Uses of Class

Packages that use MalformedDataException

Uses of MalformedDataException in com.splunk.examples.random_numbers

Methods in com.splunk.examples.random_numbers that throw MalformedDataException
 void Program.streamEvents(InputDefinition inputs, EventWriter ew)

Uses of MalformedDataException in com.splunk.modularinput

Methods in com.splunk.modularinput that throw MalformedDataException
 boolean SingleValueParameter.getBoolean()
          Tries to coerce the value of this parameter to a Boolean.
static java.util.List<Parameter> Parameter.nodeToParameterList(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
          Generates a list of Parameter objects from an org.w3c.dom.Node object containing a set of parameters.
static ValidationDefinition ValidationDefinition.parseDefinition( stream)
          Create a ValidationDefinition from a provided stream containing XML.
static InputDefinition InputDefinition.parseDefinition( stream)
          Parses a stream containing XML into an InputDefinition.
abstract  void Script.streamEvents(InputDefinition inputs, EventWriter ew)
          Streams events into Splunk.
 void EventWriter.synchronizedWriteEvent(Event event)
          Thread safe version of writeEvent.
 void ModularInputTestCase.testCoercionMethods()
          Test the methods on SingleValueParameter to coerce its value to a boolean or various kinds of numbers.
 void ModularInputTestCase.testNormalizeBoolean()
          Tries the known cases supported by XmlUtil.normalizeBoolean, and asserts that it throws an error when passed an unknown case.
 void InputDefinitionTest.testParseStreamWithThreeInputs()
          Check whether the InputDefinition parsed from a stream with metadata and three inputs is what we expect.
 void InputDefinitionTest.testParseStreamWithZeroInputs()
          Check whether the InputDefinition parsed from a stream with metadata and zero inputs is what we expect.
 void ValidationDefinitionTest.testParseValidationDefinition()
          Checks that the ValidationDefinition parsed from XML is what we expect.
 void EventTest.testWritingEventsOnEventWriter()
          Write a pair of events with an EventWriter, and ensure that they are being encoded immediately and correctly onto the output stream.
 void EventTest.testXmlOfEventWithMinimalConfiguration()
          Generate XML from an event object with a small number of fields, and see if it matches what we expect.
 void EventTest.testXmlOfEventWithMoreConfiguration()
          Generate XML from an event with all its fields set, and see if it matches what we expect.
 void EventWriter.writeEvent(Event event)
          Writes an Event object to Splunk.
 void Event.writeTo( out)
          Writes this event to the given XMLStreamWriter.