Uses of Class

Packages that use Job

Uses of Job in com.splunk

Methods in com.splunk that return Job
 Job Job.cancel()
          Stops the current search and deletes the result cache.
 Job Job.control(java.lang.String action)
          Performs the requested action on this job.
 Job Job.control(java.lang.String action, java.util.Map args)
          Performs the requested action on this job.
 Job JobCollection.create(java.lang.String query)
          Creates a search with a UTF8 pre-encoded search request.
 Job JobCollection.create(java.lang.String query, JobArgs args)
          Creates a search.
 Job JobCollection.create(java.lang.String query, java.util.Map args)
          Creates a search.
 Job Job.disablePreview()
          Disables preview for this job.
 Job SavedSearch.dispatch()
          Runs the saved search.
 Job SavedSearch.dispatch(java.util.Map args)
          Runs the saved search using dispatch arguments.
 Job SavedSearch.dispatch(SavedSearchDispatchArgs args)
          Runs the saved search using dispatch arguments.
 Job Job.enablePreview()
          Enables preview for this job (although it might slow search considerably).
 Job Job.finish()
          Stops the job and provides intermediate results available for retrieval.
 Job[] SavedSearch.history()
          Returns an array of search jobs created from this saved search.
 Job Job.pause()
          Pauses the current search.
 Job Job.refresh()
          Refreshes this job.
 Job query)
          Creates an asynchronous search using the given query.
 Job query, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> args)
          Creates an asynchronous search job using the given query and search arguments.