Splunk® App for Edge Hub and Augmented Reality

Splunk AR: Install and Use Splunk App for Edge Hub and Splunk AR

The Splunk App for AR is a required companion app for the Splunk AR mobile app. To learn more, see About the Splunk App for AR.

About AR workspaces

An augmented reality (AR) workspace is a template for dashboard data. Register an asset that produces or refers to data, associate the asset with an AR workspace, and fill the AR workspace with Splunk data. When you scan the asset tag with the Splunk AR camera, you can see dashboard visualizations placed on top of real-world objects. You can interact with, adjust, and add notes to visualizations in augmented reality.

When you scan an asset, Splunk AR identifies the data you want to view, retrieves it from your Splunk platform instance, and displays the data on your mobile device. You can resize and reposition AR workspaces, and add augmented reality notes to describe your data.

See Visualization support in the Splunk Secure Gateway Release Notes Manual for more information about compatible visualizations.

Use case for AR workspaces

An AR workspace is a powerful tool for investigating a collection of data-producing parts. Here's an example of how AR workspaces can make data more accessible.

A technician needs to service a power generator that isn't working. The generator has many cables and systems that are indistinguishable at first glance. The technician can scan an asset tag on the generator and render an AR workspace on their mobile device. The AR workspace contains values for each of the generator components, overlaid on their respective cables and systems. The AR workspace also contains notes to identify values and communicate important information about the generator. The AR visualizations and notes allow the technician to identify which cables or systems require maintenance.

Once the technician identifies the issue and fixes the generator, the AR visualizations update in real time. As the generator values change, so do the values in the AR workspace. The technician confirms that the power generator is working.

AR workspaces as templates

Think of AR workspaces as templates for positioning visualizations. After you select a dashboard, you can populate a new or existing AR workspace with data.

If you start with a new AR workspace, the augmented reality data displays in a default grid position. From the default position, you can adjust the visualizations and add notes.

If you select an existing workspace, The data populates the AR workspace in the layout of the existing workspace you selected and Splunk AR creates new panels for any additional visualizations. Notes in the existing AR workspace carry over to the AR workspace you create. From the existing workspace, you can adjust the visualizations, add, and edit notes.

If your organization has a large number of data-producing assets, you can use templates to quickly fill AR workspaces with real-time data. For example, if you want to monitor hundreds or thousands of motors, you can register the motors as assets, and insert the asset IDs as form inputs. Then, create an AR workspace, position the augmented reality visualizations on the respective parts of a motor, and use a single workspace and dashboard for all motors.

See Insert an asset ID as a form input in Splunk AR to learn how to use an asset ID as a form input.

Create and view AR workspaces

You can create AR workspaces in the Splunk app for AR on your web browser or in the Splunk AR mobile app.

Splunk AR does not support all visualizations. See App-specific limitations in the Splunk Secure Gateway Release Notes manual.

To create AR workspaces in the Splunk AR mobile app, see Associate an object with a dashboard in Splunk AR with asset tags.

To create AR workspaces in the Splunk App for AR, see Associate objects with dashboards in the Splunk App for AR with asset tags.

To view AR workspaces with your mobile device, see View Splunk dashboards and AR workspaces using Splunk AR.

Last modified on 28 January, 2022
About geofences with Splunk AR   Edit, add notes, and associate data with workspaces in the Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® App for Edge Hub and Augmented Reality: 1.0.0, 1.10.0, 1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.3.0, 1.4.1, 2.0.0, 2.0.2, 2.1.0, 3.0.0, 3.0.1, 4.0.0, 4.0.1, 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.3.0, 4.3.1, 4.4.0, 4.5.0, 4.6.0, 4.7.1, 4.8.0

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