Data collection configuration file reference
Edit ta_vmware_collection.conf
on the scheduler to enable or disable instance level data and to whitelist or blacklist metric collection. You can find the specification for ta_vmware_collection.conf
in Splunk_TA_vmware/bin/ta_vmware/
# Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Splunk Inc. All Rights Reserved. [default] #These are all the tasks that should run everywhere task = hostvmperf, otherperf, hierarchyinv, hostinv, vminv, clusterinv, datastoreinv, rpinv, task, event #These are the destination indexes for the different data types perf_index = vmware-perf inv_index = vmware-inv taskevent_index = vmware-taskevent # Object count value in API response for inventory collector # This values has to be greater than equal to 1. If you set this value with higher value then hostinv will take more memory # to process the api response. If you set this value too low then it increases the load on VC as API calls increase. #inv_maxObjUpdates = 20 #The following are the collection intervals for particular tasks hostvmperf_interval = 180 # Setting interval to < 30 min results in missing cluster data otherperf_interval = 2000 hierarchyinv_interval = 300 hostinv_interval = 900 vminv_interval = 900 clusterinv_interval = 1800 datastoreinv_interval = 900 rpinv_interval = 900 task_interval = 300 event_interval = 300 #The following are the expiration periods for particular tasks hostvmperf_expiration = 180 otherperf_expiration = 1900 task_expiration = 3600 event_expiration = 3600 hierarchyinv_expiration = 300 hostinv_expiration = 900 vminv_expiration = 900 clusterinv_expiration = 1800 datastoreinv_expiration = 900 rpinv_expiration = 900 #Performance format type. This is used to define format which is used to retrieve perf data form vmware. Make sure it has value either csv or normal perf_format_type = csv # For HostSystem Inv, only config.hyperThread is collected by default # Add other properties as follows, example: # hostsystem_inv_config = config.adminDisabled, # Default whitelists / blacklists for entities: # resource pools should be turned off perf_entity_blacklist = ^ResourcePool$ # Default whitelists / blacklists for metrics: # for clusters, only clusterServices counter group should be collected cluster_metric_whitelist = ^p_[^_]*_clusterServices.* # datagen flags for internal use only autoeventgen = false autoeventgen_poweroff_vmcount = 0 # The following lines should NOT be commented if you want to collect instance level data host_instance_whitelist = .* vm_instance_whitelist = .* #rp_instance_whitelist = .* #cluster_instance_whitelist = .*
Enable and disable threshold settings | Data model acceleration configuration file reference |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® App for VMware (EOL): 3.3.1
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