View dashboard versions in Splunk Cloud Platform
In Splunk Cloud Platform version 8.2.2201 and lower, users can switch between a new dashboard view that uses jQuery 3.5 and an older view that permits all versions of jQuery. This option is not available in Splunk Cloud Platform 8.2.2202 and higher, and it is not available in any Splunk Enterprise versions.
While users can temporarily load an older view of an affected dashboard in some versions of Splunk Cloud Platform, future versions of Splunk Enterprise will not support lower versions of jQuery, and the option to temporarily access an older view of the dashboard will be removed. It is important for you to work with dashboard owners to update any dashboards with errors related to the jQuery 3.5 upgrade before the option to access an older view temporarily is removed.
To see a list of dashboards that might be affected, check the jQuery Upgrade dashboard. To open the jQuery Upgrade dashboard, open the Search & Reporting app and select Dashboards > jQuery Upgrade Dashboard.
For more information about how to adjust dashboards and how to use the jQuery Upgrade dashboard, see Manage dashboards that need jQuery updates in the Splunk Cloud Platform Dashboards and Visualizations manual.
Manage and update dashboards | Update your Splunk apps to use jQuery 3.5 |
This documentation applies to the following versions of jQuery Upgrade Readiness: 1
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