Class Settings

  extended by com.splunk.Resource
      extended by com.splunk.Entity
          extended by com.splunk.Settings
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Settings
extends Entity

The Settings class represents configuration information for an instance of Splunk.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.util.Map
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.splunk.Entity
Fields inherited from class com.splunk.Resource
actions, path, refreshArgs, service, title
Method Summary
 boolean getEnableSplunkWebSSL()
          Indicates whether SSL is enabled on the Splunk management port.
 java.lang.String getHost()
          Returns the default host name to use for data inputs.
 int getHttpPort()
          Returns the port on which Splunk Web is listening for this instance of Splunk.
 int getMgmtPort()
          Returns the IP address:port number for Splunkd.
 int getMinFreeSpace()
          Returns the amount of free disk space that is required for Splunk to continue searching and indexing.
 java.lang.String getPass4SymmKey()
          Returns the string that is prepended to the Splunk symmetric key to generate the final key that used to sign all traffic between master and slave licensers.
 java.lang.String getServerName()
          Returns the name that is used to identify this Splunk instance for features such as distributed search.
 java.lang.String getSessionTimeout()
          Returns the amount of time before a user session times out.
 java.lang.String getSplunkDB()
          Returns the fully-qualified path to the directory containing the default index for this instance of Splunk.
 java.lang.String getSplunkHome()
          Returns the fully-qualified path to the Splunk installation directory.
 boolean getStartWebServer()
          Indicates whether the instance is configured to start Splunk Web.
 java.lang.String getTrustedIP()
          Returns the IP address of the authenticating proxy.
 void setEnableSplunkWebSSL(boolean useHttps)
          Sets whether Splunk Web uses HTTP or HTTPS.
 void setHost(java.lang.String host)
          Sets the default host name to use for data inputs that do not override this setting.
 void setHttpPort(int port)
          Sets the Splunk Web listening port.
 void setMgmtPort(int port)
          Sets the management port for splunkd.
 void setMinimumFreeSpace(int minFreeSpace)
          Sets the amount of free disk space that must exist for splunkd to continue operating.
 void setPasswordSymmKey(java.lang.String pass4SymmKey)
          Sets the password string that is prepended to the Splunk symmetric key to generate the final key, which is used to sign all traffic between master/slave licensers.
 void setServerName(java.lang.String serverName)
          Sets the name that is used to identify this Splunk instance for features such as distributed search.
 void setSessionTimeout(java.lang.String sessionTimeout)
          Sets the session timeout.
 void setSplunkDBPath(java.lang.String path)
          Sets the fully-qualified local path to the default index.
 void setStartWebServer(boolean startwebserver)
          Sets whether to start Splunk Web.
 void setTrustedIP(java.lang.String trustedIP)
          Sets the IP address of the authenticating proxy.
 void update()
          Updates the entity with the accumulated arguments, established by the individual setter methods for each specific entity class.
 void update(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> args)
          Updates the entity with the values you previously set using the setter methods, and any additional specified arguments.
Methods inherited from class com.splunk.Entity
actionPath, clear, containsKey, containsValue, disable, enable, entrySet, get, getMetadata, isDisabled, isEmpty, isNameChangeAllowed, keySet, put, putAll, refresh, remove, remove, size, validate, values
Methods inherited from class com.splunk.Resource
getName, getPath, getService, getTitle, invalidate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Map
equals, hashCode

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getSplunkDB()
Returns the fully-qualified path to the directory containing the default index for this instance of Splunk.

The path to the Splunk index directory.


public java.lang.String getSplunkHome()
Returns the fully-qualified path to the Splunk installation directory.

The path to the Splunk installation directory.


public boolean getEnableSplunkWebSSL()
Indicates whether SSL is enabled on the Splunk management port.

true if SSL is enabled, false if not.


public java.lang.String getHost()
Returns the default host name to use for data inputs.

The host name.


public int getHttpPort()
Returns the port on which Splunk Web is listening for this instance of Splunk. The port number defaults to 8000.

The Splunk Web port number.


public int getMgmtPort()
Returns the IP address:port number for Splunkd.

The IP address:port number.


public int getMinFreeSpace()
Returns the amount of free disk space that is required for Splunk to continue searching and indexing.

The required amount of free disk space, in megabytes.


public java.lang.String getPass4SymmKey()
Returns the string that is prepended to the Splunk symmetric key to generate the final key that used to sign all traffic between master and slave licensers.

Licenser symmetric key.


public java.lang.String getServerName()
Returns the name that is used to identify this Splunk instance for features such as distributed search.

The name used to identify the Splunk instance.


public java.lang.String getSessionTimeout()
Returns the amount of time before a user session times out.

The session time-out.


public boolean getStartWebServer()
Indicates whether the instance is configured to start Splunk Web.

true if the instance is configured to start Splunk Web, false if Splunk Web is disabled.


public java.lang.String getTrustedIP()
Returns the IP address of the authenticating proxy.

The IP address of the authenticating proxy.


public void setSplunkDBPath(java.lang.String path)
Sets the fully-qualified local path to the default index. The default value is $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/db/.

path - The local path to the default index.


public void setEnableSplunkWebSSL(boolean useHttps)
Sets whether Splunk Web uses HTTP or HTTPS.

useHttps - true to use SSL and HTTPS, false to use HTTP.


public void setHost(java.lang.String host)
Sets the default host name to use for data inputs that do not override this setting.

host - The default host name.


public void setHttpPort(int port)
Sets the Splunk Web listening port. If Splunk uses SSL and HTTPS, this value should be set to the HTTPS port number.

Note: The port must be present for Splunk Web to start. If this value is omitted or set to 0, the server will not start an HTTP listener.

port - The Splunk Web listening port.
See Also:


public void setMgmtPort(int port)
Sets the management port for splunkd. The default value is 8089.

port - The port for the management interface.


public void setMinimumFreeSpace(int minFreeSpace)
Sets the amount of free disk space that must exist for splunkd to continue operating.

Before attempting to run a search, Splunk requires this amount of free space on the file system where the dispatch directory is stored ($SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/dispatch).

minFreeSpace - The minimum free space, in megabytes.


public void setPasswordSymmKey(java.lang.String pass4SymmKey)
Sets the password string that is prepended to the Splunk symmetric key to generate the final key, which is used to sign all traffic between master/slave licensers.

pass4SymmKey - The prepended password string.


public void setServerName(java.lang.String serverName)
Sets the name that is used to identify this Splunk instance for features such as distributed search. The default value is <hostname>-<user running splunk>.

serverName - The server name.


public void setSessionTimeout(java.lang.String sessionTimeout)
Sets the session timeout. The valid format is number followed by a time unit ("s", "h", or "d").

sessionTimeout - The session timeout value.


public void setStartWebServer(boolean startwebserver)
Sets whether to start Splunk Web.

startwebserver - true to start Splunk Web, false if not.


public void setTrustedIP(java.lang.String trustedIP)
Sets the IP address of the authenticating proxy. Set this value to a valid IP address to enable SSO. This attribute is disabled by default. The normal value is "".

trustedIP - The authenticating proxy's IP address.


public void update(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> args)
Updates the entity with the values you previously set using the setter methods, and any additional specified arguments. The specified arguments take precedent over the values that were set using the setter methods.

update in class Entity
args - The arguments to update.


public void update()
Updates the entity with the accumulated arguments, established by the individual setter methods for each specific entity class.

update in class Entity