Docs » Supported integrations in Splunk Observability Cloud » Instrument back-end applications to send spans to Splunk APM » Instrument .NET applications for Splunk Observability Cloud (OpenTelemetry) » SignalFx Instrumentation for .NET (Deprecated) » Configure the SignalFx Instrumentation for .NET


The SignalFx Instrumentation for .NET reached End of Support on February 21, 2025. The library has been archived and is no longer maintained.

New customers instrumenting the .NET ecosystem should use the Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry .NET. Existing customers should consider migrating to Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry .NET which offers similar capabilities. To learn how to migrate, see Migrate from the SignalFx .NET Instrumentation.

Configure the SignalFx Instrumentation for .NET πŸ”—

You can configure the SignalFx Instrumentation for .NET to suit your instrumentation needs. In most cases, modifying the basic configuration is enough to get started. More advanced settings are also available.

Configuration methods πŸ”—

You can change the settings of the SignalFx Instrumentation for .NET in the following ways:

  1. Set environment variables. On Windows, set them in the process scope unless you want to activate autoinstrumentation globally for all .NET applications.

  2. Edit the web.config or app.config file. For example:

          <add key="SIGNALFX_SERVICE_NAME" value="my-service-name" />
  3. Generate a JSON configuration file and set the SIGNALFX_TRACE_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to the path of the file. You can define settings as key-value pairs:

       "SIGNALFX_SERVICE_NAME": "my-service-name"


Settings defined using environment variables override settings in XML and JSON configuration files.

General settings πŸ”—

The following settings are common to most instrumentation scenarios:




The value for the deployment.environment tag added to all spans.


The name of the application or service. If not set, the instrumentation looks for a suitable default name. See Changing the default service name.


The version of the application. When set, it adds the version tag to all spans.


Names of the executable files that the profiler can instrument. Supports multiple semicolon-separated values, for example: MyApp.exe;dotnet.exe.


Names of the executable files that the profiler cannot instrument. Supports multiple semicolon-separated values, for example: ReservedProcess.exe;powershell.exe.


Path of the JSON configuration file. Set this environment variable if you’re configuring the instrumentation using a JSON file. See Configuration methods for more information.


Set to false to deactivate the tracer. The default value is true.


Set to true to indicate that the profiler is running in the context of Azure App Services. The default value is false.


Location of the installed instrumentation. Must be set manually to /opt/signalfx when instrumenting applications on Linux or background services in Azure App Service. By default, the Windows installer automatically uses the C:\Program Files\SignalFx\.NET Tracing directory.

Exporter settings πŸ”—

The following settings control trace exporters and their endpoints:




Splunk Observability Cloud access token for your organization. The token activates sending traces directly to the Splunk Observability Cloud ingest endpoint. To obtain an access token, see Retrieve and manage user API access tokens using Splunk Observability Cloud.


The name of your organization’s realm, for example, us0. When you set the realm, metrics are sent to https://ingest.<realm> and traces are sent to https://ingest.<realm>


The URL to where the trace exporter sends traces. The default value is http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans. Setting a value overrides the SIGNALFX_REALM environment variable.


The URL to where the metrics exporter sends metrics. The default value is http://localhost:9943/v2/datapoint. Setting a value overrides the SIGNALFX_REALM environment variable.


Activate to export traces that contain a minimum number of closed spans, as defined by SIGNALFX_TRACE_PARTIAL_FLUSH_MIN_SPANS. The default value is false.


Minimum number of closed spans in a trace before it’s exported. The default value is 500. Requires the value of the SIGNALFX_TRACE_PARTIAL_FLUSH_ENABLED environment variable to be true.

Trace propagation settings πŸ”—

The following settings control trace propagation:




Comma-separated list of propagators for the tracer. The available propagators are B3 and W3C, which correspond to the b3multi and tracecontext propagators in the OpenTelemetry SDK. The default value is B3,W3C.

.NET settings for AlwaysOn Profiling πŸ”—

The following settings control the AlwaysOn Profiling feature for the .NET instrumentation:

Environment variable



Activates AlwaysOn Profiling. The default value is false.


Activates memory profiling. The default value is false.


The collector endpoint for profiler logs. The default value is http://localhost:4318/v1/logs.


Frequency with which call stacks are sampled, in milliseconds. The default value is 10000 milliseconds.


For more information on AlwaysOn Profiling, see Introduction to AlwaysOn Profiling for Splunk APM.

Metrics settings πŸ”—

The following settings control metric collection:




Configuration pattern for activating or deactivating a specific metrics group. For example, to activate NetRuntime metrics, set SIGNALFX_METRICS_NetRuntime_ENABLED=true. Supported metrics are NetRuntime, Process, AspNetCore, and Traces. The default value is false. See Metrics collected by the SignalFx Instrumentation for .NET for more information.


NetRuntime metrics are always collected if memory profiling is activated.

Instrumentation settings πŸ”—

The following settings control instrumentations and tracing behavior:




Comma-separated list of key-value pairs that specify global span tags. For example: key1:val1,key2:val2.


Maximum length of the value of an attribute. Values longer than this value are truncated. Values are discarded entirely when set to 0, and ignored when set to a negative value. The default value is 12000.


Comma-separated list of library instrumentations you want to deactivate. Each value must match an internal instrumentation ID. See Supported libraries for a list of integration identifiers.


Activates or deactivates a specific instrumentation library. For example, to deactivate the Kafka instrumentation, set SIGNALFX_TRACE_Kafka_ENABLED to false. The value must match an internal instrumentation ID. See Supported libraries for a list of integration identifiers.

Library-specific instrumentation settings πŸ”—

The following settings control the behavior of specific instrumentations:




Comma-separated list of HTTP client response statuses or ranges for which the spans are set as errors, for example: 300, 400-499. The default value is 400-599.


Comma-separated list of HTTP server response statuses or ranges for which the spans are set as errors, for example: 300, 400-599. The default value is 500-599.


Activates the tagging of a PostData command as db.statement. It might introduce overhead for direct streaming users. The default value is true.


Activates the tagging of a BsonDocument command as db.statement. The default value is true.


Activates the tagging of Redis commands as db.statement. The default value is true.


Activates the updated WCF instrumentation, which delays execution until later in the WCF pipeline when the WCF server exception handling is established. The default value is false.


Comma-separated map of HTTP header keys to tag names, automatically applied as tags on traces. For example: x-my-header:my-tag,header2:tag2.


Comma-separated list of URL substrings. Matching URLs are ignored by the tracer. For example, subdomain,xyz,login,download.


Activate to close consumer scope upon entering a method and starting a new one on method exit. The default value is true.


Activate to base ASP.NET span and resource names on routing configuration, if applicable. The default value is true.

Server trace information πŸ”—

To connect Real User Monitoring (RUM) requests from mobile and web applications with server trace data, trace response headers are activated by default. The instrumentation adds the following response headers to HTTP responses:

Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Server-Timing
Server-Timing: traceparent;desc="00-<serverTraceId>-<serverSpanId>-01"

The Server-Timing header contains the traceId and spanId parameters in traceparent format. W3C tracecontext and W3C baggage context propagation is activated by default. For more information, see the Server-Timing and traceparent documentation on the W3C website.


If you need to deactivate trace response headers, set SIGNALFX_TRACE_RESPONSE_HEADER_ENABLED to false.

Query string settings πŸ”—


This feature is only available when instrumenting ASP.NET Core applications.

The following settings control the inclusion of query strings in the http.url tag for ASP.NET Core instrumented applications.




Activates or deactivates query string inclusion in the http.url tag for ASP.NET Core applications. The default value is true.


Custom regular expression to obfuscate query strings. The default value is shown in the example.


Timeout to the execution of the query string obfuscation pattern defined in SIGNALFX_TRACE_OBFUSCATION_QUERY_STRING_REGEXP, in milliseconds. The default value is 200.

Obfuscating query string prevents your applications from sending sensitive data to Splunk.

The default regular expression for query obfuscation is the following:


Diagnostic logging settings πŸ”—

The following settings control the internal logging of the SignalFx Instrumentation for .NET:




Activate to generate troubleshooting logs using the System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource class. The default value is true.


Activates file logging. The default value is true.


The maximum size for tracer log files, in bytes. The default value is 245760, or 10 megabytes.


Activates stdout logging. The default value is false.


Configures the stdout log template using the Serilog formatting conventions. The default value is [{Level:u3}] {Message:lj} {NewLine}{Exception}{NewLine}.


Activate to activate debugging mode for the tracer. The default value is false.


Directory of the .NET tracer logs. Overrides the value in SIGNALFX_TRACE_LOG_PATH if present. The default value is /var/log/signalfx/dotnet/ for Linux and %ProgramData%\SignalFx .NET Tracing\logs\ for Windows.


The number of seconds between identical log messages for tracer log files. Setting this environment variable to 0 deactivates rate limiting. The default value is 60.


Activate to activate diagnostic logs at startup. The default value is true.

Changing the default service name πŸ”—

By default, the SignalFx Instrumentation for .NET retrieves the service name by trying the following steps until it succeeds:

  1. For the SignalFx .NET Tracing Azure Site Extension, the default service name is the site name as defined by the WEBSITE_SITE_NAME environment variable.

  2. For ASP.NET applications, the default service name is SiteName[/VirtualPath].

  3. For other applications, the default service name is the name of the entry assembly. For example, the name of your .NET project file.

  4. If the entry assembly is not available, the instrumentation tries to use the current process name. The process name can be dotnet if launched directly using an assembly. For example, dotnet InstrumentedApp.dll.

If all the steps fail, the service name defaults to UnknownService.

To override the default service name, set the SIGNALFX_SERVICE_NAME environment variable.

This page was last updated on Feb 21, 2025.