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Class Methods | Properties
TrStop Class Reference

Inherits Transaction.

Class Methods

(TrStop *) + getInstanceWithTransactionId:transactionName:appEnvironment:duration:reason:andCompletedStatus:


NSNumber * duration
NSString * status
NSString * reason
- Properties inherited from Transaction
NSString * name
NSString * transactionId

Method Documentation

+ (TrStop*) getInstanceWithTransactionId: (NSString *)  transactionId
transactionName: (NSString *)  transactionName
appEnvironment: (MintAppEnvironment *)  anAppEnvironment
duration: (NSNumber *)  aDuration
reason: (NSString *)  aReason
andCompletedStatus: (NSString *)  aCompletedStatus 

Creates a new TrStop instance.

transactionIdThe transaction ID of the TrStart instance, auto-generated when the TrStart instance is created.
transactionNameThe unique transaction name of the TrStart instance.
anAppEnvironmentA MintAppEnvironment instance.
aDurationThe duration of the transaction, in seconds.
aReasonThe reason the transaction stopped, was cancelled, or failed.
aCompletedStatusThe completion status of the transaction.
A TrStop instance reference

Property Documentation

- (NSNumber*) duration

The duration of the transaction, in seconds.

- (NSString*) reason

The reason the transaction stopped, was cancelled, or failed.

- (NSString*) status

The status of the transaction.

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