class Splunk::Context

Class encapsulating a connection to a Splunk server.

This class is used for lower-level REST-based control of Splunk. For most use, you will want to use Context's subclass Service, which provides convenient access to Splunk's various collections and entities.

To use the Context class, create a new Context with a hash of arguments giving the details of the connection, and call the login method on it:

context = => "admin",
                              :password => "changeme").login()

Context#new takes a hash of keyword arguments. The keys it understands are:

If you specify a token, you need not specify a username or password, nor do you need to call the login method.

Context provides three other important methods:



The host to connect to.

Defaults to “localhost”.

Returns: a String.


The default namespace used for requests on this Context.

The namespace must be a Namespace object. If a call to request is made without a namespace, this namespace is used for the request.

Defaults to DefaultNamespace.

Returns: a Namespace object.


The password used to connect.

If a token is provided, this field can be nil.

Returns: a String or nil.


The path prefix that should be prepended to all URLs. This is useful if the Splunk server is behind a reverse proxy server.

Defaults to empty string.


The port to connect to.

Defaults to 8089.

Returns: an Integer.


An instance of +Net::HTTP::Proxy+ to use as a proxy service.


The protocol used to connect.

Defaults to :https.

Returns: :http or :https.


A +OpenSSL::X509::Certificate+ object to use as a client certificate.


A +OpenSSL::PKey::RSA+ or +OpenSSL::PKey::DSA+ object to use as a client key.


The authentication token on Splunk.

If this Context is not logged in, this is nil. Otherwise it is a String that is passed with each request.

Returns: a String or nil.


The username used to connect.

If a token is provided, this field can be nil.

Returns: a String or nil.

Public Class Methods

new(args) click to toggle source
# File lib/splunk-sdk-ruby/context.rb, line 79
def initialize(args)
  @token = args.fetch(:token, nil)
  @scheme = args.fetch(:scheme, DEFAULT_SCHEME).intern()
  @host = args.fetch(:host, DEFAULT_HOST)
  @port = Integer(args.fetch(:port, DEFAULT_PORT))
  @username = args.fetch(:username, nil)
  @password = args.fetch(:password, nil)
  # Have to use Splunk::namespace() or we will call the
  # local accessor.
  @namespace = args.fetch(:namespace,
                          Splunk::namespace(:sharing => "default"))
  @proxy = args.fetch(:proxy, nil)
  @basic = args.fetch(:basic, false)
  @path_prefix = args.fetch(:path_prefix, DEFAULT_PATH_PREFIX)
  @ssl_client_cert = args.fetch(:ssl_client_cert, nil)
  @ssl_client_key = args.fetch(:ssl_client_key, nil)

Public Instance Methods

connect() click to toggle source

Opens a TCP socket to the Splunk HTTP server.

If the scheme field of this Context is :https, this method returns an SSLSocket. If scheme is :http, a TCPSocket is returned. Due to design errors in Ruby's standard library, these two do not share the same method names, so code written for HTTPS will not work for HTTP.

Returns: an SSLSocket or TCPSocket.

# File lib/splunk-sdk-ruby/context.rb, line 197
def connect()
  socket =, @port)
  if scheme == :https
    ssl_context =
    ssl_context.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
    ssl_socket =, ssl_context)
    ssl_socket.sync_close = true
    return ssl_socket
    return socket
login() click to toggle source

Logs into Splunk and set the token field on this Context.

The login method assumes that the Context has a username and password set. You cannot pass them as arguments to this method. On a successful login, the token field of the Context is set to the token returned by Splunk, and all further requests to the server will send this token.

If this Context already has a token that is not nil, it is already logged in, and this method is a nop.

Raises SplunkHTTPError if there is a problem logging in.

Returns: the Context.

# File lib/splunk-sdk-ruby/context.rb, line 226
def login()
  if @token # If we're already logged in, this method is a nop.
    return self
  if @basic # We're using basic authentication, thus making this a nop
    return self
  response = request(:namespace => Splunk::namespace(:sharing => "default"),
                     :method => :POST,
                     :resource => ["auth", "login"],
                     :query => {},
                     :headers => {},
                     :body => {:username=>@username, :password=>@password})
  # The response looks like:
  # <response>
  # <sessionKey>da950729652f8255c230afe37bdf8b97</sessionKey>
  # </response>
  @token = Splunk::text_at_xpath("//sessionKey", response.body)

logout() click to toggle source

Logs out of Splunk.

This sets the @token attribute to nil.

Returns: the Context.

# File lib/splunk-sdk-ruby/context.rb, line 255
def logout()
  @token = nil
request(args) click to toggle source

Issues an HTTP(S) request to the Splunk instance.

The request method does not take a URL. Instead, it takes a hash of optional arguments specifying an action in the REST API. This avoids the problem knowing whether a given piece of data is URL encoded or not.

The arguments are:

  • method: The HTTP method to use (one of :GET, :POST, or :DELETE; default: :GET).

  • namespace: The namespace to request a resource from Splunk in. Must be a Namespace object. (default: the value of @namespace on this Context)

  • resource: An array of strings specifying the components of the path to the resource after the namespace. The strings should not be URL encoded, as that will be handled by request. (default: [])

  • query: A hash containing the values to be encoded as the query (the part following “?”) in the URL. Nothing should be URL encoded as request will do the encoding. If you need to pass multiple values for the same key, insert them as an Array as the value of their key into the Hash, and they will be properly encoded as a sequence of entries with the same key. (default: {})

  • headers: A hash containing the values to be encoded as headers. None should be URL encoded, and the request method will automatically add headers for User-Agent and Splunk authentication for you. Keys must be unique, so the values must be strings, not arrays, unlike for query. (default: {})

  • body: Either a hash to be encoded as the body of a POST request, or a string to be used as the raw, already encoded body of a POST request. If you pass a hash, you can pass multiple values for the same key by encoding them as an Array, which will be properly set as multiple instances of the same key in the POST body. Nothing in the hash should be URL encoded, as request will handle all such encoding. (default: {})

If Splunk responds with an HTTP code 2xx, the request method returns an HTTP response object (the import methods of which are code, message, and body, and each to enumerate over the response headers). If the HTTP code is not 2xx, request raises a SplunkHTTPError.


c = Splunk::connect(username="admin", password="changeme")
# Get a list of the indexes in this Splunk instance.
c.request(:namespace => Splunk::namespace(),
          :resource => ["data", "indexes"])
# Create a new index called "my_new_index"
c.request(:method => :POST,
          :resource => ["data", "indexes"],
          :body => {"name", "my_new_index"})
# File lib/splunk-sdk-ruby/context.rb, line 313
def request(args)
  method = args.fetch(:method, :GET)
  scheme = @scheme
  host = @host
  port = @port
  namespace = args.fetch(:namespace, @namespace)
  resource = args.fetch(:resource, [])
  query = args.fetch(:query, {})
  headers = args.fetch(:headers, {})
  body = args.fetch(:body, {})

  if method != :GET && method != :POST && method != :DELETE
    raise"Method must be one of :GET, :POST, or " +
                                ":DELETE, found: #{method}")

  if scheme && scheme != :http && scheme != :https
    raise"Scheme must be one of :http or :https, " +
                                "found: #{scheme}")

  if port && !port.is_a?(Integer)
    raise"Port must be an Integer, found: #{port}")

  if !namespace.is_a?(Namespace)
    raise"Namespace must be a Namespace, " +
                                "found: #{namespace}")

  # Construct the URL for the request.
  url = ""
  url << "#{(scheme || @scheme).to_s}://"
  url << "#{host || @host}:#{(port || @port).to_s}/"
  url << @path_prefix
  # You would think that the second argument to URI::encode would be unnecessary
  # for it to actually escape URI reserved characters. You would be wrong. It does
  # have to be there, or URI::encode doesn't actually escape any characters.
  url << (namespace.to_path_fragment() + resource).
      map {|fragment| URI::encode(fragment,"[^#{URI::PATTERN::UNRESERVED}]"))}.

  return request_by_url(:url => url,
                        :method => method,
                        :query => query,
                        :headers => headers,
                        :body => body)
request_by_url(args) click to toggle source

Makes a request to the Splunk server given a prebuilt URL.

Unless you are using a URL that was returned by the Splunk server as part of an Atom feed, you should prefer the request method, which has much clearer semantics.

The request_by_url method takes a hash of arguments. The recognized arguments are:

  • :url: (a URI object or a String) The URL, including authority, to make a request to.

  • :method: (:GET, :POST, or :DELETE) The HTTP method to use.

  • query: A hash containing the values to be encoded as the query (the part following “?”) in the URL. Nothing should be URL encoded as request will do the encoding. If you need to pass multiple values for the same key, insert them as an Array as the value of their key into the Hash, and they will be properly encoded as a sequence of entries with the same key. (default: {})

  • headers: A hash containing the values to be encoded as headers. None should be URL encoded, and the request method will automatically add headers for User-Agent and Splunk authentication for you. Keys must be unique, so the values must be strings, not arrays, unlike for query. (default: {})

  • body: Either a hash to be encoded as the body of a POST request, or a string to be used as the raw, already encoded body of a POST request. If you pass a hash, you can pass multiple values for the same key by encoding them as an Array, which will be properly set as multiple instances of the same key in the POST body. Nothing in the hash should be URL encoded, as request will handle all such encoding. (default: {})

If Splunk responds with an HTTP code 2xx, the request_by_url method returns an HTTP response object (the import methods of which are code, message, and body, and each to enumerate over the response headers). If the HTTP code is not 2xx, the request_by_url method raises a SplunkHTTPError.

# File lib/splunk-sdk-ruby/context.rb, line 400
def request_by_url(args)
  url = args.fetch(:url)
  if url.is_a?(String)
    url = URI(url)
  method = args.fetch(:method, :GET)
  query = args.fetch(:query, {})
  headers = args.fetch(:headers, {})
  body = args.fetch(:body, {})

  if !query.empty?
    url.query = URI.encode_www_form(query)

  if method == :GET
    request =
  elsif method == :POST
    request =
  elsif method == :DELETE
    request =

  # Headers
  request["User-Agent"] = "splunk-sdk-ruby/#{VERSION}"
  request["Authorization"] = "Splunk #{@token}" if @token

  # basic authentication supercedes Splunk authentication
  if @basic then
    request.basic_auth(@username, @password)
  headers.each_entry do |key, value|
    request[key] = value

  # Body
  if body.is_a?(String)
    # This case exists only for submitting an event to an index via HTTP.
    request.body = body
    request.body = URI.encode_www_form(body)

  # Issue the request.
  url_hostname =
  if url.respond_to?(:hostname)
    url_hostname = url.hostname
  response = (@proxy || Net::HTTP)::start(
      url_hostname, url.port,
      :use_ssl => url.scheme == 'https',
      # We don't support certificates.
      :verify_mode => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE,
      :cert => @ssl_client_cert,
      :key => @ssl_client_key
  ) do |http|

  # Handle any errors.
  if !response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
    return response
restart(timeout=nil) click to toggle source

Restarts this Splunk instance.

The restart method may be called with an optional timeout. If you pass a timeout, restart will wait up to that number of seconds for the server to come back up before returning. If restart did not time out, it leaves the Context logged in when it returns.

If the timeout is, omitted, the restart method returns immediately, and you will have to ascertain if Splunk has come back up yourself, for example with code like:

context =
Timeout::timeout(timeout) do
    while !context.server_accepting_connections? ||

Returns: this Context.

# File lib/splunk-sdk-ruby/context.rb, line 489
def restart(timeout=nil)
  # Set a message saying that restart is required. Otherwise we have no
  # way of knowing if Splunk has actually gone down for a restart or not.
  request(:method => :POST,
          :namespace => Splunk::namespace(:sharing => "default"),
          :resource => ["messages"],
          :body => {"name" => "restart_required",
                    "value" => "Message set by restart method" +
                        " of the Splunk Ruby SDK"})

  # Make the actual restart request.
  request(:method => :POST,
          :resource => ["server", "control", "restart"])

  # Clear our old token, which will no longer work after the restart.

  # If +timeout+ is +nil+, return immediately. If timeout is a positive
  # integer, wait for +timeout+ seconds for the server to come back up.
  if !timeout.nil?
    Timeout::timeout(timeout) do
      while !server_accepting_connections? || server_requires_restart?

  # Return the +Context+.
server_accepting_connections?() click to toggle source

Is the Splunk server accepting connections?

Returns true if the Splunk server is up and accepting REST API connections; false otherwise.

# File lib/splunk-sdk-ruby/context.rb, line 526
def server_accepting_connections?()
    # Can't use login, since it has short circuits
    # when @token != nil on the Context. Instead, make
    # a request directly.
    request(:resource => ["data", "indexes"])
  rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, EOFError, Errno::ECONNRESET
    return false
  rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError
    return false
  rescue SplunkHTTPError
    # Splunk is up, because it responded with a proper HTTP error
    # that our SplunkHTTPError parser understood.
    return true
    # Or the request worked, so we know that Splunk is up.
    return true
server_requires_restart?() click to toggle source

Is the Splunk server in a state requiring a restart?

Returns true if the Splunk server is down (equivalent to server_accepting_connections?), or if there is a restart_required message on the server; false otherwise.

# File lib/splunk-sdk-ruby/context.rb, line 553
def server_requires_restart?()
  begin # We must have two layers of rescue, because the login in the
        # SplunkHTTPError rescue can also throw Errno::ECONNREFUSED.
      request(:resource => ["messages", "restart_required"])
      return true
    rescue SplunkHTTPError => err
      if err.code == 401
        # The messages endpoint requires authentication.
        return server_requires_restart?()
      elsif err.code == 404
        return false
        raise err
  rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, EOFError, Errno::ECONNRESET
    return true