Docs » Get started with the Splunk Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector » Migrate from SignalFx Smart Agent to the Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry Collector » Configuration translation rules and tool

Configuration translation rules and tool πŸ”—


The SignalFx Smart Agent and its translatesfx tool are deprecated.

Note that this only affects the agent and the translation tool; Smart Agent receivers bundled in the Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry Collector are available and supported. See more at Migrate from SignalFx Smart Agent to the Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry Collector.

translatesfx is a command-line tool provided by Splunk Observability Cloud that helps you translate your existing Smart Agent YAML configuration file into a configuration that can be used by the Collector.

With translatesfx you can automate most of the configuration changes when migrating from the Smart Agent to the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector. Evaluate and test any configuration produced by translatesfx carefully before releasing it into production environments.

Configuration translation rules πŸ”—

To transform a Smart Agent configuration file into a Collector config file, you need to map the original parameters using the Collector’s configuration syntax.

See the samples below:

Original Smart Agent config πŸ”—

signalFxAccessToken: {"#from": "env:SFX_ACCESS_TOKEN"}
ingestUrl: {"#from": "ingest_url", default: ""}
apiUrl: {"#from": "api_url", default: ""}
traceEndpointUrl: {"#from": 'trace_endpoint_url', default: ""}

intervalSeconds: 10

   level: info

   - {"#from": "monitors/*.yaml", flatten: true, optional: true}
   - type: memory

Collector config output πŸ”—

      type: cpu
      type: load
      type: memory
      access_token: ${SFX_ACCESS_TOKEN}
         realm: us1
        - smartagent/cpu
        - smartagent/load
        - smartagent/memory
        - signalfx

Use the configuration translation tool πŸ”—

There are two approaches to using translatesfx, either from the command line or from the GUI.

From the command line πŸ”—

To run the tool from the command line, download the executables from the releases page . The executables are also contained in the RPM, MSI, and Debian packages as well as the Docker images (version 0.36.1 and higher).

The translatesfx command requires a Smart Agent configuration file as the first argument, and accepts a directory as the optional second argument, which is the working directory used by any Smart Agent #from file expansion directives. The translatesfx command uses this working directory to resolve any relative paths to files referenced by any #from directives at runtime.

% translatesfx <sfx-file> [<file expansion working directory>]

If this working directory argument is omitted, translatesfx expands relative file paths using the current working directory:

% translatesfx path/to/sfx/<config-filename>.yaml
% translatesfx /etc/signalfx/sa-config.yaml

When translatesfx runs, it sends the translated Collector configuration to the standard output. To write the contents to disk, redirect this output to a new Collector configuration file:

% translatesfx /etc/signalfx/sa-config.yaml > /etc/signalfxotel-config.yaml