Cloud Monitoring Console
This page contains information about new features, known issues, and issues resolved for the Cloud Management Console (CMC), grouped by release version and the generally available release date. For more information about CMC, see Introduction to the Cloud Monitoring Console in the Splunk Cloud Platform Admin Manual.
The release date indicates when updates to the CMC app were made available to all Splunk Cloud Platform customers. If you don't see these updates, this may be due to a local change that you made to your CMC app that overrides the automatic update process. For more information, contact your Splunk account representative.
Determine your CMC app version
To determine your current CMC app version and build, look at the About page.
Click Support & Services > About. The CURRENT APPLICATION area at the bottom of the About page shows the app's version and build numbers.
Splunk Cloud Platform stacks using version 9.0.2303 or higher will receive CMC version upgrades higher than 3.10.2. Stacks using version 9.0.2209 or lower will remain on CMC version 3.10.2.
February 2025
CMC version
Release date
February 13 2025
New feature or enhancement
Overview dashboard updates:
- The Overview dashboard is now officially GA and is no longer in preview mode.
- Added new "Find in CMC" search tool that lets you find CMC metrics and dashboards.
- The CMC now tracks maintenance windows, change freezes, blocked indexer queues, HEC 503 errors, and missing forwarders in the background and will show these when they require your attention.
- Added new "View or Manage items" button that lets you view and manage metrics that CMC monitors in the background.
Workload dashboard updates:
- Added new search head CPU and memory utilization cards.
Federated Search for Amazon S3 dashboard updates:
- Modernized Federated Search for Amazon S3 dashboards are now visible in the CMC.
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue that limited health drill down table results to 10k rows.
- Fixed an issue with the search head dropdown on search tab on the Workload dashboard not responding correctly to window size changes.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect spacing on Federated Analytics DSU usage over time dashboard.
- Added missing tokens for Workload dashboard queries.
Known issues
- Deployments with Cross-Region Disaster Recovery entitlement show incorrect health items requiring attention in the Overview dashboard. The health dashboard itself continues to show correct information.
- If there is a kvstore outage or a user does not have all sc_admin privileges (as required by the CMC), that user will not be able to view/save non-default metrics to their dashboard. The existing Overview dashboard will still show all available metrics.
January 2025
CMC version
Release date
January 23 2024
New feature or enhancement
Overview (preview) dashboard updates:
- The Overview (preview) dashboard is now the default landing page for the CMC app.
- Added a section that shows metrics from the Health dashboard that require attention.
Federated Analytics dashboard updates:
- Created a Federated Analytics SVC usage panel to show SVC usage related to your Federated Analytics entitlement if applicable.
- Made minor UI improvements
Federated Search for Amazon S3 dashboard updates:
- Added a Current license entitlement panel that shows your entitlement data for Federated Search for Amazon S3 if applicable.
Other update:
- Redesigned the Data Quality dashboard to improve the UI appearance.
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue that caused the Potentially inefficient searches panel in the Expensive searches dashboard to duplicate the search query in each entry.
Known issue
- Deployments with Cross-Region Disaster Recovery entitlement show incorrect health items requiring attention in the Overview dashboard. The health dashboard itself continues to show correct information.
CMC version
Release date
January 9 2024
New feature or enhancement
Overview (preview) dashboard updates:
- You can select a different time range for your Top metrics.
- Find Optimization resources at the bottom of the dashboard for more information on how to optimize resources.
- The dashboard displays a notice that mentions the eventual transition to the new default Overview dashboard.
Workload (preview) dashboard updates:
- Provide feedback about the dashboard to share concerns and a rating for the new Workload dashboard experience.
Other updates:
- Added Splunk Forwarder version 9.4 and the corresponding support date to the CMC.
- Made minor UI text and visual updates to the Overview (preview) and Workload (preview) dashboards.
Workload dashboard transition notice
The default Workload dashboard will transition to what's currently the Workload (preview) dashboard during early 2025. The Workload dashboard URL will change after this transition.
If you're concerned about the URL change or that the transition will impact any processes, operations, monitoring or troubleshooting workflows, let us know in the CMC Workload dashboard (preview) feedback tool.
Fixed issues
- Fixed a calculation in the Data quality dashboard SPL.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Forwarder versions dashboard to show incorrect values.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Top metrics section to reload when selecting Personalize in the Overview (preview) dashboard.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Workload (preview) dashboard to display Search and Indexing Peak SVC usage by tier instead of process.
Known issue
- The Health dashboard displays a false critical state after upgrading forwarders to the latest version.
December 2024
CMC version
Release date
December 12 2024
New feature or enhancement
- Redesigned the Storage Searchable storage (DDAS) dashboard.
- Updated the Health dashboard to provide expiration dates for both the universal forwarder and heavy forwarder software versions.
- Adjusted text alignment in the Overview (preview) dashboard.
- Updated the Federated Analytics (preview) and the Federated Search for Amazon S3 dashboards to calculate usage more accurately when contracts change.
- Removed the scrollbar in the Index details section of the Storage summary and Searchable storage (DDAS) dashboards.
Workload dashboard updates:
- Adjusted SVC attribution searches to split by tier instead of host to prevent a large amount of results.
- Added a modal for users to discover the Workload (preview) dashboard and inform them that the redesigned dashboard will be the default dashboard soon.
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue that caused the SVC usage panels in the Federated Analytics (preview) dashboard to not display outlier values in the sparkline.
- Fixed spacing typo in dashboard Workload (preview) description.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Health dashboard to filter forwarders incorrectly.
Known issues
- The Forwarder versions dashboard shows an incorrect forwarder count value.
- Workaround: Open the Version summary panel in search or view the Health dashboard to view the correct forwarder count value.
- The Health dashboard displays a false critical state after upgrading forwarders to the latest version.
November 2024
CMC version
Release date
November 14 2024
Fixed issue
Adjusted SVC attribution searches to improve performance.
CMC version
Release date
November 13 2024
New feature or enhancement
Workload dashboard updates:
- Added an Indexer CPU utilization panel
- Added open-in-search and refresh actions in the Overall, Search, and Indexing tabs
Federated Analytics dashboard updates:
- Added info icons to the top row of panels
- Added a Daily ingest volume panel
Maintenance dashboard update:
- Improved the change freeze functionality for Splunk Cloud Platform on Microsoft Azure
Fixed issues
- Fixed a text spacing issue in the Personalize top metrics modal in the Overview (preview) dashboard.
- Fixed an issue that affected the mock data when you make modifications to your metric selection in the Overview (preview) dashboard.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Storage summary dashboard panels to not display data.
- Fixed an issue that caused false warning messages about wildcard usage in SPL on some CMC panels on Splunk Cloud Platform version 9.2.2403.108.
October 2024
CMC version
Release date
October 28 2024
New feature or enhancement
The Health dashboard shows intermediate results while loading.
Fixed issues
We fixed an issue that caused the Maintenance dashboard to display a 401 error.
Known issue
The Forwarders: deployment and Forwarders: instance dashboards might display a message saying there are no forwarders when there are active forwarders.
Workaround: Run the following search to view active forwarders. Do not edit the dashboard to replace the existing search.
index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd group=tcpin_connections | stats count by hostname | search hostname!=*.splunk*.*
CMC version
Release date
October 8 2024
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue that caused the panel for the Top 20 Most Memory Consuming Searches on the expensive searches dashboard to display the wrong Search Duration.
- Fixed an issue that caused some admins to not be shown the What's New modal in environments with more than 100 users.
- Reverted a change in version 3.30.0 that prevented CMC pages from loading successfully. This affected SAML users who did not have the
sc_admin role.
CMC version
Release date
October 3 2024
New feature or enhancement
Overview (preview) dashboard updates:
- Updated the See documentation button in the Overview (preview) dashboard to open in a new tab.
- Adjusted the single value position in the Overview (preview) dashboard metric cards.
- Implemented a modal that accepts user rating input for the CMC.
Workload (preview) dashboard updates:
Improved the Workload (preview) dashboard visual design.
Storage summary dashboard updates:
- Redesigned the Storage summary dashboard.
Added a Federated Analytics dashboard:
- Added a Federated Analytics dashboard that contains entitlement and usage metrics attributed to Data Scan Units (DSUs) for Federated Searches on external data sets
Fixed issues
- Corrected a typo in an SPL query that populates a token. The CMC does not use this token in any panels so the typo does not impact performance.
- Fixed the issue that caused the Data quality dashboard to not correctly filter Splunk source types.
- Fixed an issue that caused the heavy forwarder status to be missing from the Forwarder dashboards.
- Fixed an issue that caused some CMC pages to throw 400 errors.
- Corrected the SPL query used for the Peak SVC Usage: By Process panel.
- Fixed an issue that caused filler gauge visualizations to display an error:
- Removed the limit value of 100 and labeled the Y axis instead in the Overall Peak SVC Usage panel in the Workload (preview) dashboard.
- We addressed the issue in Splunk Cloud Platform version 9.2.2403 that caused the Overview dashboard to display an invalid error message stating "inconsistent results". This error was caused by infix wildcard searches used by the CMC but did not impact performance or results.
August 2024
CMC version
Release date
August 27 2024
Fixed issue
- Removed a saved search that wrote data to an invalid index in Splunk Cloud Platform Classic Experience version 9.2.2403. This saved search is not in use by any CMC visualizations, so no dashboards are impacted.
Known issue
- In Splunk Cloud Platform version 9.2.2403, the Overview dashboard might display an invalid error message stating "inconsistent results". This error is caused by infix wildcard searches used by the CMC but does not impact performance or results.
CMC version
Release date
August 22 2024
New feature or enhancement
We made the following updates to the CMC:
- Updated the Maintenance dashboard to identify and inform admins when maintenance does not impact any Splunk Cloud Platform services.
- Added text to inform admins that forward monitoring must be turned on to view the No. of missing forwarder panels in the Overview (preview) dashboard.
- Added a "last updated" timestamp to the Overview (preview) dashboard panel action items.
Fixed issues
- Deleted the unused
sim_forwarder_assets.csv lookup file to prevent replication errors.
- Fixed an issue that caused the "As of" timestamp in the Forwarders: deployment dashboard to not match the Forwarder Build Asset Table.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Workload (preview) dashboard to not maintain user selections when switching between tabs.
Known issue
- In Splunk Cloud Platform version 9.2.2403, the Overview dashboard might display an invalid error message stating "inconsistent results". This error is caused by infix wildcard searches used by the CMC but does not impact performance or results.
CMC version
Release date
August 6 2024
New feature or enhancement
We made the following updates to the CMC:
- Removed reserved and internal forwarder IP values from the Forwarders: instance, Forwarders: deployments, and Forwarder versions dashboards. These IP values are filtered out from panel results in the Forwarders: deployments and Forwarder versions dashboards, and do not display in the Forwarders: instance dashboard.
- Updated the top navigation bar to behave consistently across pages.
- Added Splunk Forwarder version 9.3 to the list of supported forwarders.
July 2024
CMC version
Release date
July 15 2024
New feature or enhancement
We made the following updates to the CMC:
- We added a preconfigured CMC Alert - 503 errors in the Alerts tab that notifies admins when the server returns a 503 error from attempting to process an HTTP Event Collector (HEC) request.
June 2024
CMC version
Release date
June 20 2024
New feature or enhancement
We made updates to the Workload (preview) dashboard:
- Added the single-value SVC entitlement metric.
- Removed the indicator icon from the Overall • Peak SVC usage metric to avoid associating SVC usage with severity and deployment health.
- Added a full preview disclaimer and link to the Splunk General Terms in dashboard banner tool tip.
- Adjusted the SPL query for the Overall workload • Peak SVC usage > By process metric to be more granular so that the values add up to the overall usage number.
- Added a See documentation button that leads to the Workload (preview) dashboard documentation.
We made updates to the Overview (preview) dashboard:
- Removed the indicator icon from the Overall • Peak SVC usage metric to avoid associating SVC usage with severity and deployment health.
- Added a full preview disclaimer and link to the Splunk General Terms in dashboard banner tool tip and.
- Hyperlinked only the dashboard names in the links to associated dashboards in the metric cards.
- Created an empty state that displays if the admin de-selects all metrics.
Other update:
- Added a pre-configured CMC alert that notifies admins when 50% or more of stack indexers are blocked from processing.
May 2024
CMC version
Release date
May 30 2024
New feature or enhancement
We reimagined the Overview (preview) and Workload (preview) dashboards.
The Overview (preview) dashboard has the following updates:
- The dashboard displays a summary of your deployment's license entitlements and status indicators for each license entitlement metric.
- You can choose which metrics to display and prioritize using the Personalize feature.
- Each metric has an ellipses menu where you can access action items such as Refresh and Open in search.
- You can provide feedback to the Splunk CMC team using the Feedback button.
The Workload (preview) dashboard has the following updates:
- Top-level panels display peak overall, search, and indexing usage metrics.
- The dashboard displays granular information about SVC consumption from your deployment's workloads, processes, apps, users, searches, and more.
- Tooltips provide information for investigating spikes, suggested thresholds, links to documentation, and other relevant dashboards.
- Additional resources at the bottom of the dashboard help you investigate your SVC usage.
- You can provide feedback to the Splunk CMC team using the Feedback button.
CMC version
Release date
May 9 2024
New feature or enhancement
The Workload dashboard displays license limit in relation to SVC usage.
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue that caused the Health dashboard data and configured alerts to not match. The CMC now uses macros to ensure the dashboard data matches the configured alerts.
- Fixed an issue that caused the deletion modal in the Maintenance dashboard Change freeze tab to not reset after deleting a change freeze and attempting to delete another one.
April 2024
CMC version
Release date
April 25 2024
New feature or enhancement
You can view, make, edit, and delete change freeze requests in the Maintenance dashboard.
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue that caused the Forwarders: Instance dashboard to display Splunk Cloud Platform IP addresses.
- Swapped misplaced descriptions for the Peak SVC usage and Peak SVC usage as a percentage of allocated SVCs per tier panels in the Workload dashboard.
Known issue
In the Maintenance dashboard, if you delete a change freeze request and attempt to delete another one, the deletion modal does not reset.
Workaround: Refresh the page after deleting a change freeze request.
March 2024
CMC version
Release date
March 27 2024
New feature or enhancement
- Updated CMC to use some new icons.
- The HTTP event collector (HEC) dashboard displays 503 errors in the Errors panel.
- Changed saved search default permission settings from global to app.
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue that caused a bundle size limit error.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Start time field for rows with a calendar invite icon to increment by one hour whenever a row is clicked.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Total data scan entitlement panel in the Federated search for Amazon S3 dashboard to not display data if the value is greater than or equal to 1000.
- The
sim_forwarder_assets.csv lookup file is now compressed and uses the file name sim_forwarder_assets.csv.gz .
Known issues
- Viewing the Index details panel in the Storage summary dashboard, Indexes with events and total indexes in the Overview dashboard, and the Index detail dashboard requires the indexes_edit capability. This behavior is unintended and will be updated in a future release.
CMC version
Release date
March 11 2024
New feature or enhancement
- Updated the Maintenance dashboard to show the actual duration of the maintenance window instead of the estimated duration.
- Updated the Splunk internal index details panel in the Searchable storage (DDAS) dashboard to display the default retention period for new internal indexes.
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue that could lead to inaccurate information in the Build Forwarder Assets Now dialog box in Forwarder Monitoring Setup.
After upgrading to CMC version 3.22.0, navigate to Forwarders then Forwarder monitoring setup. Select Rebuild forwarder assets to ensure the data displays accurately.
- Fixed an error that appeared in the Indexes with Events panel in the Overview dashboard on Victoria Experience deployments that have Federated Search enabled.
- Fixed an issue with the mobile toggle on Alerts dashboards not working as expected.
- Fixed an issue that caused some CMC dashboards to not respect user timezone preference.
- Fixed an issue that led to unexpected behavior for user-added alerts.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Daily license usage details panel in the Workload dashboard to display an error if you select just the previous day.
Known issues
- Viewing the Index details panel in the Storage summary dashboard, Indexes with events and total indexes in the Overview dashboard, and the Index detail dashboard requires the indexes_edit capability. This behavior is unintended and will be updated in a future release.
February 2024
CMC version
Release date
February 15 2024
New feature or enhancement
Updated end-of-life (EOL) date for version 9.2 forwarders in the Heavy forwarder and Universal forwarder software version details pages in the Health dashboard.
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue that caused the Search usage statistics dashboard to falsely report real-time searches.
- Fixed a typo in the Estimated indexing rate panel in the Indexing performance dashboard.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Alerts dashboard to not display results if you have a custom alert with an empty Related dashboard field. We also fixed the Enabled column for custom alerts.
- Fixed an issue that caused the HTTP Event Collector (HEC) dashboard to not display tokens that contain spaces.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Peak SVC usage split by process panel in the Workload dashboard to not display expected results.
January 2024
CMC version
Release date
January 25 2024
New feature or enhancement
The Bucket size and range details page in the Health dashboard provides more information about source types and other bucket details when you select a critical status index.
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue that caused a discrepancy between the
dbinspect search results and the Health dashboard Bucket size and range details page.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Health and Overview dashboards to have overflowing text on narrow screens.
- Fixed an issue that caused Storage retention days to display incorrect values in the Searchable storage (DDAS) dashboard.
- Fixed an issue that caused the SVC usage per hour by top 10 apps panel in the Workload dashboard to not display stacked columns.
Known issues
- If you have a custom alert with an empty Related dashboard field, the Alerts dashboard does not display results when you use the search function.
- The Peak SVC usage split by process panel in the Workload dashboard does not display the expected results.
- Workaround: In the Peak SVC usage split by process panel, select Open in search and replace the search with the following to view the expected results:
| search index=summary source="splunk-svc-consumer" svc_usage=* [`sim_get_local_stack` | eval host="*.".stack.".*splunk*" | fields host]
| fillnull value="" svc_consumer process_type search_provenances search_type search_app search_label search_user unified_sid search_modes labels search_head_names usage_source
| eval unified_sid=if(unified_sid="",usage_source,unified_sid)
| stats max(svc_usage) as utilized_svc by _time svc_consumer search_type search_app search_label search_user search_head_names unified_sid process_type
| timechart span=1h sum(utilized_svc) by svc_consumer
| rename "data services" as "ingestion", "search" as "search"
CMC version
Release date
January 3 2024
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue that caused the Search seconds/Estimated SVC usage per hour panel in the Workload dashboard to not populate correctly when toggling between the View by selections.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Forwarder versions dashboard to incorrectly identify Edge Processor as a forwarder.
November 2023
CMC version
Release date
November 15 2023
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Updated Top 20 Most Memory Consuming Searches in the Expensive Searches dashboard to display memory usage as a percentage instead of absolute value, and the generic instance label instead of the instance URL for indexers.
- Made minor updates to the Workload dashboard UI text.
- Updated the Health dashboard to get data from saved searches that run in the background instead of ad-hoc searches. This allows the Health dashboard to load faster.
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue that caused the Search seconds per hour by top 10 apps panel to not update according to the View by drop-down list selection.
- Fixed an issue that caused a discrepancy between the Data parsing issues (last hour) panel in the Overview dashboard and the Data quality dashboard.
- Fixed an issue that caused the splunk-cache-activity-summary search to spike unexpectedly. This improves the Health dashboard performance.
October 2023
CMC version
Release date
October 26 2023
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Added a link in the Maintenance dashboard to download a .ics calendar invite file for confirmed upcoming maintenance windows. Admins can upload the file to their calendars.
- The Workload management dashboard now shows triggered admission rules based on your rule configuration.
- Updated and improved the UI text in the Workload dashboard to be more informative about SVC usage.
- The Restored searchable storage (DDAS) usage panel in the Searchable Storage (DDAS) dashboard now calculates searchable storage as the amount of restored data minus the expired and cleared data.
- Added "learn more" documentation links to the following dashboards:
- Forwarders deployment
- Indexing performance
- Forwarder instance
- Data quality
- Scheduler activity
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue that caused the Universal Forwarders details page in the Health dashboard to not match the Forwarders version dashboard data.
- Fixed an issue that caused the CMC search to generate unnecessary error messages.
Known issue
The Forwarder versions dashboard does not show complete forwarder data. This issue is addressed in the CMC version 3.18.1 patch release.
CMC version
Release date
October 3 2023
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- The Maintenance dashboard has a Configure global banner button under the Next maintenance window timeline that provides a sample message. You can use the message to display a persistent global banner that informs users about the next maintenance window.
- If your organization has expanded their Splunk Cloud Platform license to increase indexer count, the Restored entitlement panel in the Searchable Storage (DDAS) reflects the increased restoring capacity. The restore limit default is 10%.
Known issue
The Universal Forwarders details page in the Health dashboard does match the Forwarders Version dashboard data.
September 2023
CMC version
Release date
15 September 2023
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Added a panel called Data scan entitlement for Federated Search for Amazon S3 to the Entitlements dashboard that shows your amount of data scan entitlement available.
- Added a pre-configured CMC alert that triggers when your Federated Search for Amazon S3 data scan entitlement usage exceeds 80%
- Added a dashboard called Federated Search for Amazon S3 to the License usage tab in the CMC. This dashboard tracks the volume of data being scanned and shows the following metrics for the current license term:
- Amount of data scan units available
- Amount of data scan units consumed
- Percentage of data scan
Fixed issues
We fixed the following issue in this release:
Fixed an issue that caused the Overview dashboard to categorize dashboard searches incorrectly.
August 2023
CMC version
Release date
30 August 2023
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
Updated the title and description of the <Aggregation> concurrency of completed scheduled searches panel in the Scheduler Activity dashboard to be more specific about concurrency data for scheduled searches.
- Added a Status field to the Operations tab in the Maintenance dashboard that indicates whether the operation was successfully completed or not.
- Added a pre-configured alert called CMC-Alert ingest volume exceeds 80% of entitlement value that triggers when ingest volume exceeds 80%.
Fixed issues
We fixed the following issue in this release:
- Fixed the issue that caused the time ranges in the Health dashboard severity panels to not match with the time ranges mentioned in the health indicator summaries.
- Fixed the issue that caused the Total ingest volume (yesterday) panel in the Overview dashboard to display today's ingest volume rather than yesterday's ingest volume.
- Fixed the issue that caused the SVC usage per hour by search type and SVC usage per hour by <consumer type> panels in the Workload dashboard to report incorrect data on SVC consumers.
CMC version
Release date
11 August 2023
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
The Health dashboard health indicator drilldown pages now have the health indicator name as the webpage tab label.
Fixed issues
We fixed the following issue in this release:
Fixed the issue that caused SVC consumer data in the Workload dashboard to add up incorrectly at certain times. This issue affected the Peak SVC usage within selected time granularity and Peak SVC usage per hour split by consumer (ingestion, search, and shared services) panels.
July 2023
CMC version
Release date
24 July 2023
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Removed the Close button and replaced it with an X icon in the feedback modals so that the UI is consistent with the rest of CMC.
- Added the 9.1 forwarder as a supported version to the Health dashboard and forwarder version lists in CMC.
- Appended (last 25 hours) to each panel title in the Entitlements dashboard to be more specific about the provided metrics.
- Updated the description text for SVC usage in the Workload dashboard.
- The App Origin for CMC in the Apps > Manage Apps page is now Splunk to avoid confusion about the source and upgrade process for CMC.
- Made the following Health dashboard improvements so you can better understand important health indicators:
- Added a link in the Skipped search percentage indicator page that leads to the Skipped searches dashboard.
- Added an App column to the High memory searches health indicator page so you understand each app's memory usage.
- Made the following Alerts dashboard updates to improve the CMC alerting experience:
- The CMC Alert- High memory searches alert now provides a human-readable End of Support (EOS) date instead of an epoch formatted date.
- Added a link to the Triggered alerts tab in triggered alerts so that users can quickly navigate to the source of the triggered alert.
- The Edit link no longer displays an option to edit the SPL. Editing preconfigured CMC alerts might cause you to miss import
June 2023
CMC version
Release date
27 June 2023
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release.
The Workload dashboard has the following updates:
- Added a new Peak SVC usage as % of provisioned SVC by tier (search head and indexer) within selected time granularity panel that shows the percentage of provisioned SVCs used split by search and indexing tiers.
- Added a time picker with finer time span granularity to the Peak SVC usage within the selected time granularity panel.
- Updated the panel titles and descriptions.
To learn more about using the Workload dashboard, see Monitor current SVC usage of your workload-based subscription.
The Maintenance dashboard is now generally available and has the following updates:
- Removed "preview" labels
- Updated dashboard description text
- Replaced the "No data" message with more a more useful message to explain that you have no upcoming maintenance windows for the next 30 days or no maintenance windows in the past 180 days.
To learn more about using the Maintenance dashboard, see Use the Maintenance dashboard.
Other update:
- Introduced a new custom app icon.
Fixed issues
We fixed the following issues in this release:
- Fixed an issue that caused the page to scale incorrectly when the window size was changed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Throughput: last 24 hours (GB) panel in the Index detail dashboard to show invalid values when selecting source or host.
- Fixed the issue that caused the Archive storage (DDAA) dashboard to not report data.
CMC version
Release date
1 June 2023
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release.
The Maintenance dashboard has the following updates:
- The Maintenance dashboard now provides a panel with information about the next maintenance window.
- The list of maintenance windows is now paginated and sortable.
- Updated the header text on the Maintenance dashboard.
- The Universal forwarder software version and Heavy forwarder software version now use a macro to check for expiration dates in the Health dashboard.
Fixed issues
We fixed the following issues in this release:
- Fixed the issue that caused forwarder data to not load in the Forwarders dashboards.
- Fixed the issue that caused the Workload dashboard License entitlement panel to show no data. The search now uses a time picker to accommodate the panel search frequency.
- Fixed the issue that caused the Searchable storage (DDAS) to report incorrect data. The panel now uses the Dynamic Data Active Archive (DDAA) API to calculate the size of restored buckets and return more accurate values.
- Fixed an issue with the side panel in Bucket size and range dashboard.
- Fixed an issue in Workload dashboard causing the dropdown to not display all items.
Known issue
The Archive storage (DDAA) dashboard is not reporting data in CMC version 3.11.2. A fix is in progress for this issue.
April 2023
CMC version
Release date
24 April 2023
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release.
The Health dashboard is now generally available and has the following updates:
- Added a close button to the action panels in the details pages.
- The Skip ratio in the Skipped searches details page is now represented as Percentage skipped.
- The arrow icon dropdown in the details pages is now located at the breadcrumb level of navigation.
- Removed preview labels and language.
- Renamed or changed the description of the Cache activity, Bucket status, Skipped search percentage, and High memory searches health indicators to be more indicative of what they measure.
Maintenance (preview) page updates:
- Updated the status field to match the data returned from the Maintenance Window service API.
- Updated various UI elements such as descriptions, field names, and time stamps.
Other updates:
- In the Overview dashboard, the Scheduled search percentage skipped (last hour) and Splunk TCP Closures (last 4 hours) panels are now presented as percentages.
- Updated the mobile alerts toggle on the Alerts page to only be accessible when the regular alerts toggle is on.
- Reviewed all CMC dashboards and searches for hostname compliance.
Fixed issues
We fixed the following issues in this release:
- CMC was incorrectly measuring continued and deferred searches by counting the number of log messages that have status=continued. We adjusted the measurement of continued searches and fixed this issue.
- Fixed the issue that caused the Archive storage (DDAA) dashboard to report incorrect data when a time range of over one month is selected.
- Fixed the issue that caused the Searchable storage (DDAS) dashboard to intermittently report 0% utilization.
March 2023
CMC version
Release date
29 March 2023
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release.
Health (preview) dashboard updates:
- The Health (preview) dashboard link now uses the splunk_instance_monitoring app URL path, so you can access knowledge objects and macros available to CMC only.
- The Bucket status details page now shows the total count, quarantined count, small count, and size exceeded count for each bucket.
- The headers in the details pages are now consistent.
- The date format in the details pages is now DD-MMM-YYYY.
- The Health (preview) dashboard colors have been updated.
Fixed issues
We fixed the following issues in this release:
- Fixed the issue that caused some stacks to display N/A in the Searchable Storage (DDAS) dashboard even when their data was verified to be non-zero.
- Fixed the issue that caused The 'Searches split by search type panel in the Search usage statistics dashboard to display a high count for Other. This search should now exclude events related to
action=search info=granted info=denied .
- Fixed the issue that caused the Daily license usage panel in the Ingest dashboard to show a different value when the default timezone is selected.
- Fixed the issue that caused the High memory searches data and Health (preview) data to not match.
- Fixed the issue that caused the Health (preview) details pages to remove a selected filter after refreshing the page.
- Fixed the issue that caused the Health (preview) page to truncate when all table rows are expanded.
- Fixed the issue that caused an incorrect error message to show in the Workload Management dashboard. The error message stated that rules are not defined even when the rules trigger.
Known issues
The following is a known issue in this release:
The Archive storage (DDAA) dashboard is incorrectly reporting data when you select a time range of over one month.
CMC version
Release date
8 March 2023
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release.
Health (preview) dashboard updates:
- The overall health gauges in the Health dashboard are now represented as single value visualizations.
- Added a help panel to the Cache activity drilldown details page.
- Implemented error handling for the Health dashboard details pages.
- Updated the toggle arrows in the Health dashboard details pages to rotate only when selected, instead of all arrows rotating when only one is selected.
Maintenance (preview) updates:
- The Maintenance window now shows a loading spinner when in a loading state and provides error messages.
Other updates:
- Updated the search for the Potentially inefficient searches panel to flag when users add a wildcard to the "index filter" in the Expensive searches dashboard.
- Updated the SVC license time range from -2h@h to -3h in the Workload dashboard.
Fixed issues
We fixed the following issues in this release:
- Fixed the issue that caused the Forwarder versions dashboard to show the wrong color for supported and unsupported versions.
- Fixed the issue that caused the Index detail dashboard to use the incorrect host field.
- Fixed the issue that caused some events in the Archive storage (DDAA) dashboard to have incorrect timestamps.
- Fixed the issue that caused the overwrite banner on the Overview dashboard to not work correctly.
Known issues
The following is a known issue in this release:
The Searches split by search type panel in the Search usage statistics dashboard is displaying a high count for Other. This search should exclude events related to action=search info=granted info=denied .
Workaround: Select the Open in Search icon. In Verbose mode, navigate to Events > info under interesting fields to drill down and view the data without Other.
February 2023
CMC version
Release date
16 February 2023
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release.
Health (preview) dashboard updates:
Added a help panel that provides recommended actions and helpful information that corresponds to critical, warning, or conforming statuses for the following indicators:
- Universal forwarder software version
- Heavy forwarder software version
- High memory searches
- Skipped searches
- Bucket status
Fixed issues
We fixed the following issues in the Health (preview) dashboard in this release:
- Addressed differences in Health (preview) dashboard and the Universal forwarder software version drilldown page. CMC now uses a macro between the two pages to ensure the numbers match.
- We fixed the filter in the Bucket status drilldown page.
Known issues
The following are known issues in this release:
- The Index detail dashboard is using the incorrect host field.
- Some events in the Archive storage (DDAA) dashboard have incorrect timestamps.
January 2023
CMC version
Release date
30 January 2023
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release.
Maintenance (preview) updates:
- Added a timestamp to show when the maintenance window data was last updated.
- Added the relative time to the estimated start timestamp for upcoming maintenance windows.
- Changed the data format for all date fields to be dd-mmm-yyyy.
- Added a progress timeline that captures maintenance window status changes and dates.
Storage Summary dashboard update:
Updated the text and made the Learn more link dynamic to documentation versions.
Fixed issues:
We fixed the following issues in this release:
- Fixed an incorrect span parameter configuration in the Search seconds by search type panel in the Workload dashboard. The search now honors the span parameter instead of the time picker.
- Changed back the schedule of the splunk-host-dns-alt-name saved search to run once a day. The search was previously set to run once an hour in an effort to resolve an issue that affected some SHC stacks during the 3.5.1 release.
Cloud Monitoring Console (CMC) version 3.5.0 was rolled back due to a known issue with populating the some panels for some SHC stacks. CMC version 3.5.1 provides a workaround for this issue and also contains the new updates and enhancements previously released in 3.5.0.
CMC version
Release date
13 January 2023
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
Health (preview) drill down updates:
- Added the Bucket status (preview) drill down page.
- Added the Skipped searches (preview) drill down page.
- Added the Cache activity (preview) drill down page.
- Updated the Universal forwarder software version (preview) and Heavy Forwarder software version (preview) drill down pages to ensure that the dates for forwarder end of life support are accurate.
Search updates:
- Updated the Index detail dashboard to filter on index names in base search so that searches are more efficient.
- Saved searches now run no earlier than 20 minutes past the hour. This prevents gaps in SVC data because too many searches were running at the top of the hour.
- Enhanced the search used in the Top 20 most expensive ad hoc searches panel in the Expensive searches dashboard.
Other updates:
- Removed sh-xyz references from the Expensive searches, User search detail, Index detail, and Search usage statistics dashboards. The dashboards now display the role, premium app name, or vanity name.
Fixed issues:
We fixed the following issues in this release:
- Fixed the issue that caused a high volume of searches if the Alerts page was left open.
- Fixed the issue that caused the event counts from the Index detail dashboard to differ from the count in the Settings > Indexes page. We updated the Index detail dashboard search to provide event count for all time to match the event count in the Settings > Indexes page.
- Removed the arbitrary "N/A" string that was appearing for some customers in the svc_usage search result.
Known issue:
For some search head cluster stacks, searches for the following panels are not running:
- Expensive searches
- Index detail
- Search usage statistics
- User detail
If you run into this issue, you can wait for the search to rerun. Or, complete the following steps to manually run the search:
- Navigate to Settings > Searches, Reports and Alerts.
- Apply the following filters:
- Type: All
- App: Cloud Monitoring Console (splunk_instance_monitoring)
- Owner: All
- Select Run next to splunk-host-dns-alt-name.
- Return to the affected panels to view results.
December 2022
CMC version
Release date
6 December 2022
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
Health (preview) dashboard updates:
- Added Universal Forwarder software version (preview) indicator drilldown page
- Added Heavy Forwarder software version (preview) drilldown page
- Added High memory searches (preview) drilldown page
- Added status indicator cards to the Universal forwarder software version (preview), Heavy forwarder software version (preview), and High memory searches (preview) page.
Maintenance (preview) page updates:
- Renamed the Availability (preview) tab and Communications page to Maintenance (preview).
- The Maintenance (preview) page now uses the ACS OperationType field for Maintenance Type instead of the ReleaseTrain field.
- The Maintenance (preview) page now displays the raw value from the ACS maintenance window response for scheduled.status instead of raw string status values mapped to enum cases.
- Added a feedback button in the Maintenance (preview) page so customers can provide feedback or report bugs.
- Added a target version to the ReleaseTrain maintenance type in the Maintenance (preview) feature.
Forwarder monitoring setup page updates:
- Added error messages to Forwarder monitoring setup page.
Fixed Issues
The following issues were fixed in this release:
- We fixed the date format in the Top 20 most expensive scheduled searches in the Expensive searches dashboard. The date format for both the Search Time and Scheduled Time is now yyyy-mm-dd.
- We fixed the issue that was causing the indexer multiplier lookup to fail, which caused the SVC search to fail for some stacks.
- We fixed the issue that was causing forwarder counts to not match in the Forwarders: deployment dashboard.
- We fixed the issue that was causing multiple OS values to appear in the Forwarders: instance dashboard.
Known Issues
The following is a known issue in this release:
- If the Alerts page is left open, CMC runs a high volume of searches that might cancel other searches.
- Workaround: Do not leave the Alerts page open to avoid running a high volume of searches.
October 2022
CMC version
Release date
3 November 2022
Fixed Issues
The following issues were fixed in this release:
- The Communications maintenance window feature does not work for customers using a Splunk Cloud Platform version lower than 9.0.2208 and SAML authentication without authentication extensions enabled or an identity provider (IdP) that supports Attribute Query Request (AQR). We added an error message to communicate this issue.
- The SVC consumers and SVC usage panels in the Workload dashboard were not populated for Victoria Experience customers. This issue occurred on the cluster manager node. We fixed this issue.
CMC version
Release date
27 October 2022
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- The SVC usage by search type and SVC usage by top 10 apps panel in the Workload dashboard now uses a SVC indexer multiplier lookup to calculate SVC. The panel previously used a subsearch which caused issues if the search ran for longer than 60 seconds.
- We added a Communications page in the Availability tab that provides details about upcoming and past maintenance windows. The 3.3.0 release currently supports communications about Splunk Cloud Platform version upgrades.
Fixed Issues
The following issue was fixed in this release:
- The Rebuild Forwarder Assets button in the Forwarders: Instance dashboard did not report on all forwarders. We fixed this issue.
- The Data Quality dashboard did not load when selecting all time from the time range picker. We fixed this issue.
- The Search seconds by search type and Search seconds by consumer type panels in the Workload dashboard sums the search seconds for the entire time period twice. This resulted in an inflated and inaccurate quantity of search seconds for each consumer type. We fixed this issue and removed the inaccurate data.
Known issues
This release has the following known issues:
- The Communications maintenance window feature does not work for customers using a Splunk Cloud Platform version lower than 9.0.2208 and SAML authentication without authentication extensions enabled or an identity provider (IdP) that supports Attribute Query Request (AQR).
- The SVC consumers and SVC usage panels in the Workload dashboard are not populating for Victoria Experience customers. This issue occurs on the cluster manager node.
CMC version
Release date
7 October 2022
Fixed issue
The following issue was fixed in this release:
- The saved search that creates the forwarder lookup uses the tstats command. This command performs queries in tsidx files, which are lowercase. This caused duplicate forwarder names and falsely triggered the missing forwarder alert. We lowercased the Search Processing Language (SPL) for the saved search to fix this error.
Known issues
This release has the following known issues:
- The Search seconds by search type and Search seconds by consumer type panels in the Workload dashboard sums the search seconds for the entire time period twice. This results in an inflated and inaccurate quantity of search seconds for each consumer type. A fix is in progress for this issue.
- The Rebuild Forwarder Assets is not functional in the Forwarders: Instance dashboard. A fix is in progress for this issue.
September 2022
CMC version
Release date
26 September 2022
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
Overview dashboard
- Added a drilldown functionality that allows customers to navigate to a URL based on the value they clicked.
Health (preview) dashboard
- Added an Alerts column in the Indicator table of the Health (preview) dashboard that displays alert status and provides a link to the Alerts dashboard. When you click the link, the Alerts page has a preset filter to show the selected alert.
- Renamed health indicators to be more specific and reflective of what's being measured
HTTP Event Collector dashboard
- Added a new panel to display the average and max observed delays for the HTTP Event Collector per sourcetype, source, index or host.
Alerts dashboard
- Improved the Alerts dashboard design and added alerts related to the Health (preview) dashboard.
- Added a dashboard description and link to documentation to the Alerts Dashboard.
- Added a column called Related Dashboards. New Health Dashboard alerts have the Related Dashboard data.
Archive Storage (DDAA) dashboard
- Updated the Data Archive and Restoration Summary panel to no longer pull data from archived disabled buckets.
- Added DDAA retention days to the Archive Storage dashboard.
Workload dashboard
- Added two panels called Search seconds by top 10 Apps and Search seconds by search type and that show relative search execution time for users, apps, and search processes per consumer in a given time window. These views provide more accurate data than the SVC Usage by Search Type and SVC Usage by Top 10 Apps panels.
Ingest dashboard
- Added a time picker to view data for a certain period of time in the Daily License Usage panel.
Forwarders: Deployment dashboard
- Added a new panel to display top errors by component or IP.
New configured alerts
- Added configured alerts that notify customers when any of the following conditions are met on their stack:
- There are less than 15 days until the end of support for their universal forwarder.
- There are less than 15 days until the end of support for their heavy forwarder.
- 10% of an index's buckets are quarantined
- More than 50% of buckets on an index are less than half the max size of that bucket (small)
- Less than 50% of buckets have reached their full size
- A search head has more than 25% skip ratio.
- Bucket download size is higher than 10% of total disk space on all indexers.
- Search size is higher than 10% of instance memory.
Fixed issues
The following issue has been fixed in this release:
- Fixed the issue that was causing some customers to observe a blank Overview page, Health dashboard, or Alerts page.
Known issues
This release has the following issue:
- The saved search that creates the forwarder lookup uses the tstats command. This command performs queries in tsidx files, which are lowercase. This can cause duplicate forwarder names and falsely trigger the missing forwarder alert.
August 2022
CMC version
Release date
23 August 2022
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Updated Skipped Searches by Name and Reason panel to include the app where the search is contained.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release:
- The Health dashboard drilldown searches should not be set to "All time" time range. We updated the time ranges in the following searches from the Health dashboard to match original searches:
- High memory searches
- Skipped searches
- Bucket status
- Heavy forwarder status
- Universal forwarder status
- Daily License Usage dashboard was showing a different total when default or a different timezone is selected. The timezones are now consistent when default or a different timezone is selected.
- The SVC Consumers panel in the Workload dashboard was not showing correct values. Search, Ingest, and Shared Services now populate this panel and add up to the top level SVC value.
Known issues
- Some customers are observing a blank Overview page, Health dashboard, or Alerts page.
- Workaround: Contact Splunk Support and file a ticket for a fix. Or for an immediate workaround in the United States, switch en_US in the URL to en_GB . For an immediate workaround in Great Britain, switch en_GB to en_US
July 2022
CMC version
Release date
28 July 2022
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
The following panels in the Overview dashboard now have time labels:
- Indexes with events
- Total indexes
- Total ingest volume
Fixed issue
CMC version 3.0.0 reported a 7-day ingest volume in the "Total ingest volume" panel in the Overview dashboard. This panel is supposed to report a 1-day ingest volume. CMC version 3.0.1 now reports the 1-day ingest volume in this panel.
Other internal improvements and bug fixes
Known issues
- Drilldowns don't work in the following Overview dashboard panels. A fix is currently in progress and will be released in a future update.
- Searches by type (last 24 hours)
- Throughput by index (last 24 hours)
- Data parsing issues (last hour)
- Some customers are observing a blank Overview page, Health dashboard, or Alerts page.
- Workaround: Contact Splunk Support and request a CMC app refresh. Or for an immediate workaround in the United States, switch en_US in the URL to en_GB . For an immediate workaround in Great Britain, switch en_GB to en_US
- Daily License Usage dashboard is showing a different total when default or a different timezone is selected.
- The SVC Consumers panel in the Workload dashboard are not showing correct values.
CMC version
Release date
13 July 2022
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Added the new Health dashboard for Splunk Cloud Platform administrators to review the status of their deployment. The dashboard is released as a public preview and provides information about the overall health of the deployment and its data collection, indexing, and search performance. Administrators review the displayed indicators to track specific health metrics indicators and use the suggested steps to mitigate any non-optimal performance. The Feedback button in the interface lets administrators submit comments and report issues.
- Updated three panels and their titles in the Overview of the Search Usage Statistics dashboard. Instead of showing the number of searches dispatched, completed, and canceled, the panels now show Splunk Cloud Platform administrators the number of searches finished and successfully and unsuccessfully completed.
- Enhanced the local overwrites feature to alert Splunk Cloud Platform administrators only when changes to any delivered app file prevent the automatic update functionality. Administrators will no longer see these alerts when there are any changes to a custom file because custom files are not included in the automatic update process.
- Added a "What's New?" popup to the CMC interface so Splunk Cloud Platform administrators can review release notes information without having to leave the CMC app.
- Made internal improvements and bug fixes.
Known issue
Drilldowns don't work in the following Overview dashboard panels:
- Searches by type (last 24 hours)
- Throughput by index (last 24 hours)
- Data parsing issues (last hour)
A fix is currently in progress and will be released in a future update.
June 2022
CMC version
Release date
09 June 2022
New Feature or Enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Enhanced the information displayed in two tables of the Search > Expensive Searches dashboard. Splunk Cloud Platform administrators can now review data about runtime and memory usage of their deployment's expensive searches in the Top 20 Most Expensive Scheduled Searches and Top 20 Most Expensive Ad Hoc Searches tables.
- Enhanced the functionality of the SVC Usage by Top 10 <variable> panel of the Workload dashboard to include information about the deployment's search heads. When Splunk Cloud Platform administrators use this panel to review SVC usage by apps, searches, or users, they can now select to include data about all search heads in their deployment or a specific search head.
- Updated the integration between CMC and the Splunk Mobile apps. Splunk Cloud Platform administrators can now enable the pre-configured CMC and SIM alerts to automatically display on registered mobile devices that use a Splunk Mobile app.
- Added the following interface text to the Workload dashboard to clarify a data gap in SVC in the dashboard's charts: "The displayed data excludes data gathered during the past 2 hours".
- Added host information to the HEC Token Usage (Last 7 Days) panel of the HTTP Event Collector dashboard.
- Relabeled the Memory Usage (MB) column to Memory Usage (KB) on the Top 20 Most Memory Consuming Searches panel on the Search > Expensive Searches dashboard.
- Made internal improvements and bug fixes.
Fixed issue
Fixed an issue that caused a calculation discrepancy and an incorrect value displayed in the Top 20 Most Expensive Ad Hoc Searches panel of the Search > Expensive Searches dashboard.
May 2022
CMC version
Release date
19 May 2022
New Feature or Enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Added the Indexer - Blocked Queues by Queue Type panel to the Indexing Performance dashboard. This new panel lets Splunk Cloud Platform administrators troubleshoot situations when their deployment's indexers have blocked queues.
- Added the Cache Activity panel to the Search Usage Statistics dashboard. This new panel lets Splunk Cloud administrators view their deployment's cache activity to ensure optimal performance.
- Made internal improvements and bug fixes, including eliminating consideration for unbalanced indexer tier utilization.
Known issue
A bug that causes a calculation discrepancy and an incorrect value displayed in the Top 20 Most Expensive Ad Hoc Searches panel of the Search > Expensive Searches dashboard. A fix is currently in progress and will be released in a future update.
April 2022
CMC version
Release date
27 April 2022
New Feature or Enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Fixed a chart legend placement issue that constricted the full chart display. Chart legends now appear under a chart for panels on the License Usage > Workload dashboard for improved usability and clarity.
- Made internal improvements and bug fixes.
Fixed issue
Fixed an issue reported for the CMC Usage > User Details dashboard with the release of Splunk Cloud Platform 8.2.2201. The removal of the apiStartTime and apiEndTime fields from the _audit index prevented data from populating the User Search Details table in this dashboard.
March 2022
CMC version
Release date
29 March 2022
New Feature or Enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Revised the DDAA calculation to ensure that there is date parity between the Archive Storage (DDAA) dashboard and the Archive Management panel. This update includes changes to the Index Storage Usage Details table. The Earliest Event and Latest Event columns now show that event times are in UTC.
- Updated
source_type in the cloud_monitoring_console.log to ensure that indexed realtime searches are properly categorized as realtime instead of scheduled.
- Updated the splunk-svc-consumer query to include the following additional details for reporting purposes:
search_mode field: Shows if the search is historical, realtime (displays as RT ), realtime indexed (displays as RT indexed), or some other mode.
search_label field: Includes the SID value as _ACCELERATE_{SID_NUMBER} for accelerated events to enable filtering by this unique value.
- Made internal improvements and bug fixes.
Fixed issue
Fixed an issue reported in CMC 2.6.0 that caused a calculation discrepancy and an incorrect value to display in the SVC Consumers panel of the License Usage > Workload dashboard.
CMC version
Release date
04 March 2022
New Feature or Enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Added the following three new alerts to the Alerts panel to help Splunk Cloud administrators better monitor their deployment. Note that these new alerts use the prefix CMC Alerts to help clarify that they are generated from the CMC app. CMC still supports the alerts with the prefix SIM Alerts.
- CMC Alerts - New Data in Index Specified as "lastchanceindex"
- CMC Alerts - Storage Capacity Exceeds 80%
- CMC Alerts - SVC Utilization Exceeds 80% for 3 Hours
- Added the following three panels of restoration information to the Storage Summary and Searchable Storage (DDAS) dashboards to help Splunk Cloud administrators better monitor their restoration entitlement and usage. For most Splunk Cloud Platform customers, their restoration entitlement is generally 10% of the amount that displays in the Searchable Storage (DDAS) Entitlement panel.
- Restored Entitlement
- Restored Searchable Storage (DDAS) Usage
- Restored Searchable Storage (DDAS) Usage Percent
- Made internal performance improvements to the Storage Summary, Searchable Storage (DDAS), and Archive Storage (DDAA) dashboards.
- Added explanatory labeling (UX/UI copy) to the Entitlements, Ingest, and Workload dashboards and panels available from the License Usage tab. Splunk Cloud Platform administrators now have concise dashboard and panel descriptions without having to consult the documentation.
- Made internal improvements and bug fixes.
Known issue
A bug that causes a calculation discrepancy and an incorrect value displayed in the SVC Consumers panel of the License Usage > Workload dashboard. A fix is currently in progress and will be released in a future update.
Workaround: In an ad hoc search page, use the following procedure to modify the underlying SPL query:
- Click the magnifying glass under the SVC Consumers chart.
- Replace
| dedup _time svc_consumer with | dedup keepempty=t _time svc_consumer search_type search_app search_label search_user svc_usage and save the change.
- Select the Visualization tab to view the chart.
Note: Be sure to save this change in an ad hoc search page. Otherwise, saving this change to the CMC dashboard results in a local override that will prevent the automatic update process.
February 2022
CMC version
Release date
02 February 2022
New Feature or Enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Added detail to search type breakdowns and included subsearches on the following:
- Searches by Type (Last 24 Hours) panel of the Overview dashboard
- Searches panel of the Search Usage Statistics dashboard
- Added a link from the Storage Summary and Archive Storage (DDAA) dashboards to the Archive Management panel in Splunk.
- Updated the Time Range field to display standard time options on the Workload and Storage dashboards.
- Made internal improvements and bug fixes.
January 2022
CMC version
Release date
11 January 2022
New Feature or Enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Added three dashboards to the License Usage menu: Storage Summary, Searchable Storage (DDAS), and Archive Storage (DDAA). These new dashboards provide comprehensive entitlement, usage, and data restoration information to help Splunk Cloud Platform administrators better stay within their organization's licensed limits when using the Dynamic Data Active Archive (DDAA) and Dynamic Data Active Searchable (DDAS) subscription options. This update includes the following changes in the CMC app:
- Transferred the information in the Current Searchable Index Storage and Searchable Index Storage panels of the Workload dashboard to the new storage dashboards.
- Removed the Data Archive and Restoration Summary panel from the License Usage menu.
- Removed the Indexes and Storage dashboard from the Indexing menu.
- Enhanced the search type information for the SVC Usage by Search Type panel of the Workload dashboard. This provides Splunk Cloud Platform administrators with greater insight into how different types of searches performed by human and virtual users consume SVCs.
- Made internal improvements and bug fixes.
Known issue
A bug that causes a calculation discrepancy and an incorrect value displayed in the Searchable Storage Usage Percent panel when compared to the same value calculated in the Searchable Storage Against Entitlement panel. The Searchable Storage Usage Percent panel appears in the Storage Summary and Searchable Storage (DDAS) dashboards. A fix is currently in progress and will be released in a future update.
November 2021
CMC version
Release date
18 November 2021
New Feature or Enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Added the Entitlement dashboard to the License Usage tab. This overview dashboard shows the license, storage, and active archive limits for all CMC customers, whether they purchased an ingest-based or workload-based subscription.
- Rearranged the panel display in the Ingest and Workload dashboards, based on customer feedback. The License Entitlement panel is now the top panel in each dashboard.
- Made internal improvements and bug fixes.
October 2021
CMC version
Release date
28 October 2021
New Feature or Enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Changed the color of the license limit line on the Ingest Entitlement panel to red.
- Updated the search calculation for the Search Count (Yesterday) panel on the Overview dashboard to ensure it displays the correct value.
- Made internal improvements and bug fixes.
CMC version
Release date
12 October 2021
New Feature or Enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Added the Ingest Entitlement panel to the Ingest dashboard. The panel displays a value in GB so customers can now view their organization's ingest-based subscription limit without having to contact their Splunk account representative.
- Updated the Forwarder Versions dashboard with the correct supported versions.
- Moved the Forwarder Monitoring Setup page to the Forwarders tab, updated the Cancel button title on this page to Reset, and removed the Settings tab from the CMC navigation bar.
- Fixed a filter issue on the Forwarders: Deployment, Forwarders: Instance, and Forwarder Versions pages that was incorrectly excluding data from view.
- Made internal improvements and bug fixes.
CMC version
Release date
01 October 2021
New Feature or Enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Removed the Upgrade Readiness dashboard. This dashboard was deprecated and removed from CMC as its purpose was to help customers who were migrating from 7.x to 8.x versions of Splunk Cloud Platform.
- Made internal improvements and bug fixes.
September 2021
CMC version
Release date
16 September 2021
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Removed unused lookup to ensure knowledge bundle download size is as minimal as possible.
- Made minor improvements to internal logging.
- Removed the all-time search functionality from the License Entitlement panel of the Workload dashboard as it conflicted with specific workload management settings. Customers who have workload management rules to prevent all-time searches subsequently did not see a license entitlement value.
- 2.3.3 known issue resolution: Removed the Search Performance Analysis dashboard because it displayed an incorrect bundle size value. A revamped Search Performance Analysis dashboard will be available in a future release.
August 2021
CMC version
Release date
17 August 2021
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancement is available in this release:
- Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect day offset calculation on the Ingest Volume panel of the Ingest dashboard.
Known issue
The Search Performance Analysis dashboard displays an incorrect bundle size value. A fix is currently in progress and will be released in a future update.
CMC version
Release date
16 August 2021
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Provided important updates to the SVC functionality, as follows:
- Updated the SVC calculation and redesigned the SVC Usage panel to show hourly SVC consumption. For customers with workload-based subscriptions, the redesign includes color-coded bars and lines to indicate when your deployment is performing within its licensed entitlement, or if it is close to meeting or exceeding certain thresholds.
- Renamed the Workload Pricing dashboard to Workload and the Volume Licensing dashboard to Ingest and updated their respective URLs and menu navigation paths.
- Revamped the Workload dashboard to include the following six new panels that contain charts showing your deployment's overall SVC usage, based on hourly calculations:
- Data Ingestion: Shows the hourly rate of ingestion in GB.
- Dispatch and Skipped Search Count: Shows the number of searches per hour that are dispatched or skipped.
- SVC Consumers: Shows SVC consumption per hour utilized by system processes and resources.
- SVC Usage by Search Type: Shows SVC consumption per hour by the assigned search type.
- SVC Usage by Ingestion: Shows SVC consumption per hour by ingestion source.
- SVC Usage by Top 10 <variable>: Shows high consumers of SVC per hour grouped by Apps, Searches, or Users.
- Fixed a date offset issue that caused a data discrepancy error between the Split by and No Split charts on the Ingest dashboard (formerly called the Volume Licensing dashboard).
- Fixed an issue with the Data Archive and Restoration Summary dashboard that caused some totals to display in bytes instead of gigabytes.
June 2021
CMC version
Release date
15 June 2021
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Fixed an issue with the Data Quality dashboard by ensuring double quotation marks surround the source and sourcetype in the underlying query.
- Made internal improvements and bug fixes.
April 2021
CMC version
Release date
21 April 2021
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancement is available in this release:
- Enhanced the user experience for users viewing the User Detail and Forwarders: Instance dashboards. CMC now automatically populates the User field for the User Detail dashboard and the Instance field for the Forwarders: Instance dashboard with the first menu value to display data in the respective dashboard. Splunk Cloud Platform administrators can then change this default value to the desired user or instance.
CMC version
Release date
07 April 2021
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Added a new panel to CMC. The new Data Archive and Restoration Summary panel available under the License Usage tab shows summary information about your archived and restored data for indexes that are enabled with Dynamic Data Active Archive (DDAA). Splunk Cloud administrators can use the information in this panel to better monitor and optimize how their deployment uses DDAA.
- Clarified a chart label value that appears in the Throughput: Last 24 Hours (GB) chart of the Index Detail dashboard. The Unknown Host value is now the Undefined Host value. This value appears when CMC encounters an index configuration issue that generally indicates the index host name is either not configured or incorrectly configured for a forwarder.
February 2021
CMC version
Release date
23 February 2021
New feature or enhancement
Made minor improvements to internal data logging.
CMC version
Release date
18 February 2021
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Streamlined the CMC Alerts functionality. The new Triggered and Configured Alerts page available through the new Alerts tab shows Splunk Cloud administrators only the two preconfigured CMC alerts, SIM Alert - Missing Forwarders and SIM Alert - Skipped Searches, and any custom CMC alerts configured for their organization. Splunk Cloud administrators can enable and disable these alerts and also access the global Searches, Reports, and Alerts page to perform advanced actions.
- Revised two panels in the Workload Pricing dashboard to better reflect the searchable storage of your deployment's active indexes and help you stay within your licensed data retention limits. The Searchable Index Storage panel now shows a table of the current searchable amount in GB for each actively searched index. The Current Searchable Index Storage now shows the current searchable index storage total in GB, and is calculated from the individual index totals that display in Searchable Index Storage.
January 2021
CMC version
Release date
19 January 2021
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Updated the Workload Pricing dashboard with the following:
- Added the Indexer CPU Utilization chart to show the distribution of SVCs across an organization's indexers so customers can take action when usage approaches the maximum.
- Updated the underlying SVC calculation of the SVC Usage panel to exclude the last 24 hours of data. This change improves the clarity of the displayed data. Also fixed a license display issue in the panel.
- Updated the chart axis labels of the Top 10 SVC Consumers panel to indicate that the chart shows the percentage of SVC units over time consumed by the indexes, sources, or source types.
- Made internal improvements to the SVC Entitlement query. Added UI copy and documentation link to the SVC Entitlement panel that the panel displays zero (0) for the following scenarios:
- The organization has an ingest-based subscription.
- The organization purchased a new workload pricing subscription that is still being processed and the SVCs aren't yet assigned.
- Improved the underlying query of the Potentially Inefficient Searches panel on the Expensive Searches dashboard to better exclude false positives.
- Updated the UI of various dashboards, panels, and charts to better the user experience through improved design consistency and standardization.
- Fixed an issue introduced in 1.19.7 that caused erroneous restart messages to appear. Note: The 1.20.1 release does not automatically remove any existing restart messages. To remove these messages from your deployment, do the following:
- In the Splunk Cloud bar at the top of the page, clear the restart messages in the Messages tab.
- Request that Splunk restart the stack for your organization. If you have a support contract, file a new case using the Splunk Support Portal at Support and Services. Otherwise, contact Splunk Customer Support.
October 2020
CMC version
Release date
30 October 2020
New feature or enhancement
Made various internal improvements and minor bug fixes.
CMC version
Release date
13 October 2020
New feature or enhancement
Fixed an issue that prevented the Searchable Index Storage panel from displaying on CMC version 1.19.4 with Splunk version 8.0.2007.1.
September 2020
CMC version
Release date
30 September 2020
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Changed the term infrastructure-based licensing to either workload pricing subscription or workload pricing in the CMC app and documentation.
- Removed the Index Ingest Usage panel and added the Searchable Index Storage and Current Searchable Index Storage panels to the Workload Pricing dashboard. These new panels let you monitor your organization's total actively searchable storage.
- Made minor updates to the UI.
CMC version
Release date
24 September 2020
New feature or enhancement
Fixed a query issue that caused a "No results found" message to display on the Source and Source Type graphs of the Top 10 SVC Consumers panel.
CMC version
Release date
04 September 2020
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Added high consumers of SVC by source and source type to the Infrastructure-based Licensing dashboard. Note: The Top 10 SVC Consuming Indexes panel is now titled Top 10 High Consumers to indicate high consumers of index, source, and source data resources. The panel formerly titled Top 10 High Consumers is now titled Top 10 High Users to indicate human and virtual Splunk Cloud administrators who are high consumers of resources.
- Enhanced the Overview dashboard to alert Splunk Cloud administrators about overwritten local files that will prevent the automatic upgrade process. The dashboard now displays a warning and a new panel titled Files with Local Overwrites when the CMC app detects modified files.
- Updated the underlying XML file for the Skipped Scheduled Searches dashboard for better display on mobile devices.
- Fixed these issues:
- An error in the underlying query for scheduled searches that misidentified and omitted certain scheduled searches from results.
- Minor edits to UI copy.
- Removed biased language: As part of an ongoing process across releases, user-facing mentions of the following terms were changed to neutral terms in the documentation where applicable. For more information, see Biased Language Has No Place in Tech.
- blacklist changed to deny list and whitelist changed to allow list
- master changed to manager and slave changed to peer
August 2020
Release date
07 August 2020
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancement was made to the Splunk Inputs Data Manager (IDM):
- Updated the CMC on the IDM to CMC version 1.18.1. (The CMC version number of 2.x referred to a previous numbering sequence that is now outdated.)
- Note: If your deployment uses the IDM, be sure to review the Upgrade Readiness dashboard on the IDM and also the main search head.
CMC version
Release date
06 August 2020
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Added a new panel, Top 20 Memory Consuming Searches, to the Expensive Searches dashboard.
- Made various updates to the Splunk Upgrade Dashboard:
- Changed the name of the dashboard to Upgrade Readiness and split it into three smaller dashboards: Summary, Applications, and Forwarders, accessed from a new submenu added to the navigation tab.
- Removed the SHA and DUO fields that displayed on the Overview panel when upgrading from Splunk Cloud 7.0.x to 7.2.x.
- Added a message that custom apps using Python 2 must be upgraded to Python 3 when upgrading from Splunk Cloud 7.2.x to 8.0.x.
- Fixed an error that caused a failure when the number of apps to upgrade exceeded 100.
- Fixed these issues:
- An erroneous message that instructed users to restart stacks that had been upgraded to Splunk Cloud 8.0.2003.
- A 404 error appearing in the splunk_access_web logs due to a CMC search referencing two JavaScript files that no longer exist.
- The Scheduler Errors and Warnings panel not displaying errors that contain
"message=" in the log.
- A typo in the underlying search for the Top 20 Most Expensive Ad Hoc searches panel of the Expensive Searches dashboard that caused incorrect search filtering behavior.
- A typo in the underlying search for the Missing forwarder alerts panel of the Forwarders: Deployments dashboard that prevented triggered alerts from appearing.
June 2020
CMC version
Release date
17 June 2020
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Updated the Splunk Upgrade Dashboard for improved functionality. The dashboard now directly queries Splunkbase for compatibility information instead of using potentially stale lookup files.
- Added a new panel to the Infrastructure-based Licensing dashboard to show customers if they are subscribed to the infrastructure-based licensing model and their Splunk Virtual Compute entitlement amount.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the drilldown panels from loading on the Data Quality dashboard.
- Fixed a bug that caused the
internal-monitoring-user to display in results on the Expensive Searches dashboard.
- UX improvements:
- Updated various panel titles, labels, and other UI copy on all dashboards for consistency and clarity.
- Added a message to the Workload Monitoring Management dashboard to alert customers when workload management rules aren't configured or triggered.
May 2020
CMC version
Release date
08 May 2020
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- 1.16.0 known issue resolution: Fixed a lookup conflict that prevented the Index Ingest Usage panel on the License Usage > Infrastructure-based Licensing dashboard from displaying for customers using Splunk 7.x.
- Fixed a bug that caused certain Splunk core apps to display with a status of "Unknown" on the Splunk Upgrade Dashboard.
April 2020
CMC version
Release date
28 April 2020
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Customers running Splunk 8.0.0 or higher now have insight into their workload management utilization to determine any necessary performance optimization. The dashboard provides the following functionality:
- Users can see all workload management activity, or focus their analysis on the activity of the search heads or the indexers.
- Users can opt to break down the activity by actions, rules, user, app, or search type.
- Fixed totals shown in the Split by option graphs on the License Usage > Volume Licensing dashboard. The graphs generated by a Split by option showed incomplete totals that did not match the total shown in the graph generated by the No Split option. All graph totals now match.
- Fixed a bug that occurred on the Indexing > Data Quality dashboard when internal sourcetypes were excluded.
- Updated the Splunkbase lookup for the Upgrade Readiness Dashboard.
- Updated the storage consumption calculation of the License Usage > Infrastructure-based Licensing dashboard to use an ingest license usage query instead of a disk usage query.
Known issue
A lookup conflict prevents the Index Ingest Usage panel on the License Usage > Infrastructure-based Licensing dashboard from displaying for customers using Splunk 7.x. An error message states: [subsearch]: The lookup table 'disk-license' is invalid. A fix is currently in progress and will be released in 1.16.1.
CMC version
Release date
08 April 2020
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Corrected behavior in the Splunk Upgrade Dashboard to reflect that the upgrade is blocked only when the Upgrade Blocker, Pending Compatibility column shows incompatible apps.
- Made various improvements to index panels in the Overview dashboard.
- Fixed broken links.
- Minor improvements and bug fixes.
March 2020
CMC version
Release date
22 March 2020
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- New Upgrade Readiness Dashboard: This dashboard provides the status of apps and forwarders to assist with your Splunk upgrade.
- New Lookup File Size panel: This new panel in the Search Performance Analysis dashboard gives insights into the size of lookups stored locally.
- Minor improvements and bug fixes:
- On the Infrastructure-based Licensing dashboard, improved the consumption graph of the Index Disk Usage panel and the query for the Top 10 SVC Consumers panel. Also removed an erroneous GB label.
- Improved the base index size query for the Indexes and Storage dashboard.
- Fixed the version displayed in the Current Splunk>Cloud Version panel on Forwarder Versions dashboard.
February 2020
CMC version
Release date
03 February 2020
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- New License Usage dashboard tab accesses dashboards for both Volume Licensing and Infrastructure-based Licensing models. These dashboards enable visibility into current usage across both licensing models.
- New Infrastructure-based Licensing usage dashboard:
- View usage by infrastructure licensing units, Splunk Virtual Compute (SVC). Note: If you are a Splunk infrastructure-based licensing customer, you will also see your SVC entitlement in the dashboard.
- View SVC consumption by top 10 consumers, indexes, and search types.
- New Volume Licensing dashboard that includes Daily License Usage and Average and Peak Daily Volume panels. You can opt to split the data by source type, host, source, or index.
- Minor improvements:
- License usage in overview and license summary views covered slightly different time periods, leading to feedback about inconsistency in presentation. The time periods now match.
- Optimized index discovery query performance.
January 2020
CMC version
Release date
24-28 January 2020
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Bug fixes
- Minor improvements
CMC version
Release date
13 January 2020
New feature or enhancement
The following enhancements are available in this release:
- Minor tweaks to the Expensive Searches dashboard.
- More insights for customers using the new Infrastructure-based Licensing model.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Feedback submitted, thanks!