Uses of Class

Packages that use Entity

Uses of Entity in com.splunk

Classes in com.splunk with type parameters of type Entity
 class EntityCollection<T extends Entity>
          The EntityCollection class represents a collection of Splunk entities.

Subclasses of Entity in com.splunk
 class Application
          The Application class represents a locally-installed Splunk app.
 class ApplicationArchive
          The ApplicationArchive class represents an archive of a Splunk app.
 class ApplicationSetup
          The ApplicationSetup class represents the setup information for a Splunk app.
 class ApplicationUpdate
          The ApplicationUpdate class represents information for an update to a locally-installed Splunk app.
 class DataModel
          DataModel represents a data model on the server.
 class DeploymentClient
          The DeploymentClient class represents a Splunk deployment client, providing access to deployment client configuration and status.
 class DeploymentServer
          The DeploymentServer class represents a Splunk deployment server, and provides access to the configurations of all deployment servers.
 class DeploymentServerClass
          The DeploymentServerClass class represents a Splunk deployment server class, providing access to the configuration of a server class.
 class DeploymentTenant
          The DeploymentTenant class represents a Splunk deployment tenant, and provides access to the multi-tenants configuration for this Splunk instance.
 class DistributedConfiguration
          The DistributedConfiguration class represents a Splunk distributed search configuration, providing access to Splunk's distributed search options.
 class DistributedPeer
          The DistributedPeer class represents a Splunk distributed peer, providing distributed peer server management.
 class EventType
          The EventType class represents an event type.
 class FiredAlert
          The FiredAlert class represents a fired alert.
 class FiredAlertGroup
          The FiredAlertGroup class represents a group of fired alerts, which are the alerts for a given saved search.
 class Index
          The Index class represents an index.
 class Input
          The Input class represents a data input.
 class Job
          The Job class represents a job, which is an individual instance of a running or completed search or report, along with its related output.
 class License
          The License class represents a license, providing access to the licenses for this Splunk instance.
 class LicenseGroup
          The LicenseGroup class represents a license group, which is a collection of one or more license stacks.
 class LicenseMessage
          The LicenseMessage class represents a license message.
 class LicensePool
          The LicensePool class represents a license pool, which is made up of a single license master and zero or more license slave instances of Splunk that are configured to use the licensing volume from a set license or license stack.
 class LicenseSlave
          The LicenseSlave class represents a license slave, which is a member of one or more license pools.
 class LicenseStack
          The LicenseStack class represents a license stack, which is a collection of licenses of the same type.
 class Logger
          The Logger class represents a specific Splunkd logging category.
 class Message
          The Message class represents a message.
 class ModularInputKind
          The ModularInputKind class represents a particular modular input.
 class MonitorInput
          The MonitorInput class represents a monitor input, which is a file, directory, script, or network port that is monitored for new data.
 class OutputDefault
          The OutputDefault class represents the default TCP output configuration, providing access to global TCP output properties.
 class OutputGroup
          The OutputGroup class represents an output group, providing access to the configuration of a group of one or more data-forwarding destinations.
 class OutputServer
          The OutputServer class represents an output server, providing access to data-forwarding configurations.
 class OutputServerAllConnections
          The OutputServerAllConnections class represents all the connections of an output server.
 class OutputSyslog
          The OutputSyslog class represents a syslog output, providing access to properties of a forwarding server that provides data in standard syslog format.
 class Password
          The Password class represents a saved credential.
 class Role
          The Role class represents a Splunk role, which is a collection of permissions and capabilities.
 class SavedSearch
          The SavedSearch class represents a saved search.
 class ScriptInput
          The ScriptInput class represents a scripted data input.
 class ServiceInfo
          The ServiceInfo class contains information about a running Splunk Service instance (Splunkd).
 class Settings
          The Settings class represents configuration information for an instance of Splunk.
 class TcpConnections
          The TcpConnections class represents a raw or cooked TCP connection.
 class TcpInput
          The TcpInput class represents a raw TCP data input.
 class TcpSplunkInput
          The TcpSplunkInput class represents a Splunk-processed "cooked" TCP data input.
 class UdpConnections
          The UdpConnections class represents a UDP connection.
 class UdpInput
          The UdpInput class represents a UDP data input.
 class Upload
          The Upload class represents an in-progress oneshot upload.
 class User
          The User class represents a Splunk user who is registered on the current Splunk server.
 class WindowsActiveDirectoryInput
          The WindowsActiveDirectoryInput class represents a Windows Active Directory data input.
 class WindowsEventLogInput
          The WindowsEventLogInput class represents a Windows Event Log data input.
 class WindowsPerfmonInput
          The WindowsPerfmonInput class represents a Windows Performance Monitor (Perfmon) data input.
 class WindowsRegistryInput
          The WindowsRegistryInput class represents a Windows Registry data input.
 class WindowsWmiInput
          The WindowsWmiInput class represents a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) data input.

Methods in com.splunk that return Entity
 Entity Entity.refresh()
          Refreshes the local state of this resource.
 Entity Entity.validate()
          Ensures that the local state of the resource is current, calling refresh if necessary.

Methods in com.splunk that return types with arguments of type Entity
 EntityCollection<Entity> ConfCollection.create(java.lang.String name)
          Creates a new stanza in the current configuration file.
 EntityCollection<Entity> ConfCollection.create(java.lang.String name, java.util.Map args)
          Creates a new stanza in the current configuration file with attributes.