KV store endpoint descriptions
This introduction describes syntax common to all app KV Store REST endpoints. For more information about the KV Store, see App Key Value Store on the Splunk developer portal.
REST API usage details
Review ACL information for an endpoint
To check Access Control List (ACL) properties for an endpoint, append /acl
to the path. For more information see Access Control List in the REST API User Manual.
Authentication and Authorization
Username and password authentication is required for access to endpoints and REST operations.
Splunk users must have role and/or capability-based authorization to use REST endpoints. Users with an administrative role, such as admin
, can access authorization information in Splunk Web. To view the roles assigned to a user, select Settings > Access controls and click Users. To determine the capabilities assigned to a role, select Settings > Access controls and click Roles.
App and user context
Typically, knowledge objects, such as saved searches or event types, have an app/user context that is the namespace. For more information about specifying a namespace, see Namespace in the REST API User Manual.
Splunk Cloud Platform limitations
As a Splunk Cloud Platform user, you are restricted to interacting with the search tier only with the REST API.
Some but not all KV store endpoints are available in Splunk Cloud Platform. Instead, authorized users can access and configure the KV store lookup definitions in the Splunk Cloud Platform user interface. KV store collections, however, cannot be modified with the user interface.
See Access requirements and limitations for the Splunk Cloud Platform REST API in the the REST API Tutorials manual for more information.
App KV Store REST API features
The app KV Store provides the following functions.
- Create, read, list and delete EAI operations on a collection.
- Create, read, list and delete indexes for a given collection. All collection methods are EAI-compatible. These are not regular EAI operations because the indexes are stored as attributes on the EAI entity. Users must have collection permission to use these operations for a particular collection.
- The ability to insert, read, update and delete a single key and key value, for a given collection, provided that you have permission to modify the collection.
- Duplicate keys are not allowed.
- All updates are wholesale updates.
- Partial value updates are not available.
- The ability to query key-value pairs, for a given collection. For example, to find all the documents that have a host field with a value, use the query
{"host": "bar.com"}
Only the following operations are permitted.
The API also supports mechanisms for projection, sorting and pagination.
- Batch reads, inserts, and/or updates for a given collection. This supports high-volume operations and limits network traffic. These operations have the same semantics as their individual counterparts.
- 16MB per record
- 1KB per accelerated field
A Collection is a container of "documents" or "values". Most documents have a similar structure, although structure is not enforced. For example, a Collection might have Notable Events
or entities
Collections are declared in a collections.conf
configuration file, where a stanza is a single collection.
Collection permissioning
Collections are Splunk entities, which means they are permissioned using the Splunk RBAC/ACL system. Only app-level permissions are available for collections. This means that collections can be defined only in the etc/apps/<app>/<default|local>
directory, not in etc/users/...
. Attempts to create a user-specific Collection using the API fail and Collections created manually in the .conf
files are ignored.
A collection stores key-value pairs consisting of a user-specified or autogenerated key and a JSON document-formatted value. A JSON document/object of values is enforced for simplicity instead of using integer or string raw values. For example, {"_key": "", host: "bar.com"}
defines the key (""
) and the full JSON document value.
A key is fetched, updated, and deleted. Partial updates, including array append, are not available. You must set the whole document. Keys are unique within a collection and support only the basic JSON data types: boolean, string, number, object, array, and null
A value is specified in the _key
attribute of the document and, if one is not specified, a random value with a desirable sort order is automatically generated.
A collection is defined in the following directory location.
You can use the following URLs to access the collection.
Namespaces are separate and data are not interleaved. Wildcard operations on the <user>
or <app>
parts of the namespace are not available.
User-specific collections are not supported. All users, including nobody
, share a single namespace and _key
is unique across all namespaces.
You can define a set of types for some fields in a collection. If a field has no type defined, it uses the type submitted over the API. If a type conversion fails, the insert/update operation is aborted.
Here is an example collection in collections.conf
[mycollection] field.enabled = bool field.data.range = cidr
The data inserted or updated in this collection have the fields enabled and range-converted to the applicable type.
* array * number * boolean * time * string * cidr
Items need to be specified using the field
prefix only if type needs to be enforced for the field. The array
type is not enforceable so does not need to be specified.
Arrays do not change a nested key name. For example, the key "a.b.c" can refer to {"a": {"b": {"c": 1}}}
or {"a": {"b": [{"c": 1}]}}
All strings/numbers/booleans are converted to doubles. If a number fails to convert, it inserts the string instead.
All numbers/strings/booleans are converted to booleans. If a boolean fails to convert, it inserts the string instead. Epoch time can be a string or a number. If it fails to convert, the string version is inserted.
Everything is converted to a string.
All provided strings are converted to canonical CIDR strings. Here is an example. -> -> 127.0.0/24 ->
Here is an example of similar canonicalization for IPv6.
2001:db8::/96 -> 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/096 2001:db8:0:0:0:0:0:ffff -> 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff/128
Combining the Data and Index patterns gives the ability to do basic querying. Queries are limited to the basic operators available in most databases, and at the moment do not expose in-array and not-in-array containers. A query can have the following operators.
Queries are permitted regardless of whether an index covers the query. If it the index does not cover the query, the query takes longer to complete. For example, here is a query to find all Notable Events
authored by userA or userB.
{ "$or": [ { "author": "userA" }, { "author": "userB" } ] }
Use $and
to search for a range of values. For example, use the following query to find all events with a time field value between 12
and 13
{ "$and": [ { "time": { "$gt": "12" } }, { "time": { "$lt": "13" } } ] }
REST methods
The REST API for App KV Store implements the GET, POST, and DELETE methods described in this reference.
Defining KV Store lookups
For information on using the REST API to define or update a KV Store lookup, see data/transforms/lookups/
and data/transforms/lookups/{name}
This endpoint is available only in Splunk Enterprise.
Create a KV Store backup archive file.
Usage details
Request parameters
Name | Type | Description |
archiveName | String | Specify a file name for the backup. |
appName | String | Specify a target app for backup, rather than all of the KV Store. Only available if pointInTime is not set to true. |
collectionName | String | Specify a target collection for backup, rather than all of the KV Store. Only available if pointInTime is not set to true. |
pointInTime | Boolean | Defaults to false. To take a consistent backup, set it to true. Only available for single-instance deployments. |
cancel | Boolean | Defaults to false. Set it to true to cancel an in-progress backup. Only available if pointInTime is set to true. |
parallelCollections | Number | Defaults to 1. Raise the number to increase the number of collections to back up in parallel. Only available if pointInTime is set to true. |
Returned values
Name | Description |
status | Code 200 for success, and code 404 for failure.
Example request and response
XML request
curl -k -u admin:changed -X POST https://localhost:8089/services/kvstore/backup/create -d 'archiveName=sampleArchive&appName=search&collectionName=testcollection'
XML response
<title>kvstorebackup</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/kvstore/backup</id> <updated>2018-04-05T14:18:14-07:00</updated> <generator build="dbd2996dbabd8f6751329c845684e0ffc9d1cca3" version="20180302"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/services/kvstore/backup/_acl" rel="_acl"/> <opensearch:totalResults>0</opensearch:totalResults> <opensearch:itemsPerPage>30</opensearch:itemsPerPage> <opensearch:startIndex>0</opensearch:startIndex> <s:messages/>
This endpoint is available only in Splunk Enterprise.
Extracts the KV Store backup archive file and restores the KV Store.
Usage details
Request parameters
Name | Type | Description |
archiveName | String | Required. Specifies the name of the backup file. |
appName | String | Specify a target app for backup, rather than all of the KV Store. Only available if pointInTime is not set to true. |
collectionName | String | Specify a target collection for backup, rather than all of the KV Store. Only available if pointInTime is not set to true. |
pointInTime | Boolean | Defaults to false. To restore from a backup taken with consistency, set it to true. |
cancel | Boolean | Defaults to false. Set it to true to cancel an in-progress restore. Only available if pointInTime set to true. |
parallelCollections | Number | Defaults to 1. Raise the number to increase the number of collections to restore in parallel, which speeds up the store. Only available if pointInTime set to true. |
insertionsWorkersPerCollection | Number | Defaults to 1. Raise to increase the number of insertion workers per collection, which speeds up the restore. Only available if pointInTime set to true. |
Returned values
Name | Description |
status | Code 200 for success, and code 404 for failure.
Example request and response
XML request
curl -k -u admin:changed -X POST https://localhost:8089/services/kvstore/backup/restore -d 'archiveName=kvdump.tar.gz&appName=search&collectionName=testcollection'
XML response
<title>kvstorebackup</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/kvstore/backup</id> <updated>2018-04-05T14:10:00-07:00</updated> <generator build="dbd2996dbabd8f6751329c845684e0ffc9d1cca3" version="20180302"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/services/kvstore/backup/_acl" rel="_acl"/> <opensearch:totalResults>0</opensearch:totalResults> <opensearch:itemsPerPage>30</opensearch:itemsPerPage> <opensearch:startIndex>0</opensearch:startIndex> <s:messages/>
This endpoint is available only in Splunk Enterprise.
Access KV store maintenance mode for standalone deployments.
Toggle maintenance mode.
Request parameters
Name | Type | Description |
mode | Boolean | Required. Type true to enter maintenance mode. To exit, type false. |
Example request and response
XML Request
curl -ku admin:changeme -X POST https://localhost:8089/services/kvstore/control/maintenance -d 'mode=false'
XML Response
<title>kvstorecontrol</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/kvstore/control</id> <updated>2021-03-29T14:53:25-07:00</updated> <generator build="c470713bc601c2961f6dba368c5b4c6628687211" version="20210304"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/services/kvstore/control/maintenance" rel="maintenance"/> <opensearch:totalResults>0</opensearch:totalResults> <opensearch:itemsPerPage>30</opensearch:itemsPerPage> <opensearch:startIndex>0</opensearch:startIndex> <s:messages/>
Access KV store status information for standalone or search head clustering (SHC) deployments. For SHC deployments, provides information on SHC members where KV Store is enabled and used for replication.
See also the following KV Store introspection endpoints.
- server/introspection/kvstore
- server/introspection/kvstore/collectionstats
- server/introspection/kvstore/replicasetstats
- server/introspection/kvstore/serverstatus
Access KV store status information.
Usage details
Request parameters
Returned values
Name | Description |
current | Includes the following indicators for the machine making the GET request.
Enabled KV Store members | Returned for SHC deployments. Lists the following values for SHC members where KV Store is enabled and used for replication.
members | For KV Store members, lists the following indicators.
Example request and response
XML request
curl -k -u admin:changed https://localhost:8089/services/kvstore/status
XML response
<title>kvstorestatus</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/kvstore/status</id> <updated>2016-09-09T15:04:35-07:00</updated> <generator build="c9afb322d148" version="6.5.0"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/services/kvstore/status/_acl" rel="_acl"/> <opensearch:totalResults>1</opensearch:totalResults> <opensearch:itemsPerPage>30</opensearch:itemsPerPage> <opensearch:startIndex>0</opensearch:startIndex> <s:messages/> <entry> <title>status</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/kvstore/status/status</id> <updated>2016-09-09T15:04:35-07:00</updated> <link href="/services/kvstore/status/status" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>system</name> </author> <link href="/services/kvstore/status/status" rel="list"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="current"> <s:dict> <s:key name="backupRestoreStatus">Ready</s:key> <s:key name="date">Fri Sep 9 15:04:35 2016</s:key> <s:key name="dateSec">1473458675.554000</s:key> <s:key name="disabled">0</s:key> <s:key name="guid">B4E173F1-02AA-4D46-9DDC-ECF0016F165E</s:key> <s:key name="oplogEndTimestamp">Fri Sep 9 14:17:01 2016</s:key> <s:key name="oplogEndTimestampSec">1473455821.000000</s:key> <s:key name="oplogStartTimestamp">Fri Sep 9 07:16:53 2016</s:key> <s:key name="oplogStartTimestampSec">1473430613.000000</s:key> <s:key name="port">8191</s:key> <s:key name="replicaSet">B4E173F1-02AA-4D46-9DDC-ECF0016F165E</s:key> <s:key name="replicationStatus">KV store captain</s:key> <s:key name="standalone">1</s:key> <s:key name="status">ready</s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="eai:acl"> <s:dict> <s:key name="app"></s:key> <s:key name="can_list">1</s:key> <s:key name="can_write">1</s:key> <s:key name="modifiable">0</s:key> <s:key name="owner">system</s:key> <s:key name="perms"> <s:dict> <s:key name="read"> <s:list> <s:item>admin</s:item> <s:item>splunk-system-role</s:item> </s:list> </s:key> <s:key name="write"> <s:list> <s:item>admin</s:item> <s:item>splunk-system-role</s:item> </s:list> </s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="removable">0</s:key> <s:key name="sharing">system</s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="members"> <s:dict> <s:key name="0"> <s:dict> <s:key name="configVersion">1</s:key> <s:key name="electionDate">Fri Sep 9 07:16:53 2016</s:key> <s:key name="electionDateSec">1473430613.000000</s:key> <s:key name="hostAndPort"></s:key> <s:key name="lastHeartbeat"></s:key> <s:key name="lastHeartbeatRecv"></s:key> <s:key name="lastHeartbeatRecvSec"></s:key> <s:key name="lastHeartbeatSec"></s:key> <s:key name="optimeDate">Fri Sep 9 14:17:01 2016</s:key> <s:key name="optimeDateSec">1473455821.000000</s:key> <s:key name="pingMs"></s:key> <s:key name="replicationStatus">KV store captain</s:key> <s:key name="uptime">28071</s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry>
This endpoint is available in Splunk Enterprise versions 9.3.x and lower only. It is deprecated and removed in Splunk Enterprise 9.4 and higher.
Start migration of the KV store storage engine.
Start the migration.
Request parameters
Name | Type | Description |
storageEngine | String | Required. Name of target storage engine, wiredTiger or mmap. |
isDryRun | Boolean | Type true to complete pre-flight checks and exit without migrating. Setting is false by default. |
maxRetries | Number | Number of times to retry a failed migration, per member. |
clusterPerc | Number | Percentage of peers to migrate. |
peersList | String | Names of peers to migrate, listed with name and management port. For example: peersList="server1:8089,server2:8089,server3:8089" |
Example request and response
XML Request
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8099/services/shcluster/captain/kvmigrate/start -X POST -d storageEngine=wiredTiger -d clusterPerc=50
XML Response
. <s:messages> <s:msg type="INFO">SHC KV Store migration has been successfully triggered</s:msg> </s:messages>
This endpoint is available in Splunk Enterprise versions 9.3.x and lower only. It is deprecated and removed in Splunk Enterprise 9.4 and higher.
Check the status of a KV store storage engine migration.
Check the status.
Request parameters
Returned values
Name | Description |
clusterPerc | Percentage of cluster members that have completed migration. |
migrationID | ID number for the migration. |
migrationStartTime | Timestamp that the migration began. |
peerRetryCount | Number of times that the peer failed to migrate and retried. |
status | Status of the migration. |
storageEngine | Target storage engine. |
Example request and response
XML Request
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8099/services/shcluster/captain/kvmigrate/status
XML Response
... <s:key name="general"> <s:dict> <s:key name="clusterPerc">50</s:key> <s:key name="migrationID">1596760435</s:key> <s:key name="migrationStartTime">Thu Aug 6 17:33:55 2020</s:key> <s:key name="peerRetryCount">1</s:key> <s:key name="status">kvstore_migration_started</s:key> <s:key name="storageEngine">wiredTiger</s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="peerStatus"> <s:dict> <s:key name="https://fool02:8099"> <s:dict> <s:key name="attempt_number">1</s:key> <s:key name="migrationStatus">migration_in_progress</s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="https://fool02:8103"> <s:dict> <s:key name="attempt_number">1</s:key> <s:key name="migrationStatus">migration_succeeded</s:key> </s:dict> </s:key>
This endpoint is available in Splunk Enterprise versions 9.3.x and lower only. It is deprecated and removed in Splunk Enterprise 9.4 and higher.
Stop the migration of your KV store storage engine.
Stop the migration.
Request parameters
Example request and response
XML Request
curl -k -u admin:changeme -X POST https://localhost:8099/services/shcluster/captain/kvmigrate/stop
XML Response
... <s:messages> <s:msg type="INFO">KV Store migration stop initiated</s:msg> </s:messages>
Access and create collections.
List all collections.
Request parameters
Returned values
Name | Description |
disabled | Boolean indicating collection state. By default, the value is false , indicating that the collection is enabled.
profilingEnabled | Boolean indicating profiling status of slow-running operations. By default, this value is false , meaning that profiling is disabled.
profilingThresholdMs | Threshold for logging slow-running operations, in milliseconds. Applies only if profilingEnabled is true .
Example request and response
XML Request
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config
XML Response
... <title>collections-conf</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config</id> <updated>2014-09-02T11:28:27-07:00</updated> <generator build="229629" version="6.2"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/_new" rel="create"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/_reload" rel="_reload"/> ... opensearch nodes elided ... <s:messages/> <entry> <title>kvstoredemo</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/kvstoredemo</id> <updated>2014-09-02T11:28:27-07:00</updated> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/kvstoredemo" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>admin</name> </author> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/kvstoredemo" rel="list"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/kvstoredemo/_reload" rel="_reload"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/kvstoredemo" rel="edit"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/kvstoredemo" rel="remove"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/kvstoredemo/disable" rel="disable"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="disabled">0</s:key> <s:key name="eai:acl"> ... elided ... </s:key> <s:key name="eai:appName">search</s:key> <s:key name="eai:userName">nobody</s:key> <s:key name="profilingEnabled">false</s:key> <s:key name="profilingThresholdMs">100</s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry> <entry> <title>test</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test</id> <updated>2014-09-02T11:28:27-07:00</updated> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>admin</name> </author> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test" rel="list"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test/_reload" rel="_reload"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test" rel="edit"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test" rel="remove"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test/disable" rel="disable"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="disabled">0</s:key> <s:key name="eai:acl"> ... elided ...</s:key> <s:key name="eai:appName">search</s:key> <s:key name="eai:userName">nobody</s:key> <s:key name="profilingEnabled">false</s:key> <s:key name="profilingThresholdMs">100</s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry>
Create a collection.
Request parameters
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Required. Collection name |
profilingEnabled | Boolean | A collections.conf file property that affects profilingThresholdMs. Defaults to false . Enable profiling of slow-running operations by setting profilingEnabled to true .
profilingThresholdMs | Number | Threshold for logging slow-running operations, in milliseconds. Applies only if profilingEnabled is true . Defaults to 100 . Set to 0 to log all slow-running operations.
Returned values
Name | Description |
disabled | Boolean indicating collection state. By default, the value is false , indicating that the collection is enabled.
profilingEnabled | Profiling status of slow-running operations, profilingThresholdMs. Defaults to false .
profilingThresholdMs | Threshold for logging slow-running operations, in milliseconds. Applies only if profilingEnabled is true .
Example request and response
XML Request
curl -k -u admin:changeme -d name=test1 https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config
XML Response
... <title>collections-conf</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config</id> <updated>2014-09-02T11:25:32-07:00</updated> <generator build="229629" version="6.2"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/_new" rel="create"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/_reload" rel="_reload"/> ... opensearch nodes elided ... <s:messages/> <entry> <title>test1</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test1</id> <updated>2014-09-02T11:25:32-07:00</updated> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test1" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>admin</name> </author> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test1" rel="list"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test1/_reload" rel="_reload"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test1" rel="edit"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test1" rel="remove"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test1/disable" rel="disable"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="disabled">0</s:key> <s:key name="eai:acl"> ... elided ... </s:key> <s:key name="eai:appName">search</s:key> <s:key name="eai:userName">nobody</s:key> <s:key name="profilingEnabled">false</s:key> <s:key name="profilingThresholdMs">100</s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry>
Access, delete, or update a specific {collection}
Delete a specific {collection}
Request parameters
Returned values
Example request and response
XML Request
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test -X DELETE
XML Response
... <title>collections-conf</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config</id> <updated>2014-06-02T20:08:11-07:00</updated> <generator build="210538" version="20140530"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/_new" rel="create"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/_reload" rel="_reload"/> ... opensearch nodes elided ... <s:messages/>
Access a specific {collection}
Request parameters
Returned values
Name | Description |
disabled | Boolean indicating collection state. By default, the value is 0 , meaning that the collection is enabled.
field.<fieldName> | Field type. One of the following values.
accelerated_fields.<field_name> | Field acceleration name and JSON definition. |
enforceTypes | Boolean indicating if data types are enforced when inserting data into the collection. Defaults to false .
profilingEnabled | Profiling status of slow-running operations, affecting profilingThresholdMs. By default, the value is false , meaning that profiling is disabled. If true , profiling is enabled.
profilingThresholdMs | Threshold for logging slow-running operations, in milliseconds. Applies only if profilingEnabled is true .
replicate | Boolean indicating whether the collection is replicated on indexers. Defaults to false , meaning that this collection is not replicated, and lookups that depend on the collection will not be available. However, if you run a lookup command with local=true , local lookups will still be available.When true , this collection is replicated on indexers.
replication_dump_maximum_file_size | Indicates the maximum file size (in KB) for each dump file when replication_dump_strategy=auto . Defaults to 10240KB.If this value is larger than concerningReplicatedFileSize , which is set in the distsearch.conf file, the value of concerningReplicatedFileSize is used instead. KV Store does not pre-calculate the size of the records that will be written to disk, so the size of the resulting files can be affected by the max_rows_in_memory_per_dump setting in the limits.conf file.
replication_dump_strategy | One of the following two values.
Example request and response
XML Request
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test
XML Response
... <title>collections-conf</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config</id> <updated>2014-09-02T11:42:54-07:00</updated> <generator build="229629" version="6.2"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/_new" rel="create"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/_reload" rel="_reload"/> ... opensearch nodes elided ... <s:messages/> <entry> <title>test</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test</id> <updated>2014-09-02T11:42:54-07:00</updated> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>admin</name> </author> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test" rel="list"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test/_reload" rel="_reload"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test" rel="edit"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test" rel="remove"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test/disable" rel="disable"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="disabled">0</s:key> <s:key name="eai:acl"> ... elided ... </s:key> <s:key name="eai:appName">search</s:key> <s:key name="eai:attributes"> ... elided ... </s:key> <s:key name="eai:userName">nobody</s:key> <s:key name="profilingEnabled">false</s:key> <s:key name="profilingThresholdMs">100</s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry>
Update a specific {collection}
Request parameters
Name | Type | Description |
field.<fieldName> | String | Field type. One of the following values.
accelerated_fields.<field_name> | String, JSON (see description) | The name of a field acceleration (string) and its definition, in JSON key value format. For example, accelerated_fields.my_accel = {"id": 1}
Returned values
Name | Description |
disabled | Collection state:true = disabled.false = [Default] enabled.
field.<fieldName> | Field type. One of the following values.
accelerated_fields.<field_name> | The name of a field acceleration (string) and its definition, in JSON key value format. For example, accelerated_fields.my_accel = {"id": 1}
profilingEnabled | Profiling status of slow-running operations, affecting profilingThresholdMs. By default, the value is false , meaning that profiling is disabled. If true , profiling is enabled.
profilingThresholdMs | Threshold for logging slow-running operations, in milliseconds. Applies only if profilingEnabled is true .
replicate | Boolean indicating whether the collection is replicated on indexers. Defaults to false , meaning that this collection is not replicated, and lookups that depend on the collection will not be available. However, if you run a lookup command with local=true , local lookups will still be available.When true , this collection is replicated on indexers.
replication_dump_maximum_file_size | Indicates the maximum file size (in KB) for each dump file when replication_dump_strategy=auto . Defaults to 10240KB.If this value is larger than concerningReplicatedFileSize , which is set in the distsearch.conf file, the value of concerningReplicatedFileSize is used instead. KV Store does not pre-calculate the size of the records that will be written to disk, so the size of the resulting files can be affected by the max_rows_in_memory_per_dump setting in the limits.conf file.
replication_dump_strategy | One of the following two values.
Example request and response
XML Request
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test -d 'accelerated_fields.foo={"a": 1}' -d 'accelerated_fields.bar={"b": -1}' -d "field.a=number" -d "field.b=cidr"
XML Response
... <title>collections-conf</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config</id> <updated>2014-09-02T11:50:57-07:00</updated> <generator build="229629" version="6.2"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/_new" rel="create"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/_reload" rel="_reload"/> ... opensearch nodes elided ... <s:messages/> <entry> <title>test</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test</id> <updated>2014-09-02T11:50:57-07:00</updated> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>admin</name> </author> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test" rel="list"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test/_reload" rel="_reload"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test" rel="edit"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test" rel="remove"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/config/test/disable" rel="disable"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="disabled">0</s:key> <s:key name="eai:acl"> ... elided ... </s:key> <s:key name="eai:appName">search</s:key> <s:key name="eai:userName">nobody</s:key> <s:key name="accelerated_fields.foo">{"a": 1} accelerated_fields.bar={"b": -1} field.a=number field.b=cidr</s:key> <s:key name="profilingEnabled">false</s:key> <s:key name="profilingThresholdMs">100</s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry>
Access and manage items of a collection.
Delete items in the {collection}
or delete an entire collection.
Usage details
Use the query
parameter to specify which entries to delete. If no query is provided, all entries in the collection are deleted.
Request parameters
Name | Type | Description |
query | JSON object | Query JSON object. Conditional operators: $gt , $gte , $lt , $lte , and $ne Logical operators: $and , $or , and ,$not (invert conditional operators)Examples: query={"title":"Item"} (Select all documents with property title that has value Item )query={"price":{"$gt":5}} (Select all documents with price greater than 5 )
Returned values
Example request and response
XML Request
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/data/testCollectionA -X DELETE
XML Response
No values returned.
Access a specific {collection}
Request parameters
Parameter order in the request does not matter. Parameters are always applied in the order of sort
, skip
, and limit
Name | Type | Description |
fields | String | Comma-separated list of fields to include (1 ) or exclude (0 ). A fields value cannot contain both include and exclude specifications except for exclusion of the _key field. Examples:fields=firstname,surname (Include only firstname , surname , and _key fields)fields=firstname,surname,_key:0 (Include only the firstname and surname fields)fields=address:0 (Include all fields except the address field)
shared | Boolean | Defaults to false. Set to true to return records for the specified user as well as records for the nobody user.
limit | Number | Maximum number of items to return. For example, to return five items, use limit=5 .
skip | Number | Number of items to skip from the start. For example, to skip the first ten items, use skip=10 .
sort | String | Sort order. Examples:sort=surname (Sort by surname , ascending)sort=surname,firstname (Sort by surname , ascending, after firstname , ascending)sort=surname:-1,firstname:1 (Sort by surname , descending, after firstname , ascendingsort=surname:1,first name (Sort by surname , ascending, after firstname , ascending
query | JSON object | Query JSON object. Conditional operators: $gt , $gte , $lt , $lte , and $ne Logical operators: $and , $or , and ,$not (invert conditional operators)Examples: query={"title":"Item"} (Select all documents with property title that has value Item )query={"price":{"$gt":5}} (Select all documents with price greater than 5 )
Returned values
The response includes a JSON document.
[ { "myKey" : "abc", "_user" : "nobody", "_key" : "5410be5441ba15298e4624d1" } ]
Insert an item into the {collection}
Usage details
The Content-Type
header must be application/json
The _key
is autogenerated, if not manually specified.
Request parameters
Make sure that the item to add is a JSON-formatted document, such as the following example.
{ "name": "A" }
Returned values
The response includes a JSON-formatted document key, such as the following example.
{ "_key": "530bc62fc9a6577fdf13651f" }
Example request and response
XML Request
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/data/testCollectionA -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "myKey": "abc", "myOtherKey": "abcdef"}'
XML Response
Access and manage a specific {key}
item in a {collection}
Delete a collection item.
Request parameters
Returned values
Example request and response
XML Request
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/data/testCollectionA/5410caf041ba15298e4624d6 -X DELETE
XML Response
No values returned.
Access a collection item.
Request parameters
Returned values
The response includes a JSON-formatted {key}
document, such as the following example.
{"myKey" : "abc", "myOtherKey" : "uvwxyz", "_user" : "nobody", "_key" : "5410c8dc41ba15298e4624d5"}
Example request and response
XML Request
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/data/testCollectionA/5410c8dc41ba15298e4624d5
XML Response
{ "myKey" : "abc", "myOtherKey" : "uvwxyz", "_user" : "nobody", "_key" : "5410c8dc41ba15298e4624d5" }
Update a collection item.
Usage details
The header Content-Type
must be application/json
Request parameters
Pass in a JSON-formatted document for the {key}
that you are updating. For example, use { "myKey": "fizz"}
Returned values
The response includes a JSON-formatted {key}
such as the following example.
Example request and response
XML Request
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/data/testCollectionA/5410c8dc41ba15298e4624d5 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "myKey": "fizz"}'
XML Response
Perform multiple queries in a batch.
Perform multiple queries in a batch.
Request parameters
Pass in the JSON array of queries to run. Parameter order in the request does not matter. Parameters are always applied in the order of sort
, skip
, and limit
Name | Type | Description |
fields | String | Comma-separated list of fields to include (1 ) or exclude (0 ). A fields value cannot contain both include and exclude specifications except for exclusion of the _key field. Examples:fields=firstname,surname (Include only firstname , surname , and _key fields)fields=firstname,surname,_key:0 (Include only the firstname and surname fields.fields=address:0 (Include all fields except the address field)
shared | Boolean | Defaults to false. Set to true to return records for the specified user as well as records for the nobody user.
limit | Number | Maximum number of items to return. For example, to return five items, use limit=5 .
skip | Number | Number of items to skip from the start. For example, to skip the first ten items, use skip=10 .
sort | String | Sort order. Examples:sort=surname (Sort by surname , ascending)sort=surname,firstname (Sort by surname , ascending, after firstname , ascending)sort=surname:-1,firstname:1 (Sort by surname , descending, after firstname , ascendingsort=surname:1,first name (Sort by surname , ascending, after firstname , ascending
query | JSON object | Query JSON object. Conditional operators: $gt , $gte , $lt , $lte , and $ne Logical operators: $and , $or , and ,$not (invert conditional operators)Examples: query={"title":"Item"} (Select all documents with property title that has value Item )query={"price":{"$gt":5}} (Select all documents with price greater than 5 )
Returned values
The response includes a JSON-formatted array of an array of records. The first array of records is the result of the first query, the second array of records is the result of the second query, and so on.
Example request and response
XML Request
queries='[' queries+='{"query": {"myKey": "def"}},' queries+='{"query": {"myKey": "abc"}},' queries+='{"query": {"myKey": "jkl"}},' queries+='{"shared": true, "fields": {"myKey": 1}, "sort": [{"myKey": 1}], "limit": 2}' queries+=']' curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/data/testCollectionA/batch_find -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$queries"
XML Response
[ [{"myKey":"def","_user":"nobody","_key":"f3jel0421dsw1024f3fd1a78"}], [{"myKey":"abc","_user":"nobody","_key":"b2jcw0405saw1221177aa78f"}], [{"myKey":"jkl","_user":"nobody","_key":"3b4b0d9ef63cc83959e5ed77"}], [{"myKey":"abc"},{"myKey":"def"}] ]
Perform multiple save operations in a batch.
Perform multiple save operations in a batch.
Usage details
The request header Content-Type
must be application/json
If a document does not have a _key
field or store does not have a matching document ID, a _key
new document is created.
If an operation fails, the server stops batch processing and returns an HTTP status code other than 200
Request parameters
Pass in the JSON array of documents to save.
Returned values
The response includes a JSON-formatted list of keys added, such as the following example.
[ "5410c43241ba15298e4624d3", "5418c54e41ba152267763c01" ]
Example request and response
XML Request
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/collections/data/testCollectionA/batch_save -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '[{ "_key": "5410c43241ba15298e4624d3", "name": "AAAAAAAA" },{ "name": "A" }]'
XML Response
[ "5410c43241ba15298e4624d3", "5418c54e41ba152267763c01" ]
Knowledge endpoint descriptions | Metrics Catalog endpoint descriptions |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform™: 9.3.2411, 8.2.2201, 8.2.2202, 8.2.2203, 9.0.2208, 8.2.2112, 9.0.2209, 9.0.2205, 9.0.2303, 9.0.2305, 9.1.2308, 9.1.2312, 9.2.2403, 9.2.2406, 9.3.2408 (latest FedRAMP release)
Feedback submitted, thanks!