Splunk Cloud Platform

Upgrade Readiness

REST API reference for the Upgrade Readiness App

Use the REST API to run scans programmatically on your Splunk platform instance.

Endpoints that contain jura apply only to jQuery scans.

Authentication and authorization
To use this REST API, you must have write permissions to the Upgrade Readiness App.



Lists the apps for a user by the scan type

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must have permission to see the apps on your instance.


Fetches the list of apps for a user by the scan type.

Request parameters

Returned values

Name Description
          "name": <folder_name_of_apps>,
          "label": <user_friendly_name_of_app>,
          "type": <type_of_app>,
          "link": <link_of_app_on_splunkbase>,
          "version": <version_of_app>,
          "app_path": <path_of_installed_application>"
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_app_list?type=splunkbase  -X GET


    "label":"Conf Editor",



Dismisses an application path.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, a previous scan must be available for this user.


Writes an entry for a specified app path in the KV store for the user and updates the JSON report accordingly.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
app String
Required. Folder name of the app containing the file path you want to dismiss.
app_path String
Required. The absolute app path in which the file is present.

Returned values

Name Description
		"status": true,
		"message": <success_message>
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_dismiss_file -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"app": "conf_editor_private", "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor_private"}'  -X POST


    "success": true,
    "message": "App: conf_editor_private successfully registered for dismissing the app for user: admin on host: so1. The periodic notification would skip this dismissed app."



Fetches a JSON or CSV report for a given scan_ID and app_path.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, a previous scan result must be available, and you must know its scan_ID and app_path.


Fetches the JSON or CSV report for a previous scan, given a scan_ID.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
ID String
Required. The scan ID of a completed scan run by this user.
format String
Required. The format of the report.
app_name String
Required. Name of the app (folder name).
app_path String
Required. The absolute path of the installed app.

Returned values

Name Description
		"apps": [ <list_of_apps> ],
		"summary": { <dict_of_summary_of_scan> },
		"scan_ID": <ID_of_the_scan_report>
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and JSON response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_export_report?ID=admin_1615290732&format=JSON&app_name="conf_editor_private"&app_path="/opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor_private"  -X GET


  "apps": [
      "name": "conf_editor_private",
      "label": "Conf Editor Private",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor_private",
      "summary": {
        "Passed": 2,
        "Blocker": 0,
        "Warning": 1,
        "Skipped": 0,
        "type": "Private App",
        "app_link": "",
        "dismiss_app": 1,
        "dismiss_app_date": "1614862371",
        "Status": "WARNING"
      "checks": [
          "name": "Python in custom Mako templates",
          "result": "PASSED",
          "messages": [

          "required_action": "None"
          "description": "Check for the existence of Python scripts, which must be upgraded to be cross-compatible with Python 2 and 3 for the upcoming Splunk Enterprise Python 3 release. ",
          "name": "Python scripts",
          "result": "WARNING",
          "messages": [
              "message_filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor_private/bin/report.py",
              "code": [
                "@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@\n import sys\n import requests\n import datetime\n+from io import open\n \n if __name__ == \"__main__\":\n   if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == \"--execute\":"
              "result": "warning",
              "message_line": null,
              "dismissed": 0,
              "message": "@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@\n import sys\n import requests\n import datetime\n+from io import open\n \n if __name__ == \"__main__\":\n   if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == \"--execute\":\nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/abuseipdb_0/bin/report.py"
          "required_action": "Update these Python scripts to be dual-compatible with Python 2 and 3."
          "description": "Splunk Python SDK Check",
          "name": "Splunk Python SDK Check",
          "result": "PASSED",
          "messages": [

          "required_action": "None"
      "details": "This app is not compatible with Python 3.",
      "required_action": "Update this app or uninstall it. If you do nothing, the app will fail."
  "scan_ID": "admin_1615290732"



Triggers a new Python scan of the apps installed on the Splunk platform instance for which you have at least read permission.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, a scan must not be running.


Starts a scan and writes progress in the KV store.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
apps String Required. List of apps to scan. Obtain this information from the /pura_app_list/ endpoint.
app.name String Required. Name of the app (folder_name).
app.label String Required. User-friendly name of the app.
app.type String Required. Type of the app.
app.link String Link to the app on Splunkbase.
app.version String Version of the app.
app.app_path String Path of the installed app.

Returned values

Name Description
		"status": true,
		"message": <success_message>
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_scan_deployment -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"apps":[{"name": "conf_editor", "type": "Splunkbase-Dual", "label": "Conf Editor", "link": "https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/5393/", "version": "0.1.1", "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor"}]} -X POST


	"status": true,
	"message": "Scan called"



Triggers a new jQuery scan of the apps installed on the Splunk platform instance for which you have at least read permission.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, a scan must not be running.


Starts a scan and writes progress in the KV store.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
apps String Required. List of apps to scan. Obtain this information from the /pura_app_list/ endpoint.
app.name String Required. Name of the app (folder_name).
app.label String Required. User-friendly name of the app.
app.type String Required. Type of the app.
app.link String Link to the app on Splunkbase.
app.version String Version of the app.
app.app_path String Path of the installed app.

Returned values

Name Description
    "status": true,
    "message": <success_message>
400, 403, 404, or 500
  "status": false,
  "message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/jura_scan_deployment -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"apps":[{"name": "sample_jura_app", "type": "Private App", "label": "Conf Editor", "link": "", "version": "0.1.1", "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app"}]'} -X POST 


  "status": true,
  "message": "Scan called"



Schedules a scan at a custom time or at the default time at 1:00 AM daily.

Returns the custom scan details from the KV store if stored.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must have permission to see the apps on your instance.


Schedules a scan at the given time interval. By default, if no time is specified, the scan is scheduled for 1:00 AM daily.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
schedule_scan_type String Required. Type of scan. Accepted values are custom or default.
day String Required. Day interval. For example, 2 runs the scan every 2 days.
hours String Required. Hours of the time at which the scan is to be run.
minutes String Required. Minutes of the time at which the scan is to be run.
am_pm String Required. AM or PM
time_offset String Required.The offset of the timezone. For example, +5:30.

Returned values

Name Description
		"status": true,
		"message": "Scan called"
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_schedule_scan -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"schedule_scan_type": "default"}' -X POST


	"status": true,
	"message": "Schedule scan details saved"


Returns the scan schedule details saved in the KV store.

Request parameters

Returned values

Name Description
          "user": <user>,
          "host": <hostname>,
          "day": <day_interval>,
          "minutes": <minutes_value_in_time>,
          "hours": <hours_value_in_time>,
          "am_pm": <am_or_pm>",
          "schedule_scan_type": <default_or_custom>,
          "timestamp": <timestamp_at_which_details_were_saved>"
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_schedule_scan -X GET


    "schedule_scan_type": "custom",
    "timestamp": "1615286051",
    "_user": "nobody",
    "_key": "60474f23dbe8a80b2d1c22e0"



Email a specific app report to the specified email addresses and app.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must complete a scan and correctly configure email details.


Sends the app report as an email to the specified email addresses.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
app_name String Required. Name of the app (folder name).
app_path String Required. The absolute path to the application.
subject String Required. The subject of the email.
receiver String Required. A comma-separated list of email addresses to whom the report is to be mailed.
body String Required. Body of the email.

Returned values

Name Description
		"status": true,
		"message": "Email sent"
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_sendemail -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"app_name": "conf_editor_private", "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor_private", "subject": "Subject of the email", "receiver": "email1@email.com, email2@email.com", "body": "Body of the email"}' -X POST


	"status": true,
	"message": "Email sent"



Reads current progress for an ongoing or completed Python scan.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must be running a scan or have completed a scan.


Reads current progress of an ongoing scan on the instance from the KV store or fetches the previous scan results for the user.

Request parameters

Returned values

Name Description
		"status": <status_of_scan>,
		"message": <message_related_to_status>,
		"progress": <progress_percentage_value>,
		"results": { <dict_of_results_for scan> }
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_read_progress  -X GET

Response when scan is in progress

	"message": "1 apps out of 8 scanned. Scanning App: Splunk Add-on Example",
	"progress": 12,
	"results": {},
	"status": "IN_PROGRESS"

Response when scan is complete

	"status": "COMPMLETE",
	"progress": 100,
	"results": {
		"apps": [
        "name": "conf_editor",
        "label": "Conf Editor",
        "version": "0.1.1",
        "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor",
        "summary": {
        "Passed": 0,
        "Blocker": 0,
        "Warning": 0,
        "Skipped": 0,
        "Status": "PASSED",
        "type": "Splunkbase-Dual",
        "app_link": "https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/5393/",
        "dismiss_app": 0,
        "dismiss_app_date": ""
      "details": "This app is compatible with Python 3.",
      "required_action": "None",
      "checks": [
        "description": "Splunk Python SDK Check",
        "name": "Splunk Python SDK Check",
        "result": "success",
        "messages": [

"summary": {
"splunkbase": 1,
"splunk_supported": 0,
"private": 0,
"public_passed": 1,
"public_blocker": 0,
"public_warning": 0,
"public_unknown": 0,
"private_passed": 0,
"private_blocker": 0,
"private_warning": 0,
"private_unknown": 0,
"scan_completion_time": 1615289038
"scan_ID": "admin_1615289038"
"message": "Deployment scanned successfully for user: admin",
"progress": 100,
"host_name": "so1"



Reads current progress for an ongoing or completed jQuery scan.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must be running a scan or have completed a scan.


Reads current progress of an ongoing scan on the instance from the KV store or fetches the previous scan results for the user.

Request parameters

Returned values

Name Description
    "status": <status_of_scan>,
    "message": <message_related_to_status>,
    "progress": <progress_percentage_value>,
    "results": { <dict_of_results_for scan> }
400, 403, 404, or 500
  "status": false,
  "message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/jura_read_progress  -X GET

Response when scan is in progress

  "message": "1 apps out of 8 scanned. Scanning App: Splunk Add-on Example",
  "progress": 12,
  "results": {},
  "status": "IN_PROGRESS"

Response when scan is complete

  "status": "COMPLETE",
  "results": {
    "summary": {
      "scan_completion_time": 1631116022,
      "private_dismissed": 0,
      "private_passed": 0,
      "public_warning": 0,
      "splunk_supported": 0,
      "public_dismissed": 0,
      "splunkbase": 0,
      "private_blocker": 1,
      "private_warning": 0,
      "private_unknown": 0,
      "public_passed": 0,
      "public_unknown": 0,
      "private": 1,
      "public_blocker": 0
    "scan_ID": "splunk-system-user_1631116022",
    "apps": [
        "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app",
        "name": "sample_jura_app",
        "label": "sample_jura_app",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "summary": {
          "Skipped": 0,
          "type": "Private App",
          "dismiss_app": 0,
          "app_link": "",
          "dismiss_app_date": "",
          "Passed": 0,
          "Warning": 0,
          "Status": "BLOCKER",
          "Blocker": 3
        "checks": [
            "name": "Splunk dashboard jQuery version check",
            "messages": [
                "dismissed": 0,
                "message_filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/default/data/ui/views/sample_b.xml",
                "result": "warning",
                "message": "Version attribute of the dashboard /opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/default/data/ui/views/sample_b.xml is set to 1.0. Change the version attribute in the root node of your Simple XML dashboard to '<dashboard version=\"1.1\">' OR '<form version=\"1.1\">'. Other dashboard versions introduce vulnerabilities into your apps and are not permitted in Splunk Cloud Platform.",
                "code": "1.0",
                "line": null,
                "message_line": null,
                "filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/default/data/ui/views/sample_b.xml"
            "result": "BLOCKER",
            "required_action": "None",
            "description": "Splunk dashboard jQuery version check"
            "name": "Splunk jQuery version check",
            "messages": [
                "dismissed": 0,
                "message_filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/libs/jquery-2.2.4.min.js",
                "result": "warning",
                "message": "The jQuery 2.2.4 shipped along with your application introduces vulnerabilities into your application.  Splunk apps must use jQuery version 3.5 or higher. Lower versions are no longer permitted in Splunk Cloud Platform.",
                "code": "",
                "line": null,
                "message_line": null,
                "filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/libs/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"
            "result": "BLOCKER",
            "required_action": "None",
            "description": "Splunk jQuery version check"
            "name": "Splunk internal library check",
            "messages": [
                "dismissed": 0,
                "message_filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/script_1.js",
                "result": "warning",
                "message": "This /opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/script_1.js is importing the following dependencies which are not supported or externally documented by Splunk. <badimport>splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready",
                "code": "",
                "line": null,
                "message_line": null,
                "filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/script_1.js"
            "result": "BLOCKER",
            "required_action": "None",
            "description": "Splunk internal library check"
        "required_action": "Update this app or request to uninstall it. If you do nothing, the app will fail in future Splunk upgrades that use jQuery 3.5.",
        "details": "This app is not compatible with jQuery 3.5."
    "host": "so1"
  "progress": 100,
  "message": "Starting a new scan",
  "host_name": "so1"



Cancels an ongoing Python scan for the user on the instance.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must be running a scan.


Sets a canceled flag for the ongoing scan which restricts the scan from writing further progress in the KV store and allows the thread to return.

Request parameters

Returned values

Name Description
		"status": COMPLETE,
		"message": <message_for_cancellation>,
		"progress": 100
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_cancel_scan  -X DELETE


	"status": "COMPLETE",
	"message": "Scan for user: admin on host: localhost cancelled successfully",
	"progress": 100



Cancels an ongoing jQuery scan for the user on the instance.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must be running a scan.


Sets a canceled flag for the ongoing scan which restricts the scan from writing further progress in the KV store and allows the thread to return.

Request parameters

Returned values

Name Description
		"status": COMPLETE,
		"message": <message_for_cancellation>,
		"progress": 100
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/jura_cancel_scan  -X DELETE


	"status": "COMPLETE",
	"message": "Scan for user: admin on host: localhost cancelled successfully",
	"progress": 100



Dismisses a file path from the scan report and omits it from future scans.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, a previous scan must be available for this user.


Writes an entry for a specified file path in the KV store for a user and updates the JSON report by removing the file path entry.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
app String Required. Folder name of the app containing the file path you want to dismiss.
check String Required. The name of the check containing the file path you want to dismiss.
file_path String Required. The file path you want to dismiss.
app_path String Required. The absolute app path in which the file is present.

Returned values

Name Description
		"status": true,
		"message": <success_message>
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_dismiss_file -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"app": "conf_editor_private", "check": "All Python scripts", "file_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor_private/bin/__init__.py", "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor_private"}'  -X POST


    "message": "File: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor_private/bin/__init__.py for check: All Python scripts for app: Conf Editor Private successfully registered for dismissing for user: admin on host: cds.local. The fresh scan results would skip this file.",
    "success": true



Dismisses an application path for the merged Python report of local and remote instances.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, a previous scan must be available for this user.


Writes an entry for a specified app path in the KV store for the user and updates the JSON report accordingly.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
app String Required. Folder name of the app containing the file path you want to dismiss.
app_path String Required. The absolute app path in which the file is present.
remote_Host String Required. Hostname in the scan report.

Returned values

Name Description
		"status": true,
		"message": <success_message>
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_remote_dismiss_app -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"app": "conf_editor_private", "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor_private", "remote_host": "so1"}'  -X POST


    "message": "App: conf_editor_private successfully registered for dismissing the app for user: admin on host: so1. The periodic notification would skip this dismissed app.",
    "success": true



Dismisses an application path for the merged jQuery report of local and remote instances.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, a previous scan must be available for this user.


Writes an entry for a specified app path in the KV store for the user and updates the JSON report accordingly.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
app String Required. Folder name of the app containing the file path you want to dismiss.
app_path String Required. The absolute app path in which the file is present.
remote_Host String Required. Hostname in the scan report.

Returned values

Name Description
    "status": true,
    "message": <success_message>
400, 403, 404, or 500
  "status": false,
  "message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/jura_remote_dismiss_app -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"app": "sample_jura_app", "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app", "remote_host": "so1"}' -X POST


  "success": true,
  "message": "App: sample_jura_app successfully registered for dismissing the app on host: so1. The periodic notification would skip this dismissed app."



Dismisses a file path for the merged Python report from local and remote scan report and skips it in future scans.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, a previous scan must be available for this user.


Writes an entry for a specified file path in the KV store for a user and updates the JSON report by removing the file path entry.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
app String Required. Folder name of the app containing the file path you want to dismiss.
check String Required. The name of the check containing the file path you want to dismiss.
file_path String Required. The file path you want to dismiss.
app_path String Required. The absolute app path in which the file is present.
remote_Host String Required. Hostname in the scan report.
instance String Whether the dismissed file is present in local instance, remote instance, or both the instances. Possible values are local, remote, or both.

Returned values

Name Description
		"status": true,
		"message": <success_message>
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_remote_dismiss_file -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"app": "conf_editor_private", "check": "All Python scripts", "file_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor_private/bin/__init__.py", "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor_private", "remote_host": "so1", "instance": "local"}'  -X POST


    "message": "File: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor_private/bin/__init__.py for check: All Python scripts for app: Conf Editor Private successfully registered for dismissing for user: admin on host: cds.local. The fresh scan results would skip this file.",
    "success": true



Dismisses a file path for the merged jQuery report from local and remote scan report and skips it in future scans.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, a previous scan must be available for this user.


Writes an entry for a specified file path in the KV store for a user and updates the JSON report by removing the file path entry.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
app String Required. Folder name of the app containing the file path you want to dismiss.
check String Required. The name of the check containing the file path you want to dismiss.
file_path String Required. The file path you want to dismiss.
app_path String Required. The absolute app path in which the file is present.
remote_Host String Required. Hostname in the scan report.
instance String Whether the dismissed file is present in local instance, remote instance, or both the instances. Possible values are local, remote, or both.

Returned values

Name Description
    "status": true,
    "message": <success_message>
400, 403, 404, or 500
  "status": false,
  "message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/jura_remote_dismiss_file -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"app": "sample_jura_app", "check": "Splunk dashboard jQuery version check", "file_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/default/data/ui/views/sample_b.xml", "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app", "remote_host": "so1", "instance": "local"}'  -X POST


  "success": true,
  "message": "File: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/default/data/ui/views/sample_b.xml for check: Splunk dashboard jQuery version check for app: sample_jura_app successfully registered for dismissing on host: so1. The fresh scan results would skip this file."



Reads the latest merged Python scan report of the local and remote instances.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must have completed a scheduled scan and have a merged scan report.


Reads the latest merged scan report of the local and remote instances.

Request parameters

Returned values

Name Description
		"status": <status_of_scan>,
		"message": <message_related_to_status>,
		"progress": <progress_percentage_value>,
		"results": { <dict_of_results_for scan> }
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_remote_result  -X GET

Response when scan is completed

  "apps": [
      "name": "private3",
      "label": "private 3",
      "version": "3.0.0",
      "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/private3",
      "summary": {
        "Passed": 2,
        "Blocker": 0,
        "Warning": 1,
        "Skipped": 0,
        "type": "Private App",
        "app_link": "",
        "dismiss_app": 1,
        "dismiss_app_date": "1626329392",
        "Status": "DISMISSED"
      "checks": [
          "name": "Python in custom Mako templates",
          "result": "PASSED",
          "messages": [
          "required_action": "None"
          "description": "Check for the existence of Python scripts, which must be upgraded to be cross-compatible with Python 2 and 3 for the upcoming Splunk Enterprise Python 3 release. ",
          "name": "Python scripts",
          "result": "WARNING",
          "messages": [
              "message_filename": ".../bin/test.py",
              "code": [
                "@@ -1 +1,2 @@\n-print \"this should fail\"\n+from __future__ import print_function\n+print(\"this should fail\")"
              "result": "warning",
              "message_line": null,
              "dismissed": 0,
              "message": "@@ -1 +1,2 @@\n-print \"this should fail\"\n+from __future__ import print_function\n+print(\"this should fail\")\nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/private3/bin/test.py",
              "instance": "local",
              "identical": 0
          "required_action": "Update these Python scripts to be dual-compatible with Python 2 and 3."
          "description": "Splunk Python SDK Check",
          "name": "Splunk Python SDK Check",
          "result": "PASSED",
          "messages": [
      "details": "This app is not compatible with Python 3.",
      "required_action": "Update this app or uninstall it. If you do nothing, the app will fail.",
      "remote_version": null
"summary": {
"splunkbase": 0,
      "splunk_supported": 0,
      "private": 2,
      "public_passed": 0,
      "public_blocker": 0,
      "public_warning": 0,
      "public_unknown": 0,
      "private_passed": 0,
      "private_blocker": 1,
      "private_warning": 0,
      "private_unknown": 0,
      "private_dismissed": 0,
      "public_dismissed": 0,
      "scan_completion_time": 1627038604
  "scan_ID": "splunk-system-user_1626329281",
"host": "so1"
"message":"Remote scan details successfully for user: admin",
"progress": 100



Reads the latest merged jQuery scan report of the local and remote instances.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must have completed a scheduled scan and have a merged scan report.


Reads the latest merged scan report of the local and remote instances.

Request parameters

Returned values

Name Description
    "status": <status_of_scan>,
    "message": <message_related_to_status>,
    "progress": <progress_percentage_value>,
    "results": { <dict_of_results_for scan> }
400, 403, 404, or 500
  "status": false,
  "message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/jura_remote_result  -X GET

Response when scan is completed

  "status": "COMPLETE",
  "results": {
    "summary": {
      "scan_completion_time": 1631116022,
      "private_dismissed": 0,
      "public_warning": 0,
      "splunk_supported": 0,
      "public_dismissed": 0,
      "splunkbase": 0,
      "private_blocker": 1,
      "private_warning": 0,
      "private_unknown": 0,
      "public_blocker": 0,
      "public_passed": 0,
      "public_unknown": 0,
      "private": 1,
      "private_passed": 0
    "scan_ID": "splunk-system-user_1631116022",
    "apps": [
        "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app",
        "summary": {
          "Skipped": 0,
          "type": "Private App",
          "dismiss_app": 0,
          "app_link": "",
          "dismiss_app_date": "",
          "Passed": 0,
          "Warning": 0,
          "Status": "BLOCKER",
          "Blocker": 3
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "name": "sample_jura_app",
        "remote_version": "",
        "checks": [
            "name": "Splunk dashboard jQuery version check",
            "messages": [
                "instance": "local",
                "dismissed": 0,
                "message_filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/default/data/ui/views/sample_b.xml",
                "message_line": null,
                "result": "warning",
                "message": "Version attribute of the dashboard /opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/default/data/ui/views/sample_b.xml is set to 1.0. Change the version attribute in the root node of your Simple XML dashboard to '<dashboard version=\"1.1\">' OR '<form version=\"1.1\">'. Other dashboard versions introduce vulnerabilities into your apps and are not permitted in Splunk Cloud Platform.",
                "code": "1.0",
                "identical": 0,
                "line": null,
                "filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/default/data/ui/views/sample_b.xml"
            "result": "BLOCKER",
            "required_action": "None",
            "description": "Splunk dashboard jQuery version check"
            "name": "Splunk jQuery version check",
            "messages": [
                "instance": "local",
                "dismissed": 0,
                "message_filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/libs/jquery-2.2.4.min.js",
                "message_line": null,
                "result": "warning",
                "message": "The jQuery 2.2.4 shipped along with your application introduces vulnerabilities into your application.  Splunk apps must use jQuery version 3.5 or higher. Lower versions are no longer permitted in Splunk Cloud Platform.",
                "code": "",
                "identical": 0,
                "line": null,
                "filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/libs/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"
            "result": "BLOCKER",
            "required_action": "None",
            "description": "Splunk jQuery version check"
            "name": "Splunk internal library check",
            "messages": [
                "instance": "local",
                "dismissed": 0,
                "message_filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/script_1.js",
                "message_line": null,
                "result": "warning",
                "message": "This /opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/script_1.js is importing the following dependencies which are not supported or externally documented by Splunk. <badimport>splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready",
                "code": "",
                "identical": 0,
                "line": null,
                "filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/script_1.js"
            "result": "BLOCKER",
            "required_action": "None",
            "description": "Splunk internal library check"
        "label": "sample_jura_app",
        "required_action": "Update this app or request to uninstall it. If you do nothing, the app will fail in future Splunk upgrades that use jQuery 3.5.",
        "details": "This app is not compatible with jQuery 3.5."
    "host": "so1"
  "progress": 100,
  "message": "Remote scan details successfully for user: admin"



Schedules a Python scan at a custom time or at the default time at 1 AM daily based on user inputs.

Returns the custom scan details from the KV store if stored.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must have permission to see the apps on your instance.


Schedules a scan at the given time interval. By default, if no time is specified, the scan is scheduled for 1:00 AM daily.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
schedule_scan_type String Required. Type of scan. Accepted values are custom or default.
day String Required. Day interval. For example, 2 runs the scan every 2 days.
hours String Required. Hours of the time at which the scan is to be run.
minutes String Required. Minutes of the time at which the scan is to be run.
am_pm String Required. AM or PM
time_offset String Required.The offset of the timezone. For example, +5:30.
disabled String Whether the schedule scan is to disabled or not. Value should be either 0 or 1.

Returned values

Name Description
		"status": true,
		"message": "Successfully updated the remote schedule scan details for user <user> on host <host>. It will be reflected after 2 hours."
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_remote_schedule_scan --data '{"disabled":"1","schedule_scan_type": "custom","day": "1","hours": "5", "minutes":"5", "am_pm": "am", "time_offset": "+0:00"}' -X POST


	"status": true,
	"message": "Successfully updated the remote schedule scan details for user <user> on host <host>. It will be reflected after 2 hours."


Returns the scan schedule details saved in the KV store.

Request parameters

Returned values

Name Description
          "user": <user>,
          "host": <hostname>,
          "day": <day_interval>,
          "minutes": <minutes_value_in_time>,
          "hours": <hours_value_in_time>,
          "am_pm": <am_or_pm>",
          "schedule_scan_type": <default_or_custom>,
          "timestamp": <timestamp_at_which_details_were_saved>,
          "disabled": "<Whether the scan is disabled or not>"
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_remote_schedule_scan -X GET


    "schedule_scan_type": "custom",
    "timestamp": "1615286051",
    "_user": "nobody",
    "_key": "60474f23dbe8a80b2d1c22e0"



Schedules a jQuery scan at a custom time or at the default time at 4 AM daily based on user inputs.

Returns the custom scan details from the KV store if stored.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must have permission to see the apps on your instance.


Schedules a scan at the given time interval. By default, if no time is specified, the scan is scheduled for 1:00 AM daily.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
schedule_scan_type String Required. Type of scan. Accepted values are custom or default.
day String Required. Day interval. For example, 2 runs the scan every 2 days.
hours String Required. Hours of the time at which the scan is to be run.
minutes String Required. Minutes of the time at which the scan is to be run.
am_pm String Required. AM or PM
time_offset String Required.The offset of the timezone. For example, +5:30.
disabled String Whether the scheduled scan is disabled or not. Value can be either 0 or 1.

Returned values

Name Description
    "status": true,
    "message": "Successfully updated the remote schedule scan details for user <user> on host <host>. It will be reflected after 2 hours."
400, 403, 404, or 500
  "status": false,
  "message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/jura_remote_schedule_scan --data '{"disabled":"1","schedule_scan_type": "custom","day": "1","hours": "5", "minutes":"5", "am_pm": "am", "time_offset": "+0:00"}' -X POST


  "status": true,
  "message": "Successfully updated the remote scheduled scan details for user <user> on host <host>. It will be reflected after 2 hours."


Returns the scan schedule details saved in the KV store.

Request parameters

Returned values

Name Description
          "user": <user>,
          "host": <hostname>,
          "day": <day_interval>,
          "minutes": <minutes_value_in_time>,
          "hours": <hours_value_in_time>,
          "am_pm": <am_or_pm>",
          "schedule_scan_type": <default_or_custom>,
          "timestamp": <timestamp_at_which_details_were_saved>,
          "disabled": "<Whether the scan is disabled or not>"
400, 403, 404, or 500
  "status": false,
  "message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/jura_remote_schedule_scan -X GET


    "schedule_scan_type": "custom",
    "timestamp": "1615286051",
    "_user": "nobody",
    "_key": "60474f23dbe8a80b2d1c22e0"



Fetches a JSON or CSV report for a given Python scan_ID and app path.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, a previous scan result must be available, and you must know its scan_ID and app_path.


Fetches the JSON or CSV report for a previous scan, given a scan_ID.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
ID String
Required. The scan ID of a completed scan run by this user.
format String
Required. The format of the report.
app_name String
Required. Name of the app (folder name).
app_path String
Required. The absolute path of the installed app.
host String
Required. Hostname of the instance in the scan report.

Returned values

Name Description
		"apps": [ <list_of_apps> ],
		"summary": { <dict_of_summary_of_scan> },
		"scan_ID": <ID_of_the_scan_report>
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and JSON response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_remote_export_report?ID=admin_1615290732&format=JSON&app_name="conf_editor_private"&app_path="/opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor_private"  -X GET


  "apps": [
      "name": "private3",
      "label": "Valtix",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/private3",
      "summary": {
        "Passed": 1,
        "Blocker": 1,
        "Warning": 1,
        "Skipped": 0,
        "type": "Private App",
        "app_link": "",
        "dismiss_app": 0,
        "dismiss_app_date": "",
        "Status": "BLOCKER"
      "checks": [
          "name": "Python in custom Mako templates",
          "result": "BLOCKER",
          "messages": [
              "message": null,
              "dismissed": 0,
              "message_filename": ".../bin/test_mako.html",
              "message_line": 1,
              "code": [
                "@@ -1 +1,2 @@\n-rows = [i for i in xrange(1000)]\n+from six.moves import range\n+rows = [i for i in range(1000)]"
              "instance": "local",
              "identical": 0
              "message": null,
              "dismissed": 0,
              "message_filename": ".../bin/test_mako2.html",
              "message_line": 2,
              "code": [
                "@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@\n+from six.moves import range\n \n-rows = [[v for v in xrange(0,10)] for row in xrange(0,10)]\n+rows = [[v for v in range(0,10)] for row in range(0,10)]"
              "instance": "local",
              "identical": 0
          "required_action": "Check to ensure that Mako templates are upgraded to be compatible with Python 3."
          "description": "Check for the existence of Python scripts, which must be upgraded to be cross-compatible with Python 2 and 3 for the upcoming Splunk Enterprise Python 3 release. ",
          "name": "Python scripts",
          "result": "WARNING",
          "messages": [
              "message_filename": ".../bin/test_fail.py",
              "code": [
                "@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@\n-print 'this should give error'\n-[i for i in xrange(1000)]\n+from __future__ import print_function\n+from six.moves import range\n+print('this should give error')\n+[i for i in range(1000)]\n print(\"this should not give error\")\n print(\"this should not give error\")"
              "result": "warning",
              "message_line": null,
              "dismissed": 0,
              "message": "@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@\n-print 'this should give error'\n-[i for i in xrange(1000)]\n+from __future__ import print_function\n+from six.moves import range\n+print('this should give error')\n+[i for i in range(1000)]\n print(\"this should not give error\")\n print(\"this should not give error\")\nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/private3/bin/test_fail.py",
              "instance": "local",
              "identical": 0
          "required_action": "Update these Python scripts to be dual-compatible with Python 2 and 3."
          "description": "Splunk Python SDK Check",
          "name": "Splunk Python SDK Check",
          "result": "PASSED",
          "messages": [
      "details": "This app is not compatible with Python 3.",
      "required_action": "Update this app or uninstall it. If you do nothing, the app will fail.",
      "remote_version": ""
  "scan_ID": "splunk-system-user_1627040106"



Fetches a JSON or CSV report for a given jQuery scan_ID and app path.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, a previous scan result must be available, and you must know its scan_ID and app_path.


Fetches the JSON or CSV report for a previous scan, given a scan_ID.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
ID String
Required. The scan ID of a completed scan run by this user.
format String
Required. The format of the report.
app_name String
Required. Name of the app (folder name).
app_path String
Required. The absolute path of the installed app.
host String
Required. Hostname of the instance in the scan report.

Returned values

Name Description
    "apps": [ <list_of_apps> ],
    "summary": { <dict_of_summary_of_scan> },
    "scan_ID": <ID_of_the_scan_report>
400, 403, 404, or 500
  "status": false,
  "message": <failure_cause>

Example request and JSON response


curl -k -u username:password 'https://localhost:8089/services/jura_remote_export_report?ID="splunk-system-user_1631116022"&format="json"&app_name="sample_jura_app"&app_path="/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app"&host="so1"'


  "scan_ID": "splunk-system-user_1631116022",
  "apps": [
      "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app",
      "name": "sample_jura_app",
      "label": "sample_jura_app",
      "summary": {
        "Skipped": 0,
        "type": "Private App",
        "dismiss_app": 0,
        "app_link": "",
        "dismiss_app_date": "",
        "Passed": 0,
        "Warning": 0,
        "Status": "BLOCKER",
        "Blocker": 3
      "remote_version": "",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "checks": [
          "name": "Splunk dashboard jQuery version check",
          "messages": [
              "instance": "local",
              "dismissed": 0,
              "message_filename": ".../default/data/ui/views/sample_b.xml",
              "result": "warning",
              "message": "Version attribute of the dashboard /opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/default/data/ui/views/sample_b.xml is set to 1.0. Change the version attribute in the root node of your Simple XML dashboard to '<dashboard version=\"1.1\">' OR '<form version=\"1.1\">'. Other dashboard versions introduce vulnerabilities into your apps and are not permitted in Splunk Cloud Platform.",
              "code": "1.0",
              "identical": 0,
              "message_line": null
          "result": "BLOCKER",
          "required_action": "None",
          "description": "Splunk dashboard jQuery version check"
          "name": "Splunk jQuery version check",
          "messages": [
              "instance": "local",
              "dismissed": 0,
              "message_filename": ".../appserver/static/libs/jquery-2.2.4.min.js",
              "result": "warning",
              "message": "The jQuery 2.2.4 shipped along with your application introduces vulnerabilities into your application.  Splunk apps must use jQuery version 3.5 or higher. Lower versions are no longer permitted in Splunk Cloud Platform.",
              "code": "",
              "identical": 0,
              "message_line": null
          "result": "BLOCKER",
          "required_action": "None",
          "description": "Splunk jQuery version check"
          "name": "Splunk internal library check",
          "messages": [
              "instance": "local",
              "dismissed": 0,
              "message_filename": ".../appserver/static/script_1.js",
              "result": "warning",
              "message": "This /opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/script_1.js is importing the following dependencies which are not supported or externally documented by Splunk. <badimport>splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready",
              "code": "",
              "identical": 0,
              "message_line": null
          "result": "BLOCKER",
          "required_action": "None",
          "description": "Splunk internal library check"
      "required_action": "Update this app or request to uninstall it. If you do nothing, the app will fail in future Splunk upgrades that use jQuery 3.5.",
      "details": "This app is not compatible with jQuery 3.5."



Email a specific Python app report to the specified email addresses and app.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must complete a scan and correctly configure email details.


Sends the app report as an email to the specified email addresses.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
app_name String Required. Name of the app (folder name).
app_path String Required. The absolute path to the application.
subject String Required. The subject of the email.
receiver String Required. A comma-separated list of email addresses to whom the report is to be mailed.
body String Required. Body of the email.
remote_host String Required. Hostname present in the scan report.

Returned values

Name Description
		"status": true,
		"message": "Email sent"
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_sendemail -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"app_name": "conf_editor_private", "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/conf_editor_private", "subject": "Subject of the email", "receiver": "email1@email.com, email2@email.com", "body": "Body of the email", "remote_host": "so1"}' -X POST


	"status": true,
	"message": "Email sent"



Email a specific jQuery app report to the specified email addresses and app.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must complete a scan and correctly configure email details.


Sends the app report as an email to the specified email addresses.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
app_name String Required. Name of the app (folder name).
app_path String Required. The absolute path to the application.
subject String Required. The subject of the email.
receiver String Required. A comma-separated list of email addresses to whom the report is to be mailed.
body String Required. Body of the email.
remote_host String Required. Hostname present in the scan report.

Returned values

Name Description
    "status": true,
    "message": "Email sent"
400, 403, 404, or 500
  "status": false,
  "message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/jura_remote_sendemail -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"app_name": "sample_jura_app", "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app", "subject": "Subject of the email", "receiver": ["email1@email.com", "email2@email.com"], "body": "Body of the email", "remote_host": "so1"}' -X POST


  "status": true,
  "message": "Email sent"



Get the latest scheduled Python scan report.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, a scheduled scan must be completed.


Get the latest scheduled scan report.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
ID String
Required. The scan ID of a completed scan run by this user.
pura_apps String
Required. Comma separated list of app names (folder name).

Returned values

Name Description
		"apps": [ ],
		"summary": {},
		"scan_ID": <ID_of_the_scan_report>,
                "host": "<host>"
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and JSON response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_latest_report?pura_apps="private_app1,private_app2" -X GET


  "apps": [
      "name": "private_app1",
      "label": "private_app1",
      "version": "3.0.0",
      "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/private_app1",
      "summary": {
        "Passed": 2,
        "Blocker": 0,
        "Warning": 1,
        "Skipped": 0,
        "type": "Private App",
        "app_link": "",
        "dismiss_app": 1,
        "dismiss_app_date": "1626329392",
        "Status": "DISMISSED"
      "checks": [
          "name": "Python in custom Mako templates",
          "result": "PASSED",
          "messages": [
          "required_action": "None"
          "description": "Check for the existence of Python scripts, which must be upgraded to be cross-compatible with Python 2 and 3 for the upcoming Splunk Enterprise Python 3 release. ",
          "name": "Python scripts",
          "result": "WARNING",
          "messages": [
              "message_filename": ".../bin/test.py",
              "code": [
                "@@ -1 +1,2 @@\n-print \"this should fail\"\n+from __future__ import print_function\n+print(\"this should fail\")"
              "result": "warning",
              "message_line": null,
              "dismissed": 0,
              "message": "@@ -1 +1,2 @@\n-print \"this should fail\"\n+from __future__ import print_function\n+print(\"this should fail\")\nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/private_app1/bin/test.py",
              "instance": "local",
              "identical": 0
          "required_action": "Update these Python scripts to be dual-compatible with Python 2 and 3."
          "description": "Splunk Python SDK Check",
          "name": "Splunk Python SDK Check",
          "result": "PASSED",
          "messages": [
      "details": "This app is not compatible with Python 3.",
      "required_action": "Update this app or uninstall it. If you do nothing, the app will fail.",
      "remote_version": null
      "name": "private_app2",
      "label": "private_app2",
      "version": "3.0.0",
      "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/private_app2",
      "summary": {
        "Passed": 2,
        "Blocker": 0,
        "Warning": 1,
        "Skipped": 0,
        "type": "Private App",
        "app_link": "",
        "dismiss_app": 1,
        "dismiss_app_date": "1626329400",
        "Status": "DISMISSED"
      "checks": [
          "name": "Python in custom Mako templates",
          "result": "PASSED",
          "messages": [
          "required_action": "None"
          "description": "Check for the existence of Python scripts, which must be upgraded to be cross-compatible with Python 2 and 3 for the upcoming Splunk Enterprise Python 3 release. ",
          "name": "Python scripts",
          "result": "WARNING",
          "messages": [
              "message_filename": ".../bin/test.py",
              "code": [
                "@@ -1 +1,2 @@\n-print \"this should fail\"\n+from __future__ import print_function\n+print(\"this should fail\")"
              "result": "warning",
              "message_line": null,
              "dismissed": 0,
              "message": "@@ -1 +1,2 @@\n-print \"this should fail\"\n+from __future__ import print_function\n+print(\"this should fail\")\nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/private_app2/bin/test.py",
              "instance": "local",
              "identical": 0
          "required_action": "Update these Python scripts to be dual-compatible with Python 2 and 3."
          "description": "Splunk Python SDK Check",
          "name": "Splunk Python SDK Check",
          "result": "PASSED",
          "messages": [
      "details": "This app is not compatible with Python 3.",
      "required_action": "Update this app or uninstall it. If you do nothing, the app will fail.",
      "remote_version": null
  "scan_ID": "splunk-system-user_1626329281"



Get the latest scheduled jQuery scan report.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, a scheduled scan must be completed.


Get the latest scheduled scan report.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
jura_apps String
Required. Comma separated list of app names (folder name).

Returned values

Name Description
    "apps": [ ],
    "summary": {},
    "scan_ID": <ID_of_the_scan_report>,
                "host": "<host>"
400, 403, 404, or 500
  "status": false,
  "message": <failure_cause>

Example request and JSON response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/jura_latest_report?jura_apps="sample_jura_app" -X GET


  "summary": {
    "scan_completion_time": 1631116022,
    "private_dismissed": 0,
    "private_passed": 0,
    "public_warning": 0,
    "splunk_supported": 0,
    "public_dismissed": 0,
    "splunkbase": 0,
    "private_blocker": 1,
    "private_warning": 0,
    "private_unknown": 0,
    "public_passed": 0,
    "public_unknown": 0,
    "private": 1,
    "public_blocker": 0
  "scan_ID": "splunk-system-user_1631116022",
  "apps": [
      "app_path": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app",
      "name": "sample_jura_app",
      "label": "sample_jura_app",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "summary": {
        "Skipped": 0,
        "type": "Private App",
        "dismiss_app": 0,
        "app_link": "",
        "dismiss_app_date": "",
        "Passed": 0,
        "Warning": 0,
        "Status": "BLOCKER",
        "Blocker": 3
      "checks": [
          "name": "Splunk dashboard jQuery version check",
          "messages": [
              "dismissed": 0,
              "message_filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/default/data/ui/views/sample_b.xml",
              "result": "warning",
              "message": "Version attribute of the dashboard /opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/default/data/ui/views/sample_b.xml is set to 1.0. Change the version attribute in the root node of your Simple XML dashboard to '<dashboard version=\"1.1\">' OR '<form version=\"1.1\">'. Other dashboard versions introduce vulnerabilities into your apps and are not permitted in Splunk Cloud Platform.",
              "code": "1.0",
              "line": null,
              "message_line": null,
              "filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/default/data/ui/views/sample_b.xml"
          "result": "BLOCKER",
          "required_action": "None",
          "description": "Splunk dashboard jQuery version check"
          "name": "Splunk jQuery version check",
          "messages": [
              "dismissed": 0,
              "message_filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/libs/jquery-2.2.4.min.js",
              "result": "warning",
              "message": "The jQuery 2.2.4 shipped along with your application introduces vulnerabilities into your application.  Splunk apps must use jQuery version 3.5 or higher. Lower versions are no longer permitted in Splunk Cloud Platform.",
              "code": "",
              "line": null,
              "message_line": null,
              "filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/libs/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"
          "result": "BLOCKER",
          "required_action": "None",
          "description": "Splunk jQuery version check"
          "name": "Splunk internal library check",
          "messages": [
              "dismissed": 0,
              "message_filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/script_1.js",
              "result": "warning",
              "message": "This /opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/script_1.js is importing the following dependencies which are not supported or externally documented by Splunk. <badimport>splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready",
              "code": "",
              "line": null,
              "message_line": null,
              "filename": "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/sample_jura_app/appserver/static/script_1.js"
          "result": "BLOCKER",
          "required_action": "None",
          "description": "Splunk internal library check"
      "required_action": "Update this app or request to uninstall it. If you do nothing, the app will fail in future Splunk upgrades that use jQuery 3.5.",
      "details": "This app is not compatible with jQuery 3.5."
  "host": "so1"



Updates the schedule scan details in scripted input of the host.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must have permission to see the apps on your instance.


Updates the scripted input according to the schedule scan details specified.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
schedule_scan_type String Required. Type of scan. Accepted values are custom or default.
day String Required. Day interval. For example, 2 runs the scan every 2 days.
hours String Required. Hours of the time at which the scan is to be run.
minutes String Required. Minutes of the time at which the scan is to be run.
am_pm String Required. AM or PM
disabled String Whether the schedule scan is to disabled or not. Value should be either 0 or 1.

Returned values

Name Description
		"status": true,
		"message": "Successfully updated the remote schedule scan details for user <user> on host <host>."
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password 'https://localhost:8089/services/pura_manage_remote_scan?disabled=1&schedule_scan_type =custom&day=1&hours=5&minutes=5&am_pm="am" &time_offset="+0:00"' -X POST


	"status": true,
	"message": "Successfully updated the remote schedule scan details for user <user> on host <host>. It will be reflected after 2 hours."



View or update the user Python version upgrade requests.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must have permission to see the apps on your instance.


Submit a Python version upgrade request.

Request parameters


Name Type Description
action String Required. Requested Python version. Possible values are Python2, Python3, or Force Python3.

Returned values

Name Description
		"status": true,
		"message": "User records inserted successfully"
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"success": false,
        "error_type" : "OTHER", 
        "message" : "Something went Wrong!"}

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_user_records -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"action":"Python3"}' -X POST


	"status": true,
	"message": "User records inserted successfully"


Gets the user Python version upgrade request records.

Request parameters

Returned values

Name Description
"current_timezone_offset" :
 "+05:30" // to show the time
 as per user's current timezone  "                         
"records" : 
request_timestamp: "",
description: "",
stack_ID: "",
400, 403, 404, or 500
	"status": false,
	"message": <failure_cause>

Example request and response


curl -k -u username:password 'https://localhost:8089/services/pura_user_records' -X GET


    "current_timezone_offset": "+05:30",
    "records": [
            "host_name": "sh-i-090da0788f8203adb",
            "user_name": "admin",
            "user_role": "role1|role2|role3",
            "action": "Python3",
            "request_timestamp": "23 Jul 2021 13:43:01 +UTC",
            "description": "Request to upgrade Python3",
            "stack_ID": "noble-newt-947"



Get the current Python version on the server.

Usage details
To use this endpoint, you must have permission to see the apps on your instance.


Get the current Python version on the server.

Request parameters

Returned values

Name Description

0 => Current python version on server is python2, can request to python3 or force_python3
1 => Current python version on server is python2 but already requested python 3 or force_python 3, can request to retract back to python2
2 => Current python version on server is either python3 or force_python3
400, 403, 404, or 500
{"success" : false,
 "error_type" : "OTHER",
 "message" : "Something
 went Wrong!"}

Example request and JSON response


curl -k -u username:password https://localhost:8089/services/pura_check_python_version -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -X GET


Last modified on 21 January, 2022
Act on Splunk Platform Compatibility scan results with the Upgrade Readiness App   Manage weekly emails from the Upgrade Readiness App

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform: 9.3.2408 (latest FedRAMP release), 8.2.2112, 8.2.2202, 8.2.2203, 9.0.2205, 9.0.2208, 9.0.2209, 9.0.2303, 9.0.2305, 9.1.2308, 9.1.2312, 9.2.2403, 9.2.2406

Please expect delayed responses to documentation feedback while the team migrates content to a new system. We value your input and thank you for your patience as we work to provide you with an improved content experience!

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