sdselect command syntax details
The required syntax is in bold.
- | sdselect
- [reuse_search_results=<bool>]
- ( <field-list> | <stats-func> | <eval-func>)...
- <from-clause>
- [WHERE <eval-expression>]
- [GROUPBY ((<field-list> | <eval-func>)... [span=[<unsigned_int>]<timescale>])]
- [ORDERBY (<field-list> | <eval-func>)...]
- [LIMIT <unsigned_int>]
Required arguments
- <field-list>
- Syntax: <field>, …
- Description: List 1 or more fields to group results.
- Do not place quotation marks around nested fields. Place single quotation marks around the names of flattened fields that begin with numeric characters or contain special characters or spaces. See Special handling for sdselect syntax elements.
- <stats-func>
- Syntax: count | count(<field>) | <stats-function>(<field>) | <aggregate-stats-function>(<eval-function>)... [AS <string>]
- Description: Run a count of all events, a basic count of a field, a statistical function on a field, or an aggregate statistical function on a non-Boolean evaluation function. You have the option of renaming the results as a new field with the AS keyword.
- The following table lists the supported statistical functions for
by function type. Use the links in the table to see descriptions and examples for each function. For an overview about using functions with commands, see Statistical and charting functions in the Splunk Cloud Platform Search Reference.
Type of function Supported functions and syntax Aggregate functions avg()
Multivalue stats and chart functions values()
Time functions earliest()
- The
command does not support usage ofc()
, the abbreviated form ofcount()
- The
command does not support usage of thedistinct_count()
aggregate function or thevalues()
multivalue function in conjunction with any of the time functions.
- When you apply a statistical function that expects fields with numeric values to a field with string values,
converts the string field values into numeric field values. For example, say you have a search that starts like this:| sdselect avg(bytes) FROM...
is a field with string values,sdselect
converts those string values into numeric values before it applies the values to theavg()
- If you use either the
function or thelatest_time()
function in a search, you must apply all functions in the search to the same field.
- For example, the following search is valid. It uses the
function and applies the same field,end_time
, to both functions in the search. | sdselect avg(end_time), earliest_time(end_time) from my_csv_data
- The following search is invalid. It uses the
function, but it applies different fields,end_time
, to the functions in the search. | sdselect avg(end_time), earliest_time(nap_time) from my_csv_data
- You can apply an aggregate statistical function directly to any evaluation function supported by
, with the following exceptions. - Boolean evaluation functions such as
- Boolean evaluation functions such as
- Date and time evaluation functions.
- Non-function eval expressions that use mathematical, concatenation, or Boolean operators like
a > 5
orx + 3
- Non-function eval expressions that use mathematical, concatenation, or Boolean operators like
- For more information about
evaluation function support, see Apply evaluation functions to your sdselect searches.
- The
to which you apply the aggregate stats function can contain a single evaluation function or a chain of evaluation functions, as long as its output is not a Boolean value oftrue
- If an aggregate statistical function requires a numeric value but your evaluation function does not produce a numeric value, Splunk software automatically applies the
evaluation function to transform the output of the other evaluation function into a numeric value. Here is an example of a search wheretonumber()
is used for this purpose.
| sdselect sum(tonumber(json_extract(req, "payload.bytes"))) from ...
- <eval-func>
- Syntax: <evaluation-function>(<field>)... [AS <string>]
- Description: Apply evaluation functions to fields that you are selecting with
. You have the option of renaming the results as a new field with the AS keyword.
- You can apply any evaluation function supported by
to a selected field, with the following exceptions. - Boolean evaluation functions such as
- Boolean evaluation functions such as
- Date and time evaluation functions.
- Non-function eval expressions that use mathematical, concatenation, or Boolean operators like
a > 5
orx + 3
- Non-function eval expressions that use mathematical, concatenation, or Boolean operators like
- The
to which you apply the aggregate stats function can contain a single evaluation function or a chain of evaluation functions, as long as its output is not a Boolean value oftrue
. - For more information about
evaluation function support, see Apply evaluation functions to your sdselect searches.
- <from-clause>
- Syntax: FROM ( federated:<federated_index_name> | <federated_index_name>)
- Description: Use the FROM clause to specify the federated index that maps to an AWS Glue Data Catalog table dataset that you want to search. You can optionally prefix federated index names with
- In Splunk Web, to see a list of federated indexes that you have defined for your deployment, navigate to Settings and then Federated Search and select the Federated Indexes tab.
- For more information, see Map a federated index to an AWS Glue Data Catalog dataset.
Optional arguments
- reuse_search_results
- Syntax: reuse_search_results=<bool>
- Description: Specifies whether an
search can reuse the result set from the last successful run of the samesdselect
search, as long as that previous search run took place within the previous 24 hours.sdselect
searches that reuse search results can benefit from improved search performance and a reduction in data scan unit consumption. Thereuse_search_results
argument defaults totrue
, which means thatsdselect
searches reuse results whenever it is possible for them to do so.
- Reuse of
search results is useful forsdselect
searches that do not return different result sets within a given time frame. For example,sdselect
searches with absolute or fixed date-to-date time ranges are good candidates for search result reuse. If you run such searches with a frequency below 24 hours, you might see an increase in their performance and a reduction in their data scan consumption.
- When you run an
search that reuses search results, an informational message appears in the Job Inspector that states that the results for the last successful run of the search have been reused for the current search job. The only exception to this rule aresdselect
searches with an all-time time range. When you run ansdselect
with an all-time time range, Splunk software displays a warning message under the search bar stating that the results from the last successful run of the all-time search have been reused.
- Turn search result reuse off for an
search by addingreuse_search_results=false
to the search string. You might turn search result reuse off forsdselect
searches that return different result sets each time they run, when you run them on a frequent basis. For example, you might turn off search result reuse forsdselect
searches with relative time ranges, such as the last week to date, or the hour before the current hour, when you run those searches more than once in a 24 hour period.
- You do not need to turn off search result reuse for an
search with a relative time range when more than 24 hours elapses between runs of the search.
Search result reuse is available only for Federated Search for Amazon S3
searches. Federated Analytics does not support thereuse_search_results
argument insdselect
searches of remote Amazon Security Lake datasets.- Default: true
WHERE clause arguments
Use the WHERE clause to filter results. The WHERE clause is optional.
The sdselect
command uses an application of the WHERE clause that is similar to that of the where
command. See where in the Splunk Cloud Platform Search Reference.
For additional information about using the WHERE clause, see sdselect command WHERE clause operations.
- <where-clause>
- Syntax: WHERE <eval-expression>
- Description: Use the WHERE clause to filter the search results
- The WHERE clause must precede the GROUPBY, ORDERBY, and LIMIT clauses if you use those clauses in your
- <eval-expression>
- Syntax: <boolean-eval-function> | <boolean-nonfunction-eval-expression>
- Description: A combination of values, variables, operators, and functions that represent the value of your destination field.
- When you use the WHERE clause in an
search, you must include an<eval-expression>
. The output of this<eval-expression>
must be a Boolean value of eithertrue
. This is true whether the<eval-expression>
contains a single evaluation function or a chain of evaluation functions.
- The WHERE clause returns only the results for which the
- The WHERE clause can support all evaluation functions generally supported by
. See Apply evaluation functions to your sdselect searches.
- The WHERE clause also supports the following date, time, and Boolean evaluation functions.
Type of function Supported functions and syntax Comparison and conditional functions like(<str>,<pattern>)
Date and time functions now()
(unique tosdselect
(unique tosdselect
- The
evaluation function requires Java regular expression syntax when you use it in conjunction withsdselect
supports perl-compatible regular expression (PCRE) syntax when you use it with other SPL commands such aseval
, andwhere
- The
evaluation functions are unique tosdselect
and cannot be used with other SPL commands. See Evaluation functions specific to sdselect.
If you use Federated Analytics, you must use the
evaluation functions in conjunction with the WHERE clause to filter Amazon Security Lake dataset partitions on values of thetime_dt
field. The values oftime_dt
have the SQLtimestamp
data type, which thesdselect
command does not natively support.
- There are some restrictions to the usage of date and time evaluation functions in the
WHERE clause. See Apply date and time evaluation functions to fields in the WHERE clause.
- The WHERE clause additionally supports Boolean non-function evaluation expressions that use the following operators:
, and==
- The WHERE clause
does not support usage of plus ( + ) and dot ( . ) characters to concatenate field names. You can use plus and dot characters to concatenate literal strings that are enclosed within double quotes.
GROUPBY clause arguments
You can use the GROUPBY clause to organize search results by field values or time spans. The GROUPBY clause is optional.
- <groupby-clause>
- Syntax: GROUPBY ((<field-list> | <eval-func>)... [span=[<unsigned_int>]<timescale>])
- Description: Group search results together according to field values and time ranges.
- If you use GROUPBY you must specify a
- You can optionally specify a
for a GROUPBY clause. If you specify aspan
, the<field-list>
must include the name of the Unix time field for the federated index invoked in thesdselect
search. See Map a federated index to an AWS Glue Data Catalog table dataset for more information about the Unix time field.
- The GROUPBY clause must follow the WHERE clause if you are using both clauses in conjunction with
- The GROUPBY clause must precede the ORDERBY and LIMIT clauses, if you use either of those clauses.
- If you use the GROUPBY clause in a
search without an ORDERBY clause,sdselect
sorts the search results by the fields according to the following sequence: - By the order that you have listed the fields in the GROUPBY clause.
- By the values of the fields in the GROUPBY clause in ascending alphanumeric order.
- For information about how ORDERBY clause sort operations interact with the GROUPBY clause, see GROUPBY and ORDERBY event sort interoperation.
- <field-list>
- Syntax: <field>, ...
- Description: Specify 1 or more fields by which to group results. If you specify a time field in the
, you must also specify a<span>
argument. Separate each field name in the field list with a comma.
- Nested fields, certain kinds of other field names, and literal strings require special handling in the
clause. See Special handling for sdselect syntax elements.
- <eval-func>
- Syntax: <eval-func>, ...
- Description: Group by the output of evaluation functions.
- The GROUPBY clause can support all evaluation functions supported by
, with the following exceptions. - Boolean evaluation functions such as
- Boolean evaluation functions such as
- Date and time evaluation functions.
- Non-function eval expressions that use mathematical, concatenation, or Boolean operators like
a > 5
orx + 3
- Non-function eval expressions that use mathematical, concatenation, or Boolean operators like
- An
for a GROUPBY clause can contain a single evaluation function or a chain of evaluation functions, as long as its output is not a Boolean value oftrue
- For more information about
evaluation function support, see Apply evaluation functions to your sdselect searches.
- <span>
- Syntax: span=[<unsigned_int>]<timescale>
- Description: The
of each time bin. If you use the GROUPBY clause to group by a time field, use the<span>
argument to group the time buckets. You can specify time spans such asGROUPBY <Unix time field> span=1h
orGROUPBY <Unix time field> span=5d
command does not supportauto
as a value for thespan
- <timescale>
- Syntax: <sec> | <min> | <hr> | <day> | <month> | <year>
- Description: Time scale units. The
command does not support subseconds. - Default: 1 second
- The following table describes the different kinds of time scale units that
supports and the valid values for each type of time scale unit.
- The following table describes the different kinds of time scale units that
Time scale Syntax Description <sec> s | sec | secs | second | seconds Time scale in seconds. <min> m | min | mins | minute | minutes Time scale in minutes. <hr> h | hr | hrs | hour | hours Time scale in hours. <day> d | day | days Time scale in days. <month> mon | month | months Time scale in months. <year> y | yr | year | years Time scale in years.
ORDERBY clause arguments
You can use the ORDERBY clause to sort the search results. The ORDERBY clause is optional.
- <orderby-clause>
- Syntax: ORDERBY (<field-list> | <eval-func>)...
- Description: Sort search results by the values of the field or fields specified for the clause.
- The ORDERBY clause must follow the WHERE and GROUPBY clauses if you use either clause in your
search. - The ORDERBY clause must precede the LIMIT clause.
- <field-list>
- Syntax: <field> [ASC | DESC], ...
- Description: You must specify at least 1
for an ORDERBY clause. You can optionally use the ASC or DESC modifiers to indicate whethersdselect
sorts events by thefield
values in ascending or descending order. If you do not specify ASC or DESC for a field, by defaultsdselect
sorts the field in ascending order.
- If you specify multiple fields for an ORDERBY clause, separate the fields and their ASC or DESC modifiers by commas. When you specify multiple ORDERBY fields or evaluation functions,
sorts search results by the fields and functions in the order that you list them.
- For example, say your search has the following ORDERBY clause:
ORDERBY id name city
. In this case, the ORDERBY clause sorts the search results first byid
. Then, the clause sorts rows that have matchingid
values byname
. Finally, the clause sorts rows with matchingid
values bycity
- Nested fields, certain kinds of field names, and literal strings require special handling in the ORDERBY clause. See Special handling for sdselect syntax elements.
- If your search includes a GROUPBY clause, the fields you specify in the ORDERBY clause must be aggregated fields, or fields that appear in the GROUPBY clause. If your search does not include a GROUPBY clause, for the ORDERBY clause you can specify any field that exists in the dataset you are searching.
- If you want to use a renamed aggregated field, the ORDERBY clause must refer to the field by its rename. The following ORDERBY clause example renames an aggregated field from
| sdselect avg(scan_count) AS scan_avg FROM my_csv_data GROUPBY sid,action ORDERBY scan_avg DESC
- <eval-func>
- Syntax: <evaluation-function> [ASC | DESC], ...
- Description: Order events by the output of evaluation functions.
- The ORDERBY clause can support all evaluation functions supported by
, with these exceptions: - Boolean evaluation functions such as
- Boolean evaluation functions such as
- Date and time evaluation functions.
- Non-function eval expressions that use mathematical, concatenation, or Boolean operators like
a > 5
orx + 3
- Non-function eval expressions that use mathematical, concatenation, or Boolean operators like
- An
for an ORDERBY clause can contain a single evaluation function or a chain of evaluation functions, as long as its output is not a Boolean value oftrue
. For more information aboutsdselect
evaluation function support, see Apply evaluation functions to your sdselect searches.
- You can optionally use the ASC or DESC modifiers to indicate whether
sorts the output values in ascending or descending order. If you do not specify ASC or DESC for an evaluation function, by defaultsdselect
sorts the output values in ascending order.
- If you specify multiple evaluation functions for an ORDERBY clause, separate the evaluation functions and their ASC or DESC modifiers by commas. When you specify multiple ORDERBY fields or evaluation functions,
sorts search results by the fields and evaluation functions in the order that you list them.
- For more information about how ORDERBY clause sort operations interact with the GROUPBY clause, see GROUPBY and ORDERBY event sort interoperation.
LIMIT clause arguments
You can use the LIMIT clause to specify the maximum number of search results to return. The LIMIT clause is optional.
- <limit-clause>
- Syntax: LIMIT <unsigned_int>
- Description: Set the maximum number of search results that an
search can return. - Default: 100,000 results
- You must place the LIMIT clause after the WHERE, GROUPBY, and ORDERBY clauses, if you use any of them in the search.
- For information about changing the default number of results returned by an
search without a LIMIT clause, see Control the maximum number of returned results if a LIMIT clause is not present.
See also
sdselect command overview | sdselect command usage |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform™: 9.3.2411
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