class Splunk::PuppetResultsReader

Version of ResultsReader that accepts an external parsing state.

ResultsReader sets up its own Fiber for doing SAX parsing of the XML, but for the MultiResultsReader, we want to share a single fiber among all the results readers that we create. PuppetResultsReader takes the fiber, is_preview, and fields information from its constructor and then exposes the same methods as ResultsReader.

You should never create an instance of PuppetResultsReader by hand. It will be passed back from iterating over a MultiResultsReader.

Public Class Methods

new(fiber, is_preview, fields) click to toggle source
# File lib/splunk-sdk-ruby/resultsreader.rb, line 531
def initialize(fiber, is_preview, fields)
  @valid = true
  @iteration_fiber = fiber
  @is_preview = is_preview
  @fields = fields

Public Instance Methods

each() click to toggle source
Calls superclass method Splunk::ResultsReader#each
# File lib/splunk-sdk-ruby/resultsreader.rb, line 538
def each()
  if !@valid
    raise"Cannot iterate on ResultsReaders out of order.")
invalidate() click to toggle source
# File lib/splunk-sdk-ruby/resultsreader.rb, line 546
def invalidate()
  @valid = false