunk Cloud versions for forwarder versions 7.3.x and 8.0.x.

Section: Current Versions

Updated the version of Enterprise Security (ES) available.

Section: Various

Removed any variation of the term managed Splunk Cloud deployment. Updated any variation of the term self-service Splunk Cloud deployment to Splunk Cloud Free Trial and revised content.

Section: Various

Updated any variation of the term self-service Splunk Cloud deployment to e-commerce Splunk Cloud deployment in the 7.0.13 and 7.2.9 documentation.


November 2020

Description Splunk Cloud 7.2 Splunk Cloud 8.0
Update of Existing Content
Section: Various

Updated to reflect availability of DDAA and DDSS and also the Frankfurt and Sydney regions for Google Cloud.

Section: Current Versions

Updated the version of IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) available.


October 2020

Description Splunk Cloud 7.2 Splunk Cloud 8.0
Update of Existing Content
Section: Various sections

Updated to reflect that Splunk Cloud FedRAMP now supports version 8.0.2007.


September 2020

Description Splunk Cloud 7.2 Splunk Cloud 8.0
Update of Existing Content
Section: Compliance and certifications

Updated to reflect that Splunk Cloud HIPAA is available in GCP regions.


August 2020

Description Splunk Cloud 7.2 Splunk Cloud 8.0
New Content
Section: Search

Added to the hybrid search capabilities table to clarify there is no support for hybrid search head clustering.

Section: Differences between Splunk Cloud and Splunk Enterprise

Added to the differences table to reflect Splunk Cloud does not support Indexer Discovery and that Indexer Acknowledgement is supported with HTTP Event Collector (HEC).

Section: Users and authentication

Added that depending on Splunk Cloud version and identity providers (IdP), token based authentication is supported.

Section: Enterprise Security Service Limits

Added an entry for ES Automatic Lookups service limits.

Update of Existing Content
Section: Various sections

Updated to reflect that Splunk Cloud in GCP regions are SOC2 compliant.

Section: Maintenance

Updated that by default, customers will receive the current version of Splunk Cloud and Premium App subscriptions. If you are on a prior version of Splunk Cloud and Premium App subscriptions, you will be upgraded when Splunk determines you have satisfied the upgrade readiness prerequisites.

Section: Search

Updated the hybrid search capabilities table to clarify hybrid search head version compatibility requirement is major.minor releases.

Section: Current Versions

Updated the version of Enterprise Security (ES) and IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) available.


June 2020

Description Splunk Cloud 7.2 Splunk Cloud 8.0
Update of Existing Content
Section: Splunk Premium Solution

Updated section to reflect that Splunk Business Flow (SBF) is no longer available as a Premium Solution. SBF content removed from service description.


May 2020

Description Splunk Cloud 7.2 Splunk Cloud 8.0
New Content
Section: Various sections

Added that Splunk Cloud is available in three Google Cloud (GCP) regions. In addition, there are currently differences in service capabilities between Splunk Cloud in AWS and GCP regions.

Section: Performance Considerations

New topic added to clarify Splunk Virtual Compute (SVC) entitlement for ingest-based subscriptions and how to review SVC usage.

Section: Various sections

Splunk Cloud is available in AWS Seoul region.

Update of Existing Content
Section: Maintenance

To ensure efficiency and agility, customers will be assigned to an upgrade cohort and as Splunk releases new versions of Splunk Cloud and Premium Apps, your cohort will be notified by Splunk of the upcoming maintenance window.

Section: Current Versions

Updated the version of IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) available.


March 2020

Description Splunk Cloud 7.2 Splunk Cloud 8.0
Update of Existing Content
Section: Search

Updated the hybrid search capabilities table to clarify you can initiate searches from an on-premises Splunk Enterprise search head to a single Splunk Cloud deployment


February 2020

Description Splunk Cloud 7.2 Splunk Cloud 8.0
New Content
Section: Workload Pricing

A new topic was added to describe the newly introduced workload pricing subscription that is an alternate pricing option to ingest-based. This pricing model is based on the resources allocated rather than data volume ingested. Additional information was provided to describe the main differences between workload and ingest-based subscriptions.

Section: Maintenance

Added information that clarifies that Splunk maintains a rolling 30-day history of health and utilization data plus a rolling 7-day daily backup of your ingested data and configuration files to ensure data durability.

Section: Service Limits

Added information that clarifies the Unique Splunk Cloud name chosen by you cannot exceed the 18-character count limit.

Update of Existing Content
Section: Various sections

Updated to provide clarification that Splunk Cloud FedRAMP supports hybrid search. In addition, Federal agencies can request the Cloud FedRAMP package from the FedRAMP Marketplace.

Section: Compliance and certifications

With the availability of Splunk Cloud FedRAMP, the legacy GovCloud offering is superseded. GovCloud content removed from service description.

Last modified on 18 September, 2024
Splunk Cloud Platform Service Details  

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform: 8.2.2112, 8.2.2201, 8.2.2202, 8.2.2203, 9.0.2205, 9.0.2208, 9.0.2209, 9.0.2303, 9.0.2305, 9.1.2308, 9.1.2312, 9.2.2403 (latest FedRAMP release), 9.2.2406

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