Splunk® App for Edge Hub and Augmented Reality

Splunk AR: Install and Use Splunk App for Edge Hub and Splunk AR

The Splunk App for AR is a required companion app for the Splunk AR mobile app. To learn more, see About the Splunk App for AR.
This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® App for Edge Hub and Augmented Reality. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

About Splunk AR object detection

With the Splunk App for AR and the Splunk AR mobile app version 3.0.0 or higher, you can use object detection to get real-time data about assets such as equipment, machinery, and more. Splunk AR supports text and logo detection. Text and logo images are anchors for Splunk AR to place augmented reality visualizations. These anchors are a type of asset.

To learn how to register an asset with object detection, see Register assets using object detection in the Splunk App for AR in the Splunk AR mobile app Use Splunk AR manual.

Text detection

Text detection uses optical character recognition (OCR) technology. Splunk AR uses text as an asset identifier and a visual anchor for placing augmented reality visualizations.

For example, you can associate foot traffic metrics with a classroom number.

Text detection requires the text to be in a single line.

Logo detection

Logo detection uses logos as an asset identifier and visual anchor for placing augmented reality visualizations.

For example, you can associate service metrics with the logo of an appliance.

Object detection with beacons or geofences

To distinguish between assets that have the same logo or text, use object detection with beacons or geofences.

Geofences are GPS-based boundaries that allow a mobile device to trigger an action, such as receiving dashboards, when the mobile device enters or exits the area. Beacons are Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices that broadcast their location and associated data to nearby mobile devices.

See About geofences with Splunk AR and About beacons with Splunk AR to learn more about how beacons and geofences.

For example, you can create a geofence around "Classroom 100" and associate it with foot traffic metrics. Then, create another geofence around a different building that has a classroom with the same number. While you're using the Splunk AR app, Splunk AR uses your location and detects if you're within one of the geofences. When you scan the text string "Classroom 100," the Splunk AR app shows you metrics for the "Classroom 100" that you're close to.

You can also use beacons to distinguish assets with the same text string or logo. For example, pair the appliances that have the same logo with their own beacons. When you scan the logo, Splunk AR shows you data for that particular appliance based on the beacon within your proximity.

Geofences work best when defining an area that's at least as large as a GPS-visible location, such as a building and its classrooms. Since beacon proximity distinction can be very granular, use beacons with more local areas, such as a warehouse with appliances.

Last modified on 19 January, 2022
About Splunk AR asset tags   Associate data with locations using Splunk AR

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® App for Edge Hub and Augmented Reality: 1.0.0, 1.10.0, 1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.3.0, 1.4.1

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