Splunk Stream

User Manual

Configure Ephemeral Streams

Ephemeral streams give users of external Splunk apps the ability to schedule stream capture for a user-defined period of time. This is useful if you want to capture and analyze a limited number of network events pertaining to specific network activity or transactions over a specific time interval.

While you must configure and schedule ephemeral stream capture from within the context of the external Splunk app, you can view and perform certain actions on existing ephemeral streams (such as enable/disable) inside the Configure Stream UI.

How ephemeral streams work

Splunk apps that support ephemeral streams take advantage of the Stream REST API. Ephemeral streams are similar to normal streams, but ephemeral streams require two additional parameters, createDate and expirationDate, which specify the stream start and stop times, respectively, in epoch time. For example:

createDate: 1404259338
expirationDate: 1414259338

Splunk app for Stream automatically and permanently deletes the ephemeral stream when the server system time is greater than or equal to expirationDate.

To view ephemeral streams:

In the Configure Streams UI, click Ephemeral Streams. This opens the Stream Buckets page, which displays a list of your existing ephemeral streams.

Last modified on 03 March, 2022
Configure packet streams   Configure Streams to apply aggregation

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Stream: 8.0.1, 8.0.2, 8.1.0, 8.1.1, 8.1.3

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